A field experiment was conducted during winter season of 2021 at a research station of college of agricultural engineering sciences, university of Baghdad to determine the response of active fertility percentage and seed yield and its components of faba bean (Vicia faba L. cv. Aguadulce) to distance between plants and spraying of nano and traditional boron. A Randomized Complete Block Design according to split-plots arrangement was used at three replicates. The main plots were three distances between plants (25, 35 and 45 cm), while the sub plots including spraying of distilled water only (control treatment), spraying of boron at a 100 mg L-1 and spraying of nano boron at two concentrations (10 and 15 mg L-1). The results showed that the 25 cm distance between plants was significantly superiority and gave a highest mean of seed yield (4.968 ton ha-1), whereas the 45 cm distance between plants was significantly superiority and gave highest means of number of branches (10.83 branch plant-1), number of flowers (400.4 flower plant-1), number of pods (28.36 pod plant-1), active fertility percentage (7.10%) and umber of seeds (6.66 seed pod-1). The spraying of nano boron at a 10 mg L-1 was significantly superior and gave the highest means of number of pods (26.91 pod plant-1), active fertility percentage (7.01%), number of seeds (6.23 seed pod-1) and seed yield (4.334 ton ha-1), while the spraying of nano boron at a 15 mg L-1 was significantly superior and gave the highest means of number of branches (9.83 branch plant-1) and number of flowers (400.0 flower plant-1). The interaction between two factors had significant effect on the most studied traits.
The controversy is currently revolving around industrial additives, including antioxidants, their negative effects on consumer health and the emergence of various and various diseases, which led scientists and researchers to intensify most studies on natural antioxidants and their synthesis from medicinal plants mentioned in ancient medicine and in divine books as potential antioxidants of increasing importance. Therefore, this study was designed to synthesize silver nitrate particles from plant leaf extracts (Figs, Olives, and Moringa) and study their effect on bacterial inhibition of each of the undesirable Coliform bacteria (E-Coli,
... Show MoreThe Experiment was conducted during the fall of 2002-2003 at the botanical gardenor of biology Department, Ibn- Al Hiatham Education college Baghdad University to study the effect of two planting dates (23/10 and 6/ll 2002) with different concentrations of GA3 (100 and 200 ppm) on growth characters and the active material of two cultivars (Local and German) of chamomilla (Matricaria chamomilla L.) plants. Randomized complete Block Design (R.C.B.D.) was used with three replications . Each one of the experiment units 1x1m .The parameters study were plant height, no shoots, no inflorescence branches and nodes , leaf area and leaf area index and violate oil percentage. The result showed that planting date. At 23/10 give a significant
... Show MoreIt is not often easy to identify a certain group of words as a lexical bundle, since the same set of words can be, in different situations, recognized as idiom, a collocation, a lexical phrase or a lexical bundle. That is, there are many cases where the overlap among the four types is plausible. Thus, it is important to extract the most identifiable and distinguishable characteristics with which a certain group of words, under certain conditions, can be recognized as a lexical bundle, and this is the task of this paper.
Crystalline silicon (c-Si) has low optical absorption due to its high surface reflection of incident light. Nanotexturing of c-Si which produces black silicon (b-Si) offers a promising solution. In this work, effect of H2O2 concentrations towards surface morphological and optical properties of b-Si fabricated by two-step silver-assisted wet chemical etching (Ag-based two-step MACE) for potential photovoltaic (PV) applications is presented. The method involves a 30 s deposition of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) in an aqueous solution of AgNO3:HF (5:6) and an optimized etching in HF:H2O2:DI H2O solution under 0.62 M, 1.85 M, 2.47 M, and 3.7 M concentrations of H2O<
... Show Moreالمستخلص
، ( اب ( ١٩٢٢ ô یدتھ ارض الیب ô ي قص ô وت ،ف ô زي الی ô اعر الانجلی ô یھدف ھذا البحث الى بیان مدى تأكید الش
ن ô ة م ô ان والطبیع ô ین الانس ô ت ب ô ا ربط ô ي لطالم ô ة ،الت ô على الحاجة الملحة للانسان الحدیث لاسترجاع الصلة الحمیم
ة ô ي بمثاب ô ة ھ ô ان الثلاث ô ذه الارك ô ین ھ ô ة ب ô ة الموثق ô ذه العلاق ô رى .ان ھ ô ة اخ ô ن جھ ô جھة ، وبین الانسان والاسطورة م
ات ô ي الثقاف ô ة ف ô وس الدینی ô وبة والطق ô اطیر الخ
The new media scene reveals that the unprecedented overlap of a number of technical, economic, and political factors has made the new media a very complicated issue; and the focus of specialized and public debates about its impact on traditional means of communication and forms of social media and social relations. Then, the same scene discloses the reality of the relationship between the new and the traditional. These are the axes that will be will be discussed in this study.
planning is among the most significant in the field of robotics research. As it is linked to finding a safe and efficient route in a cluttered environment for wheeled mobile robots and is considered a significant prerequisite for any such mobile robot project to be a success. This paper proposes the optimal path planning of the wheeled mobile robot with collision avoidance by using an algorithm called grey wolf optimization (GWO) as a method for finding the shortest and safe. The research goals in this study for identify the best path while taking into account the effect of the number of obstacles and design parameters on performance for the algorithm to find the best path. The simulations are run in the MATLAB environment to test the
... Show MoreThe present experimental work is conducted to examine the influence of adding Alumina (Al2O3) nanoparticles and Titanium oxide (TiO2) nanoparticles each alone to diesel fuel on the characteristic of the emissions. The size of both Alumina and Titanium oxide nanoparticles which have been added to diesel fuel to obtain nano-fuel is about 20 nm and 25 nm respectively. Three doses of (Al2O3) and (TiO2) were prepared (25, 50, and 100) ppm. The nanoparticles mixed with gas oil fuel by mechanical homogenous (manual electrical mixer) and ultrasonic processor. The study reveals that the adding of Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and Titanium oxide (TiO2) to g
... Show Moreالخلاصة
١٩٨٢ ) وھي كاتبة روایات بولیسیة من مدینة كرایستتش رتش ف ي - ولدت السیدة نكایو أدیث مارش ( ١٨٩٩
اً وف ي روای ات a د میت a ل یرق a نیوزیلندة وأشتھرت ببطلھا المفتش الأقدم رودری ك أل ین ال ذي یظھ ر ف ي روایتھ ا رج
بضمنھا الموت والخادم الراقص ١٩٤٢ وقد الفت عشرین روایة.
توماس ھو الخادم الراقص الذي تھزه أغنیة مرح ة منبعث ة م ن م ذیاع ف ي غرف ة الت دخین حی ث یرق د ویلی ام
میتاً بعد أن قتلھ أخوه نیكولاس، وھو الذي ی