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This paper is dealing with an experimental study to show the influence of the geometric characteristics of the vortex generators VG son the thickness of the boundary layer (∂) and drag coefficients (CD) of the flat plate. Vortex generators work effectively on medium and high angles of attack, since they are "hidden" under the boundary layer and practically ineffective at low angles.

            The height of VGs relative to the thickness of the boundary layer enables us to study the efficacy of VGs in delaying boundary layer separation. The distance between two VGs also has an effect on the boundary layer if we take into account the interference between two pairs of VGs. The effect of the changing in (h- the height of vortex generator, d- the average distance between tow vortex generators) on the thickness of the flat plate boundary layer and the drag coefficients has been studied for triangular vortex generator. The measurements of the vortex generator have been changed to determine the optimum boundary layer thickness and the change in drag coefficients. An experiment was done at an average free stream velocity, (U,) of 28 m/s. The experiment was conducted in the wind tunnel UTAD-2 University (NAU) Kiev, Ukraine.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

The vortex rate sensor is a fluidic gyroscope with no moving parts and can be used in very difficult
conditions like radiation, high temperature and noise with minimum cost of manufacturing and
maintenance. A vortex rate sensor made of wood has been designed and manufactured to study
theoretically and experimentally its static performance .A rig has been built to carry out the study,
the test carried out with three different air flow rates (100, 150, and 200 l/min).The results show that
the relation between the differential pressure taken from the sensor pickoff points and the angular
velocity of the sensor was linear.The present work involved theoretical and experimental study of
vortex rate sensor static characteri

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Static Performance Characteristics Of Vortex Rate Sensor

The vortex rate sensor is a fluidic gyroscope with no moving parts and can be used in very difficult conditions like radiation, high temperature and noise with minimum cost of manufacturing and maintenance. A vortex rate sensor made of wood has been designed and manufactured to study theoretically and experimentally its static performance .A rig has been built to carry out the study,
the test carried out with three different air flow rates (100, 150, and 200 l/min).The results show that the relation between the differential pressure taken from the sensor pickoff points and the angular velocity of the sensor was linear.The present work involved theoretical and experimental study of vortex rate sensor static characteristics .Vortex rat

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Ash'aris and their position on faith, An Ideological Study: الايمان


The Ash'aris and their position on faith, An Ideological Study

Omed AbdulQader rasool               

College of Islamic Sciences/Salahaddin University-Erbil


The concept of faith is very complex, and there are a lot of talk about it among the major Islamic groups such as the Kharijites, the Mu'tazila, the Jahmiyya and others, because of its great importance, and the worldly and eschatological effects it entails according to the elements of faith such as recognition, ratification and action.

The researcher chose one sect, which is the

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 05 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Histological and immunohistochemical evaluation of the effect of local exogenous application of VEGF on bone healing (experimental study in rat)

Background: The repair of bone defects remains a major clinical orthopaedic challenge. Bone is a highly vascularised tissue reliant on the close spatial and temporal connection between blood vessels and bone cells to maintain skeletal integrity. Angiogenesis thus plays a pivotal role in skeletal development and bone fracture repair. The role of angiogenic and osteogenic factors in the adaptive response and interaction of osteoblasts and endothelial cells during the multi step process of bone development and repair will be highlighted in this study. This study aimed to identify the role of local exogenous vascular endothelial growth factor in bone healing and to analyze the expression of VEGF by immunohistochemistry in created bone defect af

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 17 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Simulation of Natural Heat Convection from Finned Vertical Plate with Different Inclinations

In this work an experimental simulation is made to predict the performance of steady-state natural heat convection along heated finned vertical base plate to ambient air with different inclination angles and configurations of fin array. Two types of fin arrays namely vertical fins array and V-fins array on heated vertical base plate are used with different heights and spaces. The influence of inclination angle of the plate , configuration of fins array and fin geometrical parameters such as fin height and fin spacing on the temperature distribution, base convection heat transfer coefficient and average Nusselt number have been plotted and discussed. The experimental data are correlated to a formula between average Nusselt number versus R

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analytical and Experimental Investigation for the Effect of Air Injection Angle on the Performance of Airlift Pump

The effect of air injection angle on the performance of airlift pump used for water pumping has been studied analytically and experimentally. An airlift pump of dimensions 42mm diameter and 2200 mm length with conventional and modified air injection device was considered. A modification on conventional injection device (normal air-jacket type) was carried out by changing injection angle from 90  (for conventional) to 45  and 22.5  (for modified). Continuity and one-dimensional momentum balance for the flow field with basic principle of two-phase flow and expressions of slip ratio and friction factor as function of flow rates were formulated. The analytical and experimental investigations were carried out f

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 09 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Forming Media on the Hydroforming Process for Copper Tube

To observe the effect of media of the internal pressure on the equivalent stress distribution in the tube, an experimental study is done by constructing a testing rig to apply the hydraulic pressure and three dies are manufactured with different bulging configurations (square, cosine, and conical). In the other part, ANSYS APDL is generated to analyze the bulging process with hydraulic and rubber (natural and industrial) media. It was found that when the media is a rubber, the stress is decreased about 9.068% in case of cosine die and 5.4439% in case of conical die and 2.8544% in case of square die. So, it can be concluded that the internal pressure in the rubber media is much better than in hydraulic media. Also, the force needed for fo

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 05 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Impact of Means of Communication on Electoral Behavior and its Relationship to the Political Disparity of the Family (A Field Study of an Audience of the University of Baghdad’s Students)

Iraq has seen many changes at the social, economic and political levels. This led to cause many shifts in the structure of its society and imposed great challenges reflected in the behavior and awareness of that society in general and youth in particular.

Those changes made the Iraqi society undergoing the transformation of value and culture aspects formed a political awareness that caused cultural and political diversity within the family and society. A greater openness to the outside world caused by the communication revolution, as the world has witnessed during the past two decades, has helped in making that change. Iraq had its share of media and political openness, which were included after the US occupation in 2003. As a re

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Study of the Effect of Kaolin as a Fuel Oil Additive on the Corrosion Inhibition of Fireside Superheater Boiler Tubes

The objective of the present study is to determine the effect of Kaolin as a fuel oil additive to minimize the fireside corrosion of superheater boiler tubes of ASTM designation (A213-T22) by increasing the melting point of the formed slag on the outside tubes surface, through the formation of new compounds with protective properties to the metal surface. The study included measuring corrosion rates at different temperatures with and without additive use with various periods of time, through crucible test method and weight loss technique.

      A mathematical model represents the relation between corrosion rate and the studied variables, is obtained using statistical regression analysis. Using this model,

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Cyber security technology and the reflection of its application on the quality of financial reports: An exploratory study of a sample of internal and external auditors


                 This research aims to define the roles of auditors by clarifying the concept and risks of cyber security in protecting information and financial data in economic units. Najaf, Babylon and Karbala, then the results were analyzed and the results were presented and analyzed to show that adopting cyber security improves the quality of reports Finance through what it achieves in displaying information with credibility and transparency, in a way that suits the needs of users, and cyber security has a role in managing economic resources more effectively to obtain benefits that would have been lost in the event of an

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