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            A laboratory experiment was carried out during winter season of 2021 in the Seed Technology Laboratory- College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/ University of Baghdad, to find out the allopathic effects of aerobic and terrestrial aqueous extracts of Artemisia vulgaris L. on the seed germination and seedling growth of linseed. A factorial experiment according to a completely randomized design (CRD)at three replicates was used; the first factor in clouded type of aqueous extract for two plant parts which were aerobic (stems and leaves) and terrestrial (root and rhizomes), while the second factor included five concentrations of each aqueous extract of plant part 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. The results showed that there was significant effect of aqueous extract types on the studied traits; the terrestrial aqueous extract gave the highest germination percentage 64.67% and germination speed 25.37%/d, whereas the aerobic aqueous extract gave a highest mean of radicle length 2.5936 cm. Regarding of aqueous extract concentrations of Artemisia vulgaris weed, the concentration of 25% of Artemisia aqueous extract was significantly superior and achieved the highest mean of germination speed 27.25 %/day, shoot length 3.98 cm, radicle dry weight 0.0043 g and shoot dry weight 0.0239 g, while the control treatment 0% was significantly superior in the germination percentage 100% and radicle length 2.6615 cm. The interaction between two factors had significant effect on the germination percentage and germination speed only.

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Content Assessment of the Sciences Textbooks of Grades (1-4) in the Light of International Standards in Mathematics and Science TIMSS 2019 (Cognitive Process Dimension)
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The current research aims to determine the requirements of Trends of International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2019) and to find out the extent to which the content of science textbooks for grades (1-4) in the Sultanate of Oman includes the requirements of (TIMSS 2019). Only the Cognitive Process dimension has been considered when conducting the analysis. The study population includes all science books from the first to the fourth grade for the academic year 2021-2022. The study identified and organized the requirements in the study tool, which is a list of requirements of (TIMSS 2019). After confirming its validity and reliability, the analysis was performed, and data were collected and analyzed statistically using frequencies

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Difficulties of scientific research in the financial and administrative fieldaccording to the quality standardsfrom the point of view of the teachers
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The research aims to identify the most important difficulties facing the scientific research in the technical university in the financial, organizational and administrative according to the quality standards according to the paragraphs studied in the questionnaire questionnaire prepared for this purpose, including the research community on the Central Technical University, which includes several technical colleges and technical institutes were selected A sample of the researchers in the Institute of Technical Management where the number of training was 78 teachers took a random sample of researchers amounted to 40% of the questionnaire, and after the collection and classification of data were used statistical means, including the mean ar

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the Causal Relationship between the Financial Infrastructure and Foreign Investments in Malaysia and Indonesia 1990-2013
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The developed financial infrastructure is one of the most important elements for achieving stable financial system in a country. The importance of developed financial infrastructure comes from its role in create economic and financial context attractive for foreign investments. Thus, this paper aims first to measure an index of financial infrastructure, and secondly, to gauge the nexus between the developed financial infrastructure and foreign investments inflow in Malaysia and Indonesia. We estimate the index of financial infrastructure by using different indicators such as (the institutional environment, access to finance, legal environment, and others).

By using the G

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Conference Of Numerical Analysis And Applied Mathematics Icnaam 2019
Spatial and seasonal variation of PO4, NO3 and pH of Mosul dam lake
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Publication Date
Thu May 17 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Swelling Behavior and Drug Release of Interpenetrating Network Composed of PVA and Chitosan
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     PVA and chitosan biodegradable, non-toxic, biocompatible polymers convenient for use in drug release.

In this study polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and chitosan (CS) hydrogels crosslinked with glutaraldehyde (GA) with different ratio morphology and structure characterization interpenetrating polymer network (IPN).They were investigated by Fourier transmission infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscope (SEM), UV-Visible spectrophotometer,swelling of hydrogel and drug release were studied by changing crosslinking ratio and PH.


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Publication Date
Fri Jul 19 2024
Journal Name
Известия Юго-Западного государственного университета. Серия: Лингвистика и педагогика
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Abstract Purpose of research: The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the concept and types of puns in the Russian and Arabic languages. The main focus is on identifying similarities and differences in the definition of a pun, as well as analyzing its various types in both languages. The purpose of the study is to understand how puns are used to achieve comic or semantic effect in different cultural contexts. Methods: The study includes an analysis of literature providing information about puns in Russian and Arabic. For comparative analysis, methods were used to compare concepts, definitions and types of puns in both languages. The phonetic, semantic and syntactic aspects of the pun are considered, and cultural f

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Lxxvi Международная научно-практическая конференция «Научный форум: филология, искусствоведение и культурология»
Comparative analysis of the concept and types of homonyms in Russian and Arabic
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Abstract: This article is a comparative analysis of the concept and types of homonyms in Russian and Arabic. Homonyms are lexical units that have the same sound but different meanings. The study of homonymy in different languages can help reveal the features of the semantic structure and syntactic rules of each language. The article discusses the main aspects of homonymy in Russian and Arabic, as well as a comparative analysis of the types of homonyms that exist in both languages. The study includes an analysis of the semantic meanings of homonyms, their use in context, and possible differences in syntactic features that may affect their interpretation and perception by native speakers of these languages. The purpose of the article is to id

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 23 2024
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics And Pedagogy
Acomparative Analysis of the Concept and Types of Homonyms in Russian and Arabic
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Purpose of research: The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the concept and types of puns in the Russian and Arabic languages. The main focus is on identifying similarities and differences in the definition of a pun, as well as analyzing its various types in both languages. The purpose of the study is to understand how puns are used to achieve comic or semantic effect in different cultural contexts.

Methods: The study includes an analysis of literature providing information about puns in Russian and Arabic. For comparative analysis, methods were used to compare concepts, definitions and types of puns in both languages. The phonetic, semantic and syntactic aspects of the pun are considered,

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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سعي المجتمع العراقي منذ أكثر من نصف قرن مضى لإعادة استثمار عشرات المليارات من الدولارات من الإيرادات النفطية في القطاع الزراعي وهياكله وبنياته التحية، كإنشاء السدود والخزانات المائية واستصلاح الأراضي والمشاريع الإنتاجية الحيوانية والنباتية وبطاقات كادت تقترب او تتجاوز حاجز طلب السكان من الأغذية والمنتوجات الزراعية التي تغذي الصناعة الا ان الزيادة السكانية وتحسن مستوى الدخل النفطي شكلا انتقالا جدي

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Turkish Policy Towards Africa in the Era of the Justice and Development Party
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Turkish policy towards Africa witnessed important developments over time that began before the Ottoman era and then developed during the Ottoman era when the Ottoman state played an important role in maintaining security by confronting Portuguese interventions in North Africa and sending military aid. Thus, the Ottoman state was able to develop its policy towards Africa for important considerations based mainly on the employment of the religious factor and the spread of Islam for the African acceptance of the Ottomans in the African territories and thus, achieve economic, strategic and political motives. Later, these relations declined in the Republican era due to the weak political and economic potential of Turkey on the one hand and th

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