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Determination of some Optimum Conditions for Bioremediation of Some Heavy Metals by Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Determination of some Optimum Conditions for Bioremediation of Some Heavy Metals by Saccharomyces cerevisiae

The study aimed to determine of some Optimum conditions for bioremediation and removing of seven mineral elements included hexavalent chromium, nickel, cobalt, cadmium, lead, iron and copper as either alone or in group by living and heat treated cells of baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The dried baker's yeast from Aldnaamaya China Company was used in this study. Biochemical tests was used to ensure yeast belonging to S. cerevisiae and then used to remove the mentioned mineral elementes under different conditions which included incubation period, pH, and temperature. It was found that the best of these conditions was 60 minutes for duration of incubation, 6 for pH, 25 ᵒC for temperature. During the study the behavior of living and heat treated cells in their efficiency of removing the metal elements was also followed and no differences were found.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Antifungal Activity of Some New Binuclear Complexes

Three complexes of copper(II) and iron(II) with mixed ligands acetylacetonebis(thio-semicarbazone)- ABTSH2 and benzaldazine- BA have been prepared and characterized using different physico-chemical techniques including the determination of metal contents, mole-cular weight, measurement of molar conductivity, magnetic moment, molar refraction, infrared and electronic spectra. Accordingly, octahedral complexes having general formulaes [Cu2(ABTSH2)2(BA)2Cl2]Cl2 and [M2(ABTSH2)2(BA)2(SO4)2] {M= Cu(II) or (Fe(II)} have been proposed. The resulted complexes screened for antifungal activity in vitro against the citrus pathogen Aspergillus niger and Fusarium sp. which caused root rot of sugar and the beans pathogen Alternaria sp. All the complex

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah J. Sci
Some Properties of 2-Coprobabilistic Normed Space

The primary purpose of this paper is to introduce the, 2- coprobabilistic normed space, coprobabilistic dual space of 2- coprobabilistic normed space and give some facts that are related of them

Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Immunological Effectiveness of Some Common Plants

Three plant species were picked randomly and their alcoholic extracts have been screened to know their effects on the phagocytic capability and intracellular killing of yeast by human peripheral macrophages. Macrophage cultures were incubated with different concentration of each plant extract: for 15 min., 30 min .and 45 min. The phagocytes activity in Iresine herbstii extract was significantly (p?0.05) increased with increasing dose and time of incubation. In Mentha piperita extract, increasing in dose and time of incubation leads to elevate phagocytic capbility, especially in the dose of 20% and 25% of plant extract, perhaps because the antimicrobial and antiviral activities of this plant, as well as strong antioxidant and antitumor act

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl.
Some types of fibrewise fuzzy topological spaces

The aim of this paper is to introduce and study the notion type of fibrewise topological spaces, namely fibrewise fuzzy j-topological spaces, Also, we introduce the concepts of fibrewise j-closed fuzzy topological spaces, fibrewise j-open fuzzy topological spaces, fibrewise locally sliceable fuzzy j-topological spaces and fibrewise locally sectionable fuzzy j-topological spaces. Furthermore, we state and prove several Theorems concerning these concepts, where j = {δ, θ, α, p, s, b, β}.

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Publication Date
Thu May 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Types of Compactness in Bitopological Spaces

  In this paper, we give the concept of N-open set in bitopological spaces, where N is the first letter of the name of one of the authors, then we used this concept to define a new kind of compactness, namely N-compactness and we define the N-continuous function in bitopological spaces.         We study some properties of N-compact spaces, and the relationships between this kind and two other known kinds which are S-compactness and pair-wise compactness.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Some Properties of Fuzzy Inner Product Space

     Our goal in the present paper is to introduce a new type of fuzzy inner product space. After that, to illustrate this notion, some examples are introduced. Then we prove that that every fuzzy inner product space is a fuzzy normed space. We also prove that the cross product of two fuzzy inner spaces is again a fuzzy inner product space. Next, we prove that the fuzzy inner product is a non decreasing function. Finally, if U is a fuzzy complete fuzzy inner product space and D is a fuzzy closed subspace of U, then we prove that U can be written as a direct sum of D and the fuzzy orthogonal complement    of D.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Conference Of Computational Methods In Sciences And Engineering Iccmse 2021
Some new properties of soft Lc-spaces

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of some environmental factors ondevelopment

That less duration takes larva mature into a virgin under field conditions is one day during Alguetrh from April to October and last longer to more than a day during Alguetrh from November to February and up to nine days in January when low minimum temperature to zero degreespercentage that these larvae can not be a high percentage in the field ranging from 90-100% reduced Hessian Alnsphaly 85% during the months of July and Cape

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Estimating excess of lung risk factor of radon gas for some houses in Al-Fallujah city

Instruments for the measurements of radon, thoron and its decay
products in air are based mostly on the detection of alpha particles.
The health hazards of radon on general public are well known. In
order to understand the level and distribution of 222Rn concentrations
indoor in Al-Fallujah City; new technique was used, this technique
was three radon–thoron mixed field dosimeters is made up of a twin
chamber cylindrical system and three LR-115 type II detectors were
employed. The aim of this work was to measurement radon gas using
SSNTD technique door in in Al-Fallujah City, and estimation of
excess in cancer due to increment in radon gas. Results for samples
which are collected from January to

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences

Radiation therapy plays an important role in improving breast cancer cases, in order to obtain an appropriateestimate of radiation doses number given to the patient after tumor removal; some methods of nonparametric regression werecompared. The Kernel method was used by Nadaraya-Watson estimator to find the estimation regression function forsmoothing data based on the smoothing parameter h according to the Normal scale method (NSM), Least Squared CrossValidation method (LSCV) and Golden Rate Method (GRM). These methods were compared by simulation for samples ofthree sizes, the method (NSM) proved to be the best according to average of Mean Squares Error criterion and the method(LSCV) proved to be the best according to Average of Mean Absolu

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