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            A laboratory experiment was carried out during winter season of 2021 in the Seed Technology Laboratory- College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/ University of Baghdad, to find out the allopathic effects of aerobic and terrestrial aqueous extracts of Artemisia vulgaris L. on the seed germination and seedling growth of linseed. A factorial experiment according to a completely randomized design (CRD)at three replicates was used; the first factor in clouded type of aqueous extract for two plant parts which were aerobic (stems and leaves) and terrestrial (root and rhizomes), while the second factor included five concentrations of each aqueous extract of plant part 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. The results showed that there was significant effect of aqueous extract types on the studied traits; the terrestrial aqueous extract gave the highest germination percentage 64.67% and germination speed 25.37%/d, whereas the aerobic aqueous extract gave a highest mean of radicle length 2.5936 cm. Regarding of aqueous extract concentrations of Artemisia vulgaris weed, the concentration of 25% of Artemisia aqueous extract was significantly superior and achieved the highest mean of germination speed 27.25 %/day, shoot length 3.98 cm, radicle dry weight 0.0043 g and shoot dry weight 0.0239 g, while the control treatment 0% was significantly superior in the germination percentage 100% and radicle length 2.6615 cm. The interaction between two factors had significant effect on the germination percentage and germination speed only.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Measures of the British Force in Iraq and their managements to limitate the pread of Malaria among its troops (Documentary Study)
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Historical scripts and Academic studies have bestrewed almost all the events of the movement of march 1941 . Yet the need was present to shine more light on important sides . These important sides were neglected due to some reasons among which came the absence of the historical material which can make a new historical detection. Then there were historical topics concerning our research which comes within context of sanitarily conditions , rarely seizes the attention of the researchers for many reasons some of them were not subjective.
The spread of Malaria among the British force was one of the sanitarily conditions that were related to the movement of march since their arrival to Basra city and its continuous spread after the second

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Preventive measures for banking supervision on money laundering (Search in the Gulf Commercial Bank)
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The research aims to study and assess the effectiveness of preventive measures banking for the reduction of money laundering based on the checklist (Check list), which have been prepared based on the paragraphs of some of the principles and recommendations of international and Money Laundering Act No. 93 of 2004 and the instructions thereto, to examine and assess the application of these measures by Gulf Commercial Bank, which was chosen to perform the search.

I've been a statement the concept of money laundering in terms of the definition and characteristics, stages and effects of political, economic and social as well as the nature of banking supervision in terms of the definition and the most important

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Exploring Important Factors in Predicting Heart Disease Based on Ensemble- Extra Feature Selection Approach
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Heart disease is a significant and impactful health condition that ranks as the leading cause of death in many countries. In order to aid physicians in diagnosing cardiovascular diseases, clinical datasets are available for reference. However, with the rise of big data and medical datasets, it has become increasingly challenging for medical practitioners to accurately predict heart disease due to the abundance of unrelated and redundant features that hinder computational complexity and accuracy. As such, this study aims to identify the most discriminative features within high-dimensional datasets while minimizing complexity and improving accuracy through an Extra Tree feature selection based technique. The work study assesses the efficac

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 02 2011
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haithem Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On modified pr-test double stage shrinkage estimators for estimate the parameters of simple linear regression model
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 20 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Social Sciences
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FR Almoswai, BN Rashid, PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 2017 - Cited by 22

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
SDN-RA: An Optimized Reschedule Algorithm of SDN Load Balancer for Data Center Networks Based on QoS
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Abstract<p>With the development of cloud computing during the latest years, data center networks have become a great topic in both industrial and academic societies. Nevertheless, traditional methods based on manual and hardware devices are burdensome, expensive, and cannot completely utilize the ability of physical network infrastructure. Thus, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has been hyped as one of the best encouraging solutions for future Internet performance. SDN notable by two features; the separation of control plane from the data plane, and providing the network development by programmable capabilities instead of hardware solutions. Current paper introduces an SDN-based optimized Resch</p> ... Show More
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Crossref (3)
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Develo
Modifying effects of boswellia carteri on clarithromycine action: In vitro antibacterial study against common sensitive bacterial strains
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Background:Plant-derived compounds have action alongside Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and numerous compounds, inhibit efflux pumps and hence have become known as efflux pump inhibitors. Clarithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic used to treat pharyngitis, tonsillitis, acute maxillary sinusitis and acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis the antibacterial range is the similar as erythromycin but it is active against Mycobacterium avium complex, M.leprae and atypical mycobacteria. The in vitro antibacterial activity results of different boswellic acid compounds discovered alpha keto-boswellic acid (AKBA) to be the preponderance potent antibacterial compound alongside Gram-positive pathogens, but it showed no significant a

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Scopus (6)
Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Enhancement the sensitivity of humidity sensor based on an agarose infiltration reflection-type photonic crystal fiber interferometer
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Photonic Crystal Fiber Interferometers (PCFIs) are widely used for sensing applications. This work presents the fabrication and study the characterization of a relative humidity sensor based on a polymer-infiltrated photonic crystal fiber that operates in a Mach- Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) reflection mode. The fabrication of the sensor only involves splicing and cleaving Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) with Single Mode Fiber (SMF). A stub of (LMA-10) PCF spliced to SMF (Corning-28). In the splice regions. The PCFI sensor operation based on the adsorption and desorption of water vapour at the silica-air interface within the PCF. The sensor shows a high sensitivity to RH variations from (27% RH - 95% RH), with a change in its reflected powe

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
An experimental cross-section measurement of 10B(n,α)7Li reaction on counting alpha particles track density
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The present work determines the particle size based only on the number of tracks detected in a cluster created by a hot particle on the CR-39 solid state nuclear track detector and depending on the exposure time. The mathematical model of the cross section developed here gives the relationship between alpha particle emitting from the (n, α) reaction and the number of tracks created and distribution of tracks created on the surface of the track detector. In an experiment performed during this work, disc of boron compound (boric acid or sodium tetraborate) of different weights were prepared and exposed to thermal neutron from the source. Chemical etching is processes of path formation in the detector, during which a suitable etching solut

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Ecology
Classification of al-hammar marshes satellite images in Iraq using artificial neural network based on coding representation
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