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This study includes applying chemical tests on cow, sheep and chicken bones including both hallow and flat. The results of chemical tests on bones mentioned the moisture percentage which was between 4.95-7.32 %, and it was noticed the difference in protein percentage among different kinds of bones, The highest protien percentage was 39.62 % in hallow chicken bones and the lowest was in hallow sheep bones 20.31%, at the same time, the highest Ash percentage was in hallow sheep bones48.11% , whereas the highest percentage of fat was in hallow cow bones 30%. The chemical and physical tests were conducted for extracted fat from hallow and flat bones for cows, sheeps and chicken. It was found that peroxide values (PV), and free fatty acids (FFA) tended to increase proportionally with extraction time at temperatures examined. The lowest values ware obtained after 3 hours as PVs were 0.93, 1.2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.33 and 1.46 meq/ kg oil respectively, FFA values were 0.15, 0.168, 0.187, 0.168, 0.206 and 0.225% respectively. The highest chemical indices for extracted fat from hallow and flat bones for cow and sheep was after 5 hours as PVs were 2.39, 1.8, 1.9, and 1.86 meq/ kg oil respectively, FFA values were 0.253, 0.300, 0.263 and 0.30% respectively. While, the highest chemical indices for extracted fat from hallow and flat chicken bones was after 4 hours, as PVs were 1.6 and 1.73 meq/ kg oil respectively, FFA values were 0.245 and 0.244% respectively. The obtained results showed values of smoking point tended to decrease proportionally as extraction time proceeding at different temperature used, highest values were recorded after extraction for 3 hours, smoking point values were 242.6, 231.33, 223.8, 217.66, 204.5and 204 °C respectively. The lowest physical values of fat extracted from hallow and flat bones of cow and sheep were obtained after 5 hours as the smoking point values were 230.33, 229.83, 203.4 and 204.83°C respectively. The lowest physical indices of fat extracted from hallow and flat chicken bones were obtained after 4 hours, as the smoking point values were 204 and 203.5 °C respectively.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Determination of the Elastic and Viscous Behavior of Polycarbonate Melts at Different Temperatures and Their Relationship to the Steady State Viscosity via the Cox-Merz Rule
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Rheological instrument is one of the basic analytical measurements for diagnosing the properties of polymers fluids to be used in any industry. In this research polycarbonate was chosen because of its importance in many areas and possesses several distinct properties.
Two kinds of rheometers devices were used at different range of temperatures from 220 ˚C-300 ˚C to characterize the rheological technique of melted polycarbonate (Makrolon 2805) by a combination of different investigating techniques. We compared the results of the linear (oscillatory) method with the non-linear (steady-state) method; the former method provided the storage and the loss modulus of melted polycarbonate, and presented the Cox-Merz model as well. One of the

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Full Text Book Of Minar Congress8
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The herein research was carried out in order to identified the presence of bacteria in cervix and uterine lumen in Iraqi cattle during the different estrus phase with focusing on Protus and E coli. Estrus phases were determined by the structures which found on ovary (follicular growth for pro-estrus, mature growing follicle for estrus, hemorrhagic corpus luteam for meta-estrus and active corpus luteam for di-eatrus). Forty cervical swabs (ten for each estrus phase) and forty uterine swabs (ten for each estrus phase) were taken from macroscopically healthy reproductive animals after slaughtering and cultivated on nutrient agar and blood agar, the bacterial isolation were identified with biochemical teats. The present study found that

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 04 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Association of Echocardiographic Epicardial Fat Thickness and Carotid Intima Media Thickness with the Severity of Coronary Artery Disease
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Background: Coronary artery disease remains the main cause of death despite several preventive programs. Epicardial adipose tissue is a visceral fat depot of the heart located along the large coronary arteries and on the surface of ventricles and apex. Intima media thickness is commonly recognized as the initial stage in the development of atherosclerosis. The development of ultrasound machines, advances in echocardiographic devices and high resolution transducers facilitate comprehensive analysis of epicardial fat thickness (EFT) and carotid –intima media thickness (C-IMT).
Aim: To investigate the relationship of echocardiographic epicardial fat thickness (EFT) and carotid –intima media thickness (C-IMT) with the severity of coro

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
The possibility of Using the Low-Cost External Antenna with Smartphone for Accurate Surveying Applications by RTX Technology
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Abstract<p>Real Time Extended (RTX) technology works to take advantage of real-time data comes from the global network of tracking stations together with inventor locating and compression algorithms to calculate and relaying the orbit of satellite, satellite atomic clock, and any other systems corrections to the receivers, which lead to real-time correction with high accuracy. These corrections will be transferred to the receiver antenna by satellite (where coverage is available) and by IP (Internet Protocol) for the rest of world to provide the accurate location on the screen of smartphone or tablet by using specific software. The purpose of this study was to assess the accuracy of Global Navig</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn 2789-3219 )
Evaluation of the Relationship between Osteoporosis and Body Fat Mass of the Upper and Lower Extremities by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
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Background: Using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, body fat mass has been determined. The assessment of body fat mass was conducted utilizing dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry analysis of the pelvis and vertebral column. While it is acknowledged that osteoporosis can impact both body fat mass and bone mineral density, the particulars of this relationship currently remain uncertain. Objective: The aim of the present investigation is to assess gender differences in the effects of osteoporosis on the body fat mass of the upper and lower extremities. Method: 170 individuals participated (85 males and 85 females) in this study. Patients who presented with bone discomfort consisted of 40 males and 40 females. In addition, 90 apparently he

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Selection of the initial value of the time series generating the first-order self-regression model in simulation modeAnd their impact on the accuracy of the model
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In this paper, compared eight methods for generating the initial value and the impact of these methods to estimate the parameter of a autoregressive model, as was the use of three of the most popular methods to estimate the model and the most commonly used by researchers MLL method, Barg method  and the least squares method and that using the method of simulation model  first order autoregressive through the design of a number of simulation experiments and the different sizes of the samples.


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Publication Date
Fri Jul 05 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Spectroscopy
Spectrophotometric Method Using the Derivative for the Determination of the Drug Losartan
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Motivations of Using Facebook by Old People and their Achieved Need
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This research deals with the motives of the use of Facebook by elderly people and the achieved needs, which leads the researcher to ask an important question: why an old persons use Facebook and are the achieved needs through   which they got?  The research aims to find out the habits and patterns of using Facebook by old men and stands on the main motives of the elderly in their use of Facebook. It also identifies the most prominent needs that have been made for the elderly as a result of their use of Facebook.

The research is a descriptive one in which the researcher uses survey method to achieve the desired goals. The researcher has chosen a group of old men from Diyala province. The total sample number is about

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of the Physical and Chemical Treatment of Wastewater for the Dairy Industry
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Dairy wastewater generally contains fats, lactose, whey proteins, and nutrients. Casein precipitation causes the effluent to decompose into a dark, strong-smelling sludge. Fluid waste contains soluble organic matter, suspended solids, and gaseous organic matter, which cause undesirable taste and smell, grant tone and turbidity, and advance eutrophication, which plays an essential role in increasing biological oxygen demand (BOD) in water. It also contains detergents and disinfecting agents from the rinses and washing processes, which increase the need for chemical oxygen (COD). One of the characteristics of dairy effluents is their relatively high temperature, high organic contents, and wide pH range, so the discharge of wastewater into

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Genetic Variations of Echinococcus granulosus Isolated from Sheep and Cows by Using Fingerprint DNA Method in Iraq
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The fingerprinting DNA method which depends on the unique pattern in this study was employed to detect the hydatid cyst of Echinococcus granulosus and to determine the genetic variation among their strains in different intermediate hosts (cows and sheep).  The unique pattern represents the number of amplified bands and their molecular weights with specialized sequences to one sample which different from the other samples.   Five hydatitd cysts samples  from cows and sheep were  collected, genetic analysis for  isolated DNA was done using PCR technique and  Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA reaction(RAPD) depending on (4) random primers, and the results showed:      

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