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A field experiment was carried out at the research station of the College of Agriculture - Wasit University / Kut, during the fall season 2021 in soil with texture (sandy mixture) using the RCBD design in the arrangement of splintered plates and with three replications, to study the effect of spraying different combinations of organic emulsion (Appetizer) and NPK nano fertilizer with urea fertilizer on the growth of synthetic cultivars of yellow corn. The main panels included three synthetic varieties of yellow corn (Fajr1, Sumer and Baghdad3), which symbolized by (V1,V2,V3) in sequence, while the secondary panels included five fertilization treatments in which mineral fertilizer (urea) was used 46% nitrogen with the full recommendation (300 kg/ha-1) (control treatment) symbolized by T1 and (adding urea according to the recommendation with the addition of the organic emulsion (Appetizer) in two batches before flowering and full flowering) and symbolized by T2 and (adding urea according to the recommendation with nano-NPK in two batches before flowering and full flowering) and symbolized by T3 and (reduction of the recommendation treatment in the first and second batches with the addition of the organic emulsion (Appetizer) in two batches before flowering and full flowering) and symbolized by T4 and (reduction of the recommendation treatment in the first and second batches with the addition of nano-NPK in two batches before flowering and full flowering) It is symbolized by T5. The results showed that there were significant differences between the different fertilization treatments, as the T5 nano fertilization treatment achieved the highest average in most of the growth and quality indicators, It gave the highest average number of days from planting up to 75% of male flowering amounted to 68.00 days and the highest average number of days from planting to 75% of female flowering amounted to 73.44 days and the highest plant height (172.96 cm) and ear height (70.01 cm), the number of leaves per plant (15.23) and the content of The chlorophyll of the leaf under the ear (60.09). The results also showed that the Baghdad3 variety excelled in most of the growth indicators and gave the highest average number of days from planting up to 75% of male flowering amounting to 66.07 days and the highest average number of days from planting up to 75% of female flowering amounted to 72.00 days and the highest plant height (170.04 cm) and ear height (67.11 cm), the number of leaves per plant (14.26), the chlorophyll content of the leaf under the ear (55.49). The interaction between fertilization treatments and cultivars was not significant for most of the growth characteristics.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Sttudy off Facttorrs Associiatted wii tth Chii lldhood Nephrrott iic Syndrrome,, Frrequentt Rellapsiing and IInff rrequentt Rellapsiing Type
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n each relapse. Objjec tt iiv es :: To sttudy diifffferentt ffacttors whiich miightt be associiatted or lleadiing tto
tthe occurrence off rellapse iin nephrottiic syndrome
Metthods:: A retrospective study of seventy patients with nephrotic syndrome with age range of 1-14 years, who were diagnosed and treated in Child's Central Teaching Hospital over the period of 1st of January and 1st of July 2008.
The patients were divided into three groups; frequent relapses group, infrequent relapses group and undetermined group. We compared between frequent relapses group and infrequent relapses group in regard to age, sex, type of presentation, biochemical findings which include; total serum protein, serum albumin and renal function test,

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
Theatrical Visual System between the Cultural Identity and Globalization Culture Iraqi Theatre as Case Study: فرحان عمران موسى
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It seems that the features of the theatrical discourse , since its early establishment by the Greeks, were cultural features specifically confined to that society. Such features determined the direction of the theatrical discourse for this state instead of that state. There could be some sort of similarity among those features , nevertheless they remained within the general humanitarian framework . What achieved relatedness were those features and particularities that distinguished the theatrical community. Such features and particularities vary from one show to another. This is what we call " Local Specificity" .The Iraqi theatrical memory has always emphasized the concept of Experimentation through originality and renewal since the arr

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The servant leadership and its impact in organizational trust An analytical study in oil products distribution company / Baghdad
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The research aims at the relationship between Servant leadership dimensions test as an independent variable and an organizational trust as a variable dependent. Thus it was necessary to answer the following question: Is there a correlation relationship and impact between Servant leadership dimensions and organizational trust? To investigate the contents of the answer, the researcher selected a group of employees in Oil Products Distribution Company / Baghdad. The researcher adopted the analytical descriptive approach in completing his research which dealt with a random sample of (190) individuals representing the research society out of the total number of (376) person from the middle and high Leaders. Depending

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Gamma Ray Attenuation Coefficients for Lead Oxide and Iron Oxide Reinforced In Silicate Glasses as Radiation Shielding Windows
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     In this work, the mass attenuation coefficient, effective atomic number and half value layer parameters were calculated for silicate (SiO2) mixed with various levels of lead oxide and iron oxide as reinforced materials. SiO2 was used with different concentrations of PbO and Fe2O3 (25, 50 and 75 weight %). The glass system was prepared by the melt-quenching method. The attenuation parameters were calculated at photon energies varying from 1keV to 100MeV using the XCOM program (version 3.1). In addition, the mass attenuation coefficient and half value layer parameters for selected glass samples were experimentally determined at photon energies 0.662 and 1.28 MeV emitted from radioactive sources 137Cs and 22Na respe

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Information Pollution in Iraqi Journalism…Study in Causes and Sources - A research drawn from a Master Degree thesis
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Information pollution is regarded as a big problem facing journalists working in the editing section, whereby journalistic materials face such pollution through their way across the editing pyramid. This research is an attempt to define the concept of journalistic information pollution, and what are the causes and sources of this pollution. The research applied the descriptive research method to achieve its objectives. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The findings indicate that journalists are aware of the existence of information pollution in journalism, and this pollution has its causes and resources.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Environmental Chemical Engineering
A critical review describes wastewater photocatalytic detoxification over Bi5O7I-based heterojunction photocatalysts: Characterizations, mechanism insight, and DFT calculations
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Network And Computer Applications
L-CAQ: Joint link-oriented channel-availability and channel-quality based channel selection for mobile cognitive radio networks
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Basrah Journal Of Surgery
Can Hyaluronic acid gel enhance wound healing faster than Advanced Platelets Rich Fibrin following surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molars? A Randomized Controlled Trial
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Student Attitudes towards Rooting the Educational Administration Field: A Field Study for Phd Students in the Department of Educational Administration at Umm al-Qura University
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The study sought to identify the attitudes of PhD students towards establishing the field of educational administration. The study followed the descriptive survey method. The questionnaire was used to collect information from the study community consisting of (95) male and female students in the department of educational administration and Planning. Among the most important results about students ’attitudes towards establishing the educational administration field are the following: 1) identifying the necessity of establishing the educational administration field. 2) Encouraging students to attend seminars and scientific conferences in Islamic rooting. 3) there are no statistically significant differences in the attitudes of doctoral s

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using Regression Analysis as Analytical Procedure to Facilitate the Decision-Making Process in The Tax Audit: An Applied Research in the General Commission of Taxes
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This research aims to clarify the advantages of using the regression method as analytical procedure in the tax audit to reducing the examination cost , time, effort, human and material resources, and represents an applied study in the General Commission of taxes. In order to achieve its objectives the research has used in the theoretical side the descriptive approach (analytical), and in the practical side regression method has been applied to the research sample represented by the soft drinks company that is subject to the tax settlement for the year 2014, where the value of sales has been verified by using the regression method without conductinga comprehensive examination. The most important results of the research indicate that the r

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