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            A laboratory experiment was carried out during winter season of 2021 in the Seed Technology Laboratory- College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/ University of Baghdad, to find out the allopathic effects of aerobic and terrestrial aqueous extracts of Artemisia vulgaris L. on the seed germination and seedling growth of linseed. A factorial experiment according to a completely randomized design (CRD)at three replicates was used; the first factor in clouded type of aqueous extract for two plant parts which were aerobic (stems and leaves) and terrestrial (root and rhizomes), while the second factor included five concentrations of each aqueous extract of plant part 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. The results showed that there was significant effect of aqueous extract types on the studied traits; the terrestrial aqueous extract gave the highest germination percentage 64.67% and germination speed 25.37%/d, whereas the aerobic aqueous extract gave a highest mean of radicle length 2.5936 cm. Regarding of aqueous extract concentrations of Artemisia vulgaris weed, the concentration of 25% of Artemisia aqueous extract was significantly superior and achieved the highest mean of germination speed 27.25 %/day, shoot length 3.98 cm, radicle dry weight 0.0043 g and shoot dry weight 0.0239 g, while the control treatment 0% was significantly superior in the germination percentage 100% and radicle length 2.6615 cm. The interaction between two factors had significant effect on the germination percentage and germination speed only.

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
The Use of Elements of Film Expression and their Role in Narrative Transitions: محمد أكرم عبد الجليل
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Many studies and researches related to the audio and visual medium have shed light on the creative process that has taken place through them as well as the aesthetic and artistic creation and have dealt with many fields of knowledge and creativity in this field of art, which managed to study and follow its intellectual and technical tools for creating achievements through this medium, in its forefront come the elements of the cinematic language, which is characterized by possessing multiple features of aesthetic and semantic employment to reach the recipient as it is a tool of the artistic expression that gives the material it deals with aesthetic and intellectual dimensions from various aspects. "The artistic expression cannot be achiev

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation and diagnosis of new types of Schiff bases one-and two- claw and complexes to study the effectiveness of chemical
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In this research we prepared shiff bases unilateral claw( benzyl imine aniline ) and Bilateral claw ( benzayal-2-imine phenol ) in high purity reach to 98% , which it's prepared from aromatic amine with aldehydes, it's solid,thermosetting, not dissolved in water in general. Diagnosed prepared article by using infra red spectroscopy (IR) which shows azomethen grop at 1640cm-1 At this diagnosis we suggest tetra headral mechanism in this Circumstances For a reaction.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The importance of cash flow statement in reducing credit risk and liquidity: بحث تطبيقي في مصرف الرشيد
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Banks face different types of banking risks that limit the performance of its functions and achieve its objectives, including the financial risk that is based on current research into two types including a credit and liquidity risks. And established credit risk due to the possibility of delaying the borrowers to fulfill their obligations to the bank when due or non-payments on according to the terms agreed upon, while liquidity risk arises as a result of the inability of the bank to fund the financial needs, any inability to provide cash to pay its obligations short on credit without achieving tangible loss or the inability to employ the funds properly and show the liquidity risk in the event of inadequate cash inflows to the bank for an

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effectiveness of the organization and its role in achieving the requirements of Strategic success: A survey study of the opinions of a sample of workers at the Asia Telecom Company in Baghdad
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The research aims present to highlight the importance of creating construction Organizational appropriate to achieve strategic success and reduce many of the negative effects experienced by organizations has been developing his questionnaire especially so was distributed to a sample of workers in the Asia-cellular as sample included (60) responsive 0 and can embody intellectual dilemma following questions (What are the dimensions of the organizational infrastructure, and what are the justifications for carrying out the reform and development cleared the organizational structure to make it more flexible) to contribute to the achievement of the strategic requirements for success of the organization surveyed.
Find recommended a number o

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 21 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Aflatoxin B1 among Early and Middle Childhood Iraqi Patients
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      The study was conducted for the detection of Aflatoxin B1(AFB1) in the serum and urine of 42 early and middle childhood patients (26 male and  16 female ) with renal function disease, liver function disease, in additional to atrophy in the growth and other symptoms depending on the information within consent obtained from each patient, in addition to 8 children, apparently healthy, as  the control. The technique of HPLC was used for the detection of AFB1 from all samples. The results showed that out of 42 patient children, 19 (45.2%) gave positive detection of AFB1 in the serum among all age groups patients with a mean of 0.88 ng/ml and a range of (0.12-3.04) ng/ml. This was compared with the cont

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Rights of the Non-Muslims During the Rule of the Prophet Mohammed and Rashidians Succession Theoretically With Historical Witnesses
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(Thimma) in Arabic means compact, and immunity. (People of Thimma) are the free non-Muslim people under Muslim rule. This includes Heavenly Religions people, i. e., Christian and Jews).
They have been called (People of Thimma) because they had paid (Jizyah: tribute) so they became safe for their souls, honor, properties at the custody of Muslims.
Islamic law had posed (Jizyah: tribute) upon the Jews and Christians who were living under Muslim rule as a reaction of not embracing Islam Faith against securing their rights and freedom.
Freedoms secured by Islam for the (People of Thimma) had been many, including the right of faith, not coercing them to be Muslim, the right to live, to possess properties, protect and secure them, the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Phonological, dialectical and semantic explanation of the two phenomena of substitution and compulsion in the book of translation Thirty surahs from the Noble Qur’an by Ibn Khallouh d. 370 AH
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This research aims to find out the phonemic, dialect and semantic ailments that were interrogated by the book of the parsing of thirty surahs of the Noble Qur’an by Ibn Khalawiyeh, by examining some phonemic phenomena of Qur’anic expressions and their explanatory relationships that resulted in their occurrence, such as substitution and compression, as the sounds in a word are affected by one another, especially during performance and composition. This influence and influence is the tendency of the human being to the law of ease, facilitation, and the reduction of muscular effort in speech often, all for the purpose of obtaining phonemic harmony for the compound letters; To facilitate pronunciation; And get rid of the muscular effort

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Management by Walking Around on the Strategic Renewal of Business Organizations (Field Research in a Sample of Excellent grade hotels - in Baghdad)
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يهدف هذا العمل الى بيان طبيعة العلاقة بين الادارة بالتجوال والتجديد الاستراتيجي ، ومدى تأثير المتغير المستقل في المتغير التابع. تضمنت فقرات الاستبانة بوصفه الأداة الرئيسة لجمع البيانات ثلاث جوانب اساسية، تضمن الاول البيانات الشخصية للمستجيبين، فيما تضمن الجانب الثاني الفقرات الخاصة بمتغير الادارة بالتجوال من خلال خمسة ابعاد، فيما اشتمل الجانب الثالث على فقرات التجديد الاستراتيجي عبر تناول اربعة ابعاد. ي

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
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This research investigates the importance of social accounting and the auditor’s report. It basically checks if there is an impact of social accounting on the auditor’s report at the availability the INTOSAI standards No. (1700 and 1706). The study recruited 105 employees of the Federal Financial Supervision Office in Iraq. Data were collected using questionnaire. The questionnaire validity and reliability were checked to assure the truthfulness of the findings. The study found a positive correlation and a statistically significant effect between the accounting for social responsibility and the auditor’s report. It is necessarily recommended for the auditor and the bodies working in the Board of Supreme Audit to ensure the inclusio

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Industrial Engineering & Management Systems
Empirically Measuring the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Earnings Management in Listed Banks of the Iraqi Stock Exchange: The Mediating Role of Corporate Governance
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The current study is based on previous findings, where corporate governance (CG) significantly increased corporate social responsibility (CSR) to enhance transparency while reducing the tendency of corporate management to engage in earnings management (EM). A sample of 11 Iraqi banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2020 was selected. The CG was included in the board size and board independence apart from the variables of Chief Executive Officer (CEOs) gender, majority shareholder ownership, foreign ownership, and institutional ownership. The CSR included the wage growth rate, bank contribution growth rate for social security, training programmes, subsidies, environmental protection, and bank compliance with the law. Specifica

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