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The study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity using different concentrations of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of dried lemongrass leaves. Chemical phytochemical tests were performed for aqueous and alcoholic extracts of lemongrass. Antimicrobials activity was tested using agar disc diffusion method against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The results of the study showed that the aqueous extract of dried lemon leaves was highly effective (P≤0.05) against S. aureus, as the inhibition diameter was 22 mm for 50 dilution, while the inhibition diameter decreased to 15 mm for concentration 100. As for the alcoholic extract only, the diameter of inhibition decreased significantly (P≤0.05) as it was 16 mm for 50 dilution, and the diameter of inhibition decreased significantly (P≤0.05) to 8 mm for concentration 100 for S. aureus as well. The results of the study also showed that the effect of the alcoholic extract of lemongrass against E. coli was high, as the inhibition diameter was 20 mm for dilution 50, and a significant decrease (P≤0.05) fell to 12 mm for concentration 100. While the results of the study showed that the effect of alcoholic extract of lemongrass against E. coli the diameter of the inhibition was 14 mm for the dilution of 50, and it decreased significantly (P≤0.05) to zero for the concentration of 100. From all of that, we conclude that both the aqueous and alcoholic extract.                                              

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Marshall Performance and Volumetric Properties of Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Modified Asphalt Mixtures

The durability of asphalt pavement is associated with the properties and performance of the binder. This work-study intended to understand the impact of blending Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS) to conventional asphalt concrete mixtures and calculating the Optimum Asphalt Content (OAC) for conventional mixture also; compare the performance between SBS modified with the conventional mixture. Two different kinds of asphalt penetration grades, A.C. (40-50) and A.C. (60-70), were improved with 2.5 and 3.5% SBS polymer, respectively. Marshall properties were determined in this work. Optimum Asphalt Content (OAC) was 4.93 and 5.1% by weight of mixture for A.C. (40-50) and (60-70), respectively. Marshall properties results show an increasem

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.
Venation pattern and leaf architectures of cordia myxa L. from boraginaceae family

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
2022 Muthanna International Conference On Engineering Science And Technology (micest)
Fast Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-SSZ-13 Zeolite by Hydrothermal Method

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 17 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
A trial treatment of Hydatidosis in white mice by Immunization and Chemicals

The present study was conducted as atrial to treat secondary hydatidosis in white mice of species Mus musculus. (Balb/c strain), experimentally infected with secondary hydatid cysts of sheep origin. The immunization process was carried by using CF/PS antigen which consist hydatid cyst fluid (CF) antigen, and protoscolices (PS) antigen mixed together and by using two concentrations 7.5, 15 mg/ml. Then derivatives of Benzimidazole, Mebendazole (M) and drugs Albendazole (A) were used 10 and 40 μm/gm body weight respectively. The mixture of drugs was used one week after challenged dose. Criteria taken into consideration to define the activity of the immunization and chemotherapy in this study were reduction in the numeral of cysts, the coeffic

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Evaluation Yield of Okra with Associated Traits Using Analysis Correlation and Path
Abstract<p>The study was conducted at the fields of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening, College of Agriculture Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad. During the spring 2017. All the recommended practices were followed during experimentation. The experimental material consisted four Genotype it is Batraa, Btera, Mosulle, and local selection. The experiment was applied in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The objectives of Study were to estimate the some genetic parameters and path coefficient for some traits Okra, The results of statistical analysis for these genotypes were highly significant differences for all traits except the traits number of leaves, the numbe</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2017
Journal Name
Transactions Of The Asabe
Effect of Drying Conditions on Triticale Seed Germination and Rice Weevil Infestation

The combination of high protein content and a soft seed coat makes the wheat-rye hybrid Triticale (Triticosecale) vulnerable to attack by rice weevils. Drying triticale grain to moisture contents safe for storage can prevent infestation by rice weevils, but if grain is being stored for seed, high drying temperatures can affect seed germination. Grain can be effectively dried at low temperatures, but low-temperature drying is difficult in hot, humid regions such as the Gulf Coast. This study nvestigated the effects of drying temperatures from 35°C to 45°C on triticale seed germination and found no statistical differences between the germination rates of the seed at any of the drying temperatures and the germination rates of controls. Final

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Surface Photometry of Spiral Galaxy NGC 5005 and Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4278

Two galaxies have been chosen, spiral galaxy NGC 5005 and elliptical galaxy NGC 4278 to study their photometric properties by using surface photometric techniques with griz-Filters. Observations are obtained from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The data reduction of all images have done, like bias and flat field, by SDSS pipeline. The overall structure of the two galaxies (a bulge, a disk), together with isophotal contour maps, surface brightness profiles and a bulge/disk decomposition of the galaxy images were performed, although the disk position angle, ellipticity and inclination of the galaxies have been estimated.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
3rd International Conference On Smart Cities And Sustainable Planning
Theoretical structure of apparent and latent in the urban townscape: Subject review

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Hybrid Method of Linguistic and Statistical Features for Arabic Sentiment Analysis

          Sentiment analysis refers to the task of identifying polarity of positive and negative for particular text that yield an opinion. Arabic language has been expanded dramatically in the last decade especially with the emergence of social websites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, etc.). Several studies addressed sentiment analysis for Arabic language using various techniques. The most efficient techniques according to the literature were the machine learning due to their capabilities to build a training model. Yet, there is still issues facing the Arabic sentiment analysis using machine learning techniques. Such issues are related to employing robust features that have the ability to discrimina

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Proposed Hybrid Cryptosystems Based on Modifications of Playfair Cipher and RSA Cryptosystem

Cipher security is becoming an important step when transmitting important information through networks. The algorithms of cryptography play major roles in providing security and avoiding hacker attacks. In this work two hybrid cryptosystems have been proposed, that combine a modification of the symmetric cryptosystem Playfair cipher called the modified Playfair cipher and two modifications of the asymmetric cryptosystem RSA called the square of RSA technique and the square RSA with Chinese remainder theorem technique. The proposed hybrid cryptosystems have two layers of encryption and decryption. In the first layer the plaintext is encrypted using modified Playfair to get the cipher text, this cipher text will be encrypted using squared

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