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            The controversy is currently revolving around industrial additives, including antioxidants, their negative effects on consumer health and the emergence of various and various diseases, which led scientists and researchers to intensify most studies on natural antioxidants and their synthesis from medicinal plants mentioned in ancient medicine and in divine books as potential antioxidants of increasing importance. Therefore, this study was designed to synthesize silver nitrate particles from plant leaf extracts (Figs, Olives, and Moringa) and study their effect on bacterial inhibition of each of the undesirable Coliform bacteria (E-Coli,- gram) and the streptococcus bacteria of (Staphylococcus aureus + Gram) and antioxidants after analysis of phytochemicals and essential compounds of these plants. The results showed that it contained a high percentage of phenols and total flavonoids, followed by coumarin, then it contained good amounts of alkaloids, tannins, saponins, resins, terpenes and steroids. The study also showed a high and significant inhibition of the plant mixture nano extract on coliform bacteria, as well as streptococcus bacteria, in addition to its effectiveness as an antioxidant compared to the synthetic antioxidant Butylated Hydroxy Toluene (BHT) and the extract of the natural combination. The results of this study proved that the leaves of the plants blend (Fig, Olive and Moringa) are an excellent natural source of anti-bacterial and antioxidant effects that interfere with their effects on public health. Therefore, this botanical mixture, as mentioned in the Great Book of God (Figs, Olives, and Sennin phase) has great benefits and a promising future in several areas, including nutritional supplements and food additives for various food products instead of industrial oxidation additives and their known side effects, in addition to that this mixture has a promising future. Also in the manufacture of fast-curing Nano medicines in direct contact with pathogens.                                         .                                                      

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 11 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of gamma irradiation and ZnO nano particles on the A.C electrical conductivity of polyaniline
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Conducting polyaniline / ZnO nano composites are synthesized
using a simplified cheap method with one step in –situ chemical
polymerization, and AC conductivity (σac) of the prepared samples is
studied in the range of frequency from 50 Hz to 15MHz.). The
presence of polarons in the conjugated polymer chain are responsible
for the ac conductivity is reliance on the frequency in these
composites. The effect of increasing the ZnO nano particle
concentration irradiation and gamma radiation on the electric
conductivity was analyzed. The result showed that the
nanocomposite prepared has the highest conductivity, from pure
polyaniline and the exponential factor S was found increasing with
ZnO content it was 0

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of Walled Nano-Carbon on the Physical, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy
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The physical, the thermal and the mechanical properties of Nano-composites, that consisted of Polyprime EP epoxy that reinforced by multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), have been studied. Various loading ratios, 0.1, 0.5, and 1 wt. %of MWCNT shave been infused into epoxy by a magnetic stirrer and then the hardener mixed with the mthat supplied with the epoxy. All sample shave been cutting using CNC machine. Tensile test, three-point bending, hardness tests, lee's disk, differential scanning calorimetry, water absorption and dielectric and electrical conductivity test were utilized on unfilled, MWCNT-filled epoxy to identify the loading effect on the properties of materials. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to determine the

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Heat Treatment and Pressure on Some Electrical Properties of Nano Polycarbonate
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In the present research, the electrical properties which included the ac-conductivity (σac), loss tangent of dielectric (tan δ) and real dielectric constant (ε’) are studied for nano polycarbonate in different pressures and frequencies as a function of temperature these properties were studied at selective temperature gradients which are (RT-50-100-150-250)°C. The results of the study showed that the values of dielectric constant and dissipation factor increase with increasing pressure and temperature and decreases by increasing frequency. And the results of electrical conductivity showed that it increases with increasing temperature, pressure and frequency.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 17 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Nano Powder on Mechanical and Physical Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite
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Fiber reinforced polymer composite is an important material for structural application. The diversified application of FRP composite has taken center of attraction for interdisciplinary research. However, improvements on mechanical properties of this class of materials are still under research for different applications. In this paper we have modified the epoxy matrix by Al2O3, SiO2 and TiO2 nano particles in glass fiber/epoxy composite to improve the mechanical and physical properties. The composites are fabricated by hand lay-up method. It is observed that mechanical properties like flexural strength, hardness are more in case of SiO2 modified epoxy composite compare to other nano

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Open Engineering
Effect of nano-TiO<sub>2</sub> on physical and rheological properties of asphalt cement
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Abstract<p>In recent years, nano-modified asphalt has gained significant attraction from researchers in the design of asphalt pavement fields. The recently discovered Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO<sub>2</sub>) are among the most exciting and promising nanomaterials. This study examines the effect of 1, 3, 5, and 7% of nano-TiO<sub>2</sub> by weight of asphalt on some of its rheological and hardened properties. The experimental study included physical and rheological properties. The asphalt penetration, softening point, ductility, and rotational viscometer tests indicate that 5% nano-TiO<sub>2</sub> is the ideal amount to be added to bitumen as a modifier. The </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Modeling sequential preparation with rheumatoid tonsils in Nineveh for the period 2004-2009
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             In this research will be treated with a healthy phenomenon has a significant impact on different age groups in the community, but a phenomenon tonsillitis where they will be first Tawfiq model slope self moving averages seasonal ARMA Seasonal through systematic Xbox Cengnzla counter with rheumatoid tonsils in the city of Mosul, and for the period 2004-2009 with prediction of these numbers coming twelve months, has found that the specimen is the best representation of the data model is the phenomenon SARMA (1,1) * (2,1) 12  from the other side and explanatory variables using a maximum temperature and minimum temperature, sol

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
2015 37th Annual International Conference Of The Ieee Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society (embc)
Tsallis entropy as a biomarker for detection of Alzheimer's disease
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 14 2021
Journal Name
Biosense Dementia 2017 - International Workshop On Biosensors For Dementia From 13 – 14 June 2017 – Plymouth University, Plymouth, Uk
Changes in the Electroencephalogram as a Biomarker of Alzheimer’s Disease
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The rapid increase in the number of older people with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other forms of dementia represents one of the major challenges to the health and social care systems because of a large number of people affected. Early detection of AD makes it possible for patients to access appropriate services and to benefit from new treatments and therapies, as and when they become available, and to plan for the future. The onset of AD starts many years before the clinical symptoms become clear. A biomarker that can measure the brain changes in this period would be useful for early diagnosis of AD. Potentially, the electroencephalogram (EEG) can play a valuable role in early detection of AD. Damage caused to the brain due to AD leads t

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Animal Nutrition And Feed Technology
Insect Meal as a Source of Protein in Animal Diet
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 16 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Chemistry
Synthesis of Phthalimide Imine Derivatives as a Potential Anticancer Agent
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The outstanding evidence of phthalimide pharmacophore in securing enhanced biological activities had encouraged further research and development into phthalimide-based derivatives as potential new drugs. In this study, phthalimide core was hybridized with aldehydes giving integrated imines displaying different types of functionalities and at alternating positions. The resulting compounds, therefore, provide an innovative window to explore possible differential biological effects as antioxidants and anticancer agents. A total of sixteen compounds were synthesized, and each was verified by FT-IR, H NMR, C NMR, and MS characterization. Herein, a facile single-step synthesis method was employed substituting the conventional two-step che

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