Twelve species of Tubuliferous thrips, of the family Phlaeothripidae had been reported from Iraq. Two of these were reported previously, Haplothrips cerealis Priesner, by El-Haidari and Daoud 1971 and Haplothrips tritici kurdjumov by Al-Ali 1977 and the rest were recorded for the first time: these are Haplothrips hukkineni Priesner; Haplothrips subtilissimus (Haliday); Haplothrips reuteri Karny; Haplothrips jasonis Priesner; Haplothrips sallloumensis Priesner; Haplothrips pharao Priesner; Phlaeothrips sycomri Priesner; Karnyothrips flavipus (Jones); Karnyothrips melaleucus (Bagnall); Dolicholepta micrurus (Bagnall). Number of insect's specimens, localities, date of collection and host plants were given.
Hemipteran species of alfalfa plant surveyed in Abu Ghraib, Baghdad during the months of April, May and October of 2010. The study was registered, eight species belonging to eight genera and six families. The results showed that Deracoris sp. Kirschbaum,1855 and Campylomma diversicornis Reuter, 1878 the most abundant species while Lygaeus pandurus Scop. and Pyrrhocorius apterus (Linnaeus 1758) were the lowest during the study period.
This research includes a detaile description of new species Rhyncomya irakensis sp. nov.
from Iraq.
Localities distribution, host plants and data of collection were recorded.
This research includes a detailed morphological description of
the Sarcophaga dialensis sp . nov . in Iraq . Many morphological characters are used in identification especially chaetotaxy and male genitalia .Locality records , data of collection and host plant were mentioned.
Five species of Trogoderma Berthold are reported from Iraq. These are: I inclus,n LeCont. T.
granarium Everts, T. variable Ballion. I. bactrianum Zantiev and T. irroraturn Reitter. A key
to the species is presented, with redeseriptions and illustrations of all species.
Three isolated bacteria were examined to remove heavy metals from the industrial wastewater of the Diala State Company of Electrical Industries, Diyala-Iraq. The isolated bacteria were identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB). The three isolates were used as an adsorption factor for different concentrations of Lead and Copper (100, 150, and 200 ppm.), in order to examine the adsorption efficiency of these isolates. In addition, the effect of three factors on heavy metals adsorption were examined; temperature (25, 30, and 37 ?C), pH (3 and 4.5) and contact time (2 and 24 hrs). The results showed that the highest level of lead adsorption was obtained at 37 ?C by E. coli, P, aerugenosa and
... Show MoreThis work includes a detailed description of the Leucostoma nigricorpuris sp. nov. from
Iraq. Locality, host plants and data of collection were given.
One hundred Ninty two s mples were collected from (Cooling towers) between the period 1 /l/2004-13/12/2005. The Results Rev a)ecL that physical and chemic:a) analysefor watr samples including Tempera re,, pH and cWodde concentration ranges were f01:md
... Show MoreWohlfahrtia longicorpuris sp. nov., from Iraq described, illustrated and distinguished from related species. The adults were reared from larvae collected from ulcer of a human face. Wohlfahrtia Brauer and Bergenstam is one of most important genus,which contains 19 species (Pape, 1998), some of these produce myiasis in mammals (Verves,1985).Taxonomic revision of this genus has been carried out by the following authors: Rohdendrof (1956), Zumpt (1965) and Pape (1996).