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The aim of this study is to know the effect of different percentages of chitosan added to drinking water on the weight and quality of quail meat, physical anatomy in terms of (the body of the long carcass, the girth of the chest, the length of the thigh bones, the thigh racket, the fullness of the chest), chemical analysis (protein, moisture, fat and ash) and sensory evaluation of quail meat. It was purchased 320 Iraqi-origin birds of quail and one day old. Chicks were randomly distributed to three equal groups' treatments and treated with chitosan and added to the drinking water: the first treatment (0.1 gm./L water only as a control treatment), the second treatment (0.2 gm./L of chitosan was added to the drinking water) and the third treatment (0.3 gm./L of chitosan was added to the drinking water).The results showed a significant difference (p≤ 0.05) between groups in carcass cutting, physical anatomy, measurement of carcass parts and chemical analysis, as well as a significant and clear improvement in the sensory characteristics of quail meat with a concentration of 0.2 gm./L chitosan. We conclude from this that adding low concentrations of chitosan to the drinking water of quail birds showed a significant difference in growth performance, meat quality, chemical composition, carcass weights and physical anatomy, as well as improving sensory characteristics and quality of quail meat.                                                                                                                      

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Embossing technologies and their role in enhancing the aesthetic dimension of digital printing: رياض محسن حبيب الربيعي
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Publications are generally considered an effective visual artistic means that addresses the recipient (the audience), with the functional, aesthetic and expressive dimensions they carry that contribute to spreading a diverse cultural awareness, especially those publications that are concerned with their media, promotional and organizational performance, as well as specific cultural events at specific times, in pursuit Access to renewable and elaborate designs to achieve the functional and aesthetic purpose, as the completed design and construction process is subject to many variations, whether this diversity is intellectual or technical, internal or external, and all of them may overlap to obtain a comprehensive system of artistic format

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
'The Role of Ambidextrous Leadership' Behaviors in Enhancing Organizational Energy': An Analytical Research General AL-Faris Company
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             The current research aims to identify the impact of ambidextrous leadership behaviors on organizational energy in Al-Faris Company. The descriptive analytical method was used as a research approach. Adept leadership includes two dimensions (open leadership behaviors and closed leadership behaviors), and organizational energy includes three dimensions (emotional energy, physical energy, and cognitive energy ). The research sample included all the administrative leaders (General Manager, Associate General manager, Department Manager, Division Official  ) in AL-Faris Company / the Iraqi Ministry of Industry. The researcher distributed (74) valid questionna

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of audit committees in reducing the risk of external Auditors Engagement Regarding Accepting Assignment: An Applied research in a sample of Iraqi private banks And Audit Bureaus
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The research aims to identify the most important concerns that led to the increase of  interest in the topic of corporate governance and specifically highlighting  the role of the audit committees of the Administration  Board in reducing the risk of the auditor and the rationalization of professional judgments، in particular about accepting  the assignment and setting the fees of the audit process by extrapolating  global experience in this area ، and a field study is conducted for a sample of private Iraqi banks to evaluate the role of audit committees constituted currently per with bank law no. (94) of 2004 and to be acknowledged with actual performance of these committees and their role in recommending the n

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Dilemmas in teaching human rights and democracy between the current realityand the difficulties in seeking to spread a culture of human rights
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In the age of information and communication revolution, education as one of life
aspects has influenced with that revolution by integrating technology in education, which
have become as an important learning tools of the whole educational process . Technology,
when used appropriately, can help make science classroom a site of active learning and
critical thinking, furthering student inquiry and connections with different materials. It is
necessary to develop human rights education programs and materials for discretionary and
extracurricular activities as it provide them with the skills and tools so that they are
empowered to take action to realize their rights. Human rights education is a critical means of

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The composition of the vocabulary and passages in the poems of Saadi: بررسی ترکیب‌ سازی در قصاید و قطعات سعدی
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The importance of research and study of classical Persian literature is not overlooked.  So far, there have been many studies in this area.  But there are still some things that need more research.  Persian grammar is one of the most important branches of Persian literature.  This section has always been converted at different times.  One of the issues that has been neglected in the studies of classical literature is the study of the technical tales of past and past poetry.  These texts can be studied from different perspectives.  Because Persian is a mixed language, it is possible to combine language terms with each other or to add prefixes and suffixes to express new concepts. They can be used by exam

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Statistical Evaluation of the Planning Process and Scheduling Management for Irrigation and Drainage Projects in the Republic of Iraq
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The Research aims to investigate into reality in terms of planning and scheduling management process for sake the implementation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage projects in the Republic of Iraq, with an indication of the most important obstacles that impede the planning and scheduling management process for these projects and ways of addressing them and minimizing their effects.                                                  For the purpose of achieving the goal of the research, a sci

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Flow Injection Analysis with Turbidity Detection for the Quantitative Determination of Mebeverine Hydrochloride in Pharmaceutical Formulations
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The main objective of this paper is to develop and validate flow injection method, a precise, accurate, simple, economic, low cost and specific turbidimetric method for the quantitative determination of mebeverine hydrochloride (MbH) in pharmaceutical preparations.  A homemade NAG Dual & Solo (0-180º) analyser which contains two identical detections units (cell 1 and 2) was applied for turbidity measurements. The developed method was optimized for different chemical and physical parameters such as perception reagent concentrations, aqueous salts solutions, flow rate, the intensity of the sources light, sample volume, mixing coil and purge time. The correlation coefficients (r) of the developed method were 0.9980 and 0.9986 for cell

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Study of direct marketing methods and identificationThe suitability of each of them for application in the Iraqi marketAn analytical study of the views of a sample of wholesalers in Baghdad
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Study of Direct Marketing techniques and determining the scope of the suitability of each of them in the application in the Iraqi market - An analytical and explorative study for sample of views for wholesaler in Baghdad. The essential idea of the research is to go into the most important concepts which have been mentioned in the direct marketing and determining its current and most important techniques and knowing the scope of applying these techniques in Baghdad main markets (Karrada, Jamilah, shorja, Baya area, zeyouna and new Baghdad) and which of those techniques most applicable in these markets. The research took a sample of (100) wholesalers who practice the activities of selling nutritional items, auto and outs spare part

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Argumentative Elements Of Discours In The Plague For Albert Camus: Les éléments argumentatifs dans le discours de La Peste d’Albert Camus
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Argumentation is not a contemporary, yet a deep rooted intellectual phenomenon dates back to Romans and Greeks times. The argumentative elements ,the author is trying to convey to the reader, are  linguistic procedures aim at persuading and being persuaded of what is true. The present study traces, through Camus’ novel The plague, the best method to construct argumentative techniques used to express the author’s deep philosophies.


          L’argumentation n’est pas un phénomène intellectuel nouveau, ses origines reviennent aux savants grecs et romains. Elle est une act

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of Principal Components Analysis in the Formation of a Sustainable Human Development Index for Arab Countries
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This study aims to derive a sustainable human development index for the Arab countries by using the principal components analysis, which can help in reducing the number of data in the case of multiple variables.  This can be relied upon in the interpretation and tracking sustainable human development in the Arab countries in the view of the multiplicity of sustainable human development indicators and its huge data, beside the heterogeneity of countries in a range of characteristics associated with indicators of sustainable human development such as area, population, and economic activity. The study attempted to use the available data to the selected Arab countries for the recent years. This study concluded that a single inde

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