This research includes a detaile description of new species Rhyncomya irakensis sp. nov.
from Iraq.
Localities distribution, host plants and data of collection were recorded.
The present study provides the first record species of the genus Lithobius Leach, 1814, L. ferganensis (Trotzina, 1894) which was collected from the middle of Iraq. A detailed explanation of the morphology and the diagnostic characters of specimens of both sexes is provided.
A survey of haemoproteids among the eight species of Iraq rallids were carried out in the
middle, south, and west of Iraq. Two haemoproteods were recorded, Haeomproteus porzanae
(Galli-Valerio, 1907) as a new record for Iraq and the new species H. baghdadensis described
from Fulica atra L. collected in the middle of Iraq.
Astragalus mesogitanus is a new recorded species for Iraqi flora, from Onobrychium genus section, was collected from Erbil district, all morphological features were described in details as well as some micromorphological character as the trichomes and were provided with dimensions and plates, section key was also updated which illustrated the importance of standard (corolla) trichomes in species identification. Keywords: Astragalus, Fabaceae, Iraq, New record, Onobrychium, Trichomes.
The present work deals with five species of parasitic Hymenoptera belonging to Pteromalidae, Eupelmidae and Eurytornidae which have been reared from brachid beetles. A new species, Eurytoma irakensis is described and the species, Bruchocida orientalis Crawford is recorded for the first time from Iraq.
This work was included external morphological study of horse fly Tabanus indrae Hauser 1939 new record in Iraq, which belongs to family: Tabanidae order: Diptera. The study was involved the most important taxonomic external characters of the: head, thorax, abdomen and their appendages which are: antenna, maxillary palp, wings, legs, spotting in coloring pattern and female genitalia of abdomen
Three scolopacids out of 150 are found infected with Haemoproteus scolopaci Galli-
Valerio 1929 and H. tringae n. sp. A detailed description of the new taxon is presented along
with a comparison of the diagnostic measurements between the two species.
Haemoproteus burhinus is described from the stone curlew, Burhinus oedicnemus saharae (Reichenow) from Al-Attariya, 45 km SE Baghdad city middle of Iraq. It is related to but differs from H. peireci in that it hypertrophied the erythrocyte and the erythrocyte nucleus is always laterally displaced in microgametocytes.
The survey was carried out From January to April of 2018 on macrofungi samples collected from different places in Halabja province located in north eastern parts of Iraq-Kurdistan region. This region is rich in forest trees and pasture lands with diversity of shrubs and herbs and is expected to support the growth of several macro fungal species. However, this part of Kurdistan in Iraq is still unexplored from macrofungal point of view. In this paper three species from Pezizaceae and Pyronemataceae families that belonging to (Pezizales, Ascomycota), were reported from Iraqi Kurdistan. These macrofungal species are recorded for the first time from Iraq. Also the species were identified and showing their locations distributed on a map prepared
... Show MoreThe effect of some environment faetor (different temperature and relative humidity) on the biology of the old world- screw worm, were studied under laboratory condition, the result showed that non of the eggs hatched at 15°c and under dried eondition which relative humidity between 20-40%, also result showed that the mature larvae needs one days to become pupa since it leaves the larval died at the temperature ranged between 25-40°C at different humidity rates. While it needs 3 days under lower temperature and different humidity to become pu^, on the other hand the results showed that either low temperature and dried condition or high temperature at different humidity rates cause non of pupa became adult. While low temperature (15-20) °c
... Show MoreSystole merazvensis sp. n. from Iraq, is described, figuri4 and differentiated from ,other species of the genus Systok.