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The exercise of activities and sports are of great importance to public health and to maintain the ideal health weight as well as the psychological and mental comfort of humans. The aim of this study is to determine the contribution and participation of educated females in physical activities at the University of Baghdad hall for the years 2011-2016, and to show the factors that influence women's contribution to physical activities at the university by selecting 100 students of males and 100 females' students randomly. During the questioning questions and statistical analysis of the questioning to find out the reasons for the discouraging contribution of the women to the various physical activities and try to find solutions and recommendations to encourage women to participate more with physical activities. The results of the study showed that the percentage of female university students in physical activities participation was 1.2 in 2011, while it was raised to 5.03% in 2016. This percentage is very low compared to the number of female students, which is 2.9% higher than that of males in the university. More than half of the women participating in the sports were overweight and obese, and the proportion of obese women was 59.4 in 2011 and the proportion decreased statistically to 53.3 in 2016. There is a high statistical difference between natural and high weight for the years 2011-2016. It was also found that there is a significant difference of females who suffer from chronic diseases and for all ages of 2011-2016 years. The statistical analysis of the questionnaire questions shows that most respondents did not participate or exercise physical activities, and the high proportion of them prefer to participate to a high degree of sports activities when they have opportunities to participate. It was also found that the large percentage of respondents attributed the reason for not exercising to sports due to lack of time and discouragement by others as well as the lack of places and halls for the exercise of sports activities. The study showed that the high percentage of respondents explained the possibility of increasing the contribution to sports activities for females by increasing the number of places and gymnasiums in all Iraqi cities as well as increasing the awareness of sports and propaganda through the media, through the television screen and the importance of health and clarification through video, The high percentage of respondents encouraged them to their families and friends to engage in various sports activities, and fortunately the economic factor and income is of little importance to those respondents. All of this shows that there is great concern and enthusiasm for physical activities participation's, which are understandable for their health importance and for maintaining the ideal health weight, but for the difficult conditions that Iraq is going through and the lack of infrastructure.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
New Data Security Method Based on Biometrics
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Merging biometrics with cryptography has become more familiar and a great scientific field was born for researchers. Biometrics adds distinctive property to the security systems, due biometrics is unique and individual features for every person. In this study, a new method is presented for ciphering data based on fingerprint features. This research is done by addressing plaintext message based on positions of extracted minutiae from fingerprint into a generated random text file regardless the size of data. The proposed method can be explained in three scenarios. In the first scenario the message was used inside random text directly at positions of minutiae in the second scenario the message was encrypted with a choosen word before ciphering

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On e-Small Submodules
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Let M be an R-module, where R is a commutative ring with unity. A submodule N of M is called e-small (denoted by N e  M) if N + K = M, where K e  M implies K = M. We give many properties related with this type of submodules.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Results on Pure Submodules Relative to Submodule
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Let R be a commutative ring with identity 1 and M be a unitary left R-module. A submodule N of an R-module M is said to be pure relative to submodule T of M (Simply T-pure) if for each ideal A of R, N?AM=AN+T?(N?AM). In this paper, the properties of the following concepts were studied: Pure essential submodules relative to submodule T of M (Simply T-pure essential),Pure closed submodules relative to submodule T of M (Simply T-pure closed) and relative pure complement submodule relative to submodule T of M (Simply T-pure complement) and T-purely extending. We prove that; Let M be a T-purely extending module and let N be a T-pure submodule of M. If M has the T-PIP, then N is T-purely extending.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On Semiannahilator Supplement Submodules
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Let R be associative; ring; with an identity and let D be unitary left R- module; . In this work we present semiannihilator; supplement submodule as a generalization of R-a- supplement submodule, Let U and V be submodules of an R-module D if D=U+V and whenever Y≤ V and D=U+Y, then annY≪R;. We also introduce the the concept of semiannihilator -supplemented ;modules and semiannihilator weak; supplemented modules, and we give some basic properties of this conseptes

Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Viable Strategies to Increase Clinical Trial Patient Diversity
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In the United States, the pharmaceutical industry is actively devising strategies to improve the diversity of clinical trial participants. These efforts stem from a plethora of evidence indicating that various ethnic groups respond differently to a given treatment. Thus, increasing the diversity of trial participants would not only provide more robust and representative trial data but also lead to safer and more effective therapies. Further diversifying trial participants appear straightforward, but it is a complex process requiring feedback from multiple stakeholders such as pharmaceutical sponsors, regulators, community leaders, and research sites. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to describe three viable strategies that can p

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Laser Peening on Aluminum Alloy 7049 Using Black Paint Surface Coating
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Black paint laser peening (bPLP) technique is currently applied for many engineering materials , especially for aluminum alloys due to high improvement in fatigue life and strength . Constant and variable   bending fatigue tests have been performed at RT and stress ratio R= -1 . The results of the present  work observed that the significance of the surface work hardening which generated high negative residual stresses in bPLP specimens .The fatigue life  improvement factor (FLIF)  for bPLP constant fatigue behavior was from 2.543 to 3.3 compared to untreated  fatigue and the increase in fatigue strength at 107 cycle was 21% . The bPLP cumulative fatigue life behav

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Wasit Journal For Pure Science
β*-Regular supra topological spaces
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Form the series of generalization of the topic of supra topology is the generalization of separation axioms . In this paper we have been introduced (S * - SS *) regular spaces . Most of the properties of both spaces have been investigated and reinforced with examples . In the last part we presented the notations of supra *- -space ( =0,1) and we studied their relationship with (S * - SS *) regular spaces.

Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On Soft Turning Points
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The soft sets were known since 1999, and because of their wide applications and their great flexibility to solve the problems, we used these concepts to define new types of soft limit points, that we called soft turning points.Finally, we used these points to define new types of soft separation axioms and we study their properties.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Computing
Fibrewise Near Topological Spaces
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In this paper we define and study new concepts of fibrewise topological spaces over B namely, fibrewise near topological spaces over B. Also, we introduce the concepts of fibrewise near closed and near open topological spaces over B; Furthermore we state and prove several Propositions concerning with these concepts.

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Producing Sustainable Roller Compacted Concrete by Using Fine Recycled Concrete Aggregate
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One-third of the total waste generated in the world is construction and demolition waste. Reducing the life cycle of building materials includes increasing their recycling and reuse by using recycled aggregates. By preventing, the need to open new aggregate quarries and reducing the amount of construction waste dumped into landfills, the use of recycled concrete aggregate in drum compacted concrete protects the environment. Four samples of PRCC were prepared for testing (compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength, density, water absorption, porosity) as the reference mix and (10, 15, and 20%) of fine recycled concrete aggregate as a partial replacement for fine natural aggregate by volume. The mix is designed according to

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