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Pharmacist Intervention to Address Drug Related Problems in Patients with Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis
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Background: Patients with decompensated cirrhosis are often given therapeutic and prophylactic drugs. Polypharmacy raises both the likelihood of prescription errors and the complications associated with drugs. Clinical pharmacists are excellent at recognizing, addressing, and preventing clinically significant drug-related problems.

Objectives: Identification types of pharmacist interventions to address drug-related problems in patients with decompensated cirrhosis and assess the acceptance/implementation of these recommendations. And identify patient factors associated with accepting pharmacist recommendations.

Subjects and Methods: Prospective, interventional, clinical study for 80 hospitalized decompensated cirrhosis patients was conducted at Baghdad Teaching Hospital and lasted for four months, from the first of December 2021 until the last of March 2022. The study involved two phases, the first one was observational to identify drug-related problems and classify them according to the Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe classification version 9.1,   and the second phase was interventional to increase the awareness of patients and health care providers about those problems and to propose a proper solution for each one.

Results: The most frequent pharmacist intervention was proposed to the prescriber (54.7%), followed by speaking to the caregiver (37.7%). Acceptance and full implementation were highly observed in 71.1% of the intervention. There is a significant  association between occurring ascites and bleeding in patients and accepting/implementing pharmacist recommendations

Conclusions: Patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis have a significant prevalence of drug-related problems. Clinical pharmacists are excellent at recognizing drug-related problems and reducing their incidence, and their interventions were well accepted.





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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Private legal defense push Al-Sael in Islamic jurisprudence
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. And after:
     For one of the greatest blessings of God Almighty upon us is the blessing of Islam, which brought people from darkness to light and from injustice and fear to security, justice, stability, and the preservation of blood, symptoms, rights, and sacrifices, because pride, strength, and dignity are what God chose and pleases His servants - namely - adherence to the Islamic religion, and in light of This must be said that the private legal defense (pushing the person) with its Islamic provisions and legislations is one of the great aspects that guarantees the establishment of a safe

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Salivary level of RANKL and OPG in chronic periodontitis
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Background: Periodontal diseases are initiated by microbial plaque, which accumulates in the sulcular region and induces an inflammatory response. The Receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand / osteoprotegerin (RANKL/OPG) axis is involved in the regulation of bone metabolism in periodontitis, in which an increase in receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand or a decrease in osteoprotegerin can tip the balance in favor of osteoclastogenesis and the resorption of alveolar bone that is the hallmark of periodontitis. This study was performed to investigate the role of salivary levels of RANKL and OPG in pathogenesis of chronic periodontitis. Subjects and Methods: Fifty five subjects with chronic periodontitis with ages rang

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Phytoplankton primary production in southern Iraqi marshes after restoration
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Primary productivity and chlorophyll-a were used in this study to monitor the restoration process of southern Iraqi marshes (Al-Hewaizeh, central marshes, and Al-Hammar). The phytoplankton primary productivity was based on oxygen light/dark bottle method. Two different depths samples were taken monthly from six studied marshes stations (two stations for each marsh) during November 2005 to October 2006, while chlorophyll-a samples taken from surface water. The phytoplankton primary productivity values ranged 9.38 – 249.79 mg C/ for all marshes, its values for surface water sample ranged 11.71 – 256.24 mg C/, while for 1m depth ranged 9.38 – 142.5 mg C/ Chlorophyll-a values ranged between (1.1 – 21.26) µg/l indicating

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Correlation between Rheumatoid Factor, Chloroquine Phosphate in Osteoarthritis
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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a series of aggressive destructive inflammatory processes. Synovitis is common both at an early and a late phase. This disease may be uniquely singular in some site but phylogenetically related at some point in time to produce a common outcome of dysfunction, disability, socioeconomic destruction and sometimes socioeconomic failure. Articular cartilage, subchondral bone and synovial membrane are the site of major abnormalities in this disease process. Rheumatoid factor (RF) represents one of the routine laboratory tests that made for all patients have joint complaints.Chloroquine phosphate (CQP) is agent belong to disease modifying osteoathritic drugs (DMOADs). Chloroquine and their derivatives have been used for t

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
Journal Name
The effectiveness of the deconstructive pattern in theatrical performance
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Theatrical art, from (Plato) to (Heidegger), passing through (Husserl) and (Husserl) has propagated the parallel relations between the overlapping formal patterns in the world of hypotheses crowded with diaspora and scattering, leading to the manifestations of implicit meaning in the intellectual and aesthetic discourse, through the deconstructive pattern that restructures The aesthetic image according to the aesthetic data to be employed, so the effectiveness of the deconstructive system had an important role in authorizing the Ghanaian logic and continuity on which the Western meta meaning was based, and the artistic scene was subjected to it in line with literature and art to be able to pay attention to the achievement and clarify it

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Natural gas in Iraq between burning and licensing rounds
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The research aims to shed light on the importance of Natural gas as a National wealth is not being used optimally to be a financial resource is important to Iraq in addition to Oil, as well as could be used as an important Source of Energy, instead of burning gas is a waste of wealth and Contribute to the contamination of the environment. Research Reviews the importance of Natural gas, where is currently about a quarter of global energy consumption. Then deals with the reality of the gas industry in Iraq and winning because of the volume of waste incineration, which reached a rate (45%) of the gas Associated with oil, where Iraq is fourth globally in Terms of the amount of gas Burned. Finally, this paper discusses the future of n

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Review: - Determination of vitamin E concentration in different samples
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Vitamins are a type of essential and important nutrient in the human body. It also plays an essential role in the health and protection of the human body. They share physiological functions with many chemicals, and their deficiency or increase endangers human health. Therefore, it is required to evolve and use modern methods to estimate the concentration of vitamins, even if their concentration is very low, and these include the vitamin E group tocopherols, tocotrienols, isomers, esters, and derivatives. They disagree not in their ability as anti-cancer agents but rather in their physiological as well as chemical relations, unlike vitamin A and vitamin D. The richest source of vitamin E is vegetable oil. Vitamin E, classified as a vitami

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 17 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Helical Piles Embedded in Expansive Soil Overlaying Sandy Soil
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In this study, the behavior of square helical piles models (5×5) mm2 embedded in expansive soil bed overlaying a layer of sandy soil was investigated. The sand layer 200mm thickness was compacted into four sub layers in a steel container with diameter 400mm in size. Sandy soil layer was compacted into two relative densities 40% and 80%. The bed of ثءحties 40% and 80%.The bed of o00mm in size.Sandy soil layer was compacted into two relative densities 40% and 80%.The bed of oexpansive soil 300mm thickness was compacted into six sub layers on sandy soil layer. Model tests are performed with helical pile length 350mm, 400mm and 450mm and with helix diameter 15mm and 20mm. Also, one helix and double helix were

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
Journal Name
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Picasso ceramics represented illuminated sign in ceramic art and excelled in accord ceramic art dimension aesthetically, and put it in a new prospects, despite the simplicity of the forms turn into a magical images and multiple interpretations.
So the search deliberately to choose purposive (37) samples divided into four groups, as follows: -
A flat shapes / palets or saucers / the vases /modified vases .
benefiting from indicators were spawned from literature ,to analyzing samples within the totals for the identification systems act forming art work`s:-
(1)Picasso's ceramic work product of a deliberate process represented a capacity of technical experience, and formal
(2)The system configuration in the ceramic art works c

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Public relations have become vital functions in modern institutions in the complex business world. They play an important role in facilitating the process of communication between the institution and its audiences and achieve mutual understanding between the parties as public relations play this important role based on research and analysis, policy formulation and programming programs and communication with the public.

The significance of this research comes from the challenges faced by public relations in state institutions. Misunderstandings and ambiguities still plague most workers in this field, especially in defining the concept, objectives and basic functions of public rela

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