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Alterations in some Physiological and Inflammatory Markers in Iron-Deficient Obese Adults in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq
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Background: Iron homeostasis is crucial to many physiological functions in the human body, such as cellular activity, erythropoiesis, and the innate immune response. Iron deficiency anemia may occur from obesity's ability to disturb iron homeostasis. Obesity may be seen as a pre-inflammatory condition with mild, ongoing systemic inflammation. Additionally, an increase in hepcidin levels by chronic inflammation causes iron insufficiency in obese people. For this reason, this current experiment is designed to investigate the iron profile and some hematological and inflammatory parameters in obese adults in the Kurdistan region-Iraq.

Subjects and Methods: The cross-sectional study was designed within the context of a medium private laboratory with participants being common people involved, 200 adults participated in this study and were allocated into two groups according to BMI (control group (BMI ≤ 29.9): N=100 and obese group (BMI >30): N=100). Oxygen saturation (SpO2) and pulse rate were assessed. Blood sera (once) was obtained for iron profiles (s. Iron, Ferritin, Hepcidin) and inflammatory levels (c-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin 6 (IL-6)).

Results: Our findings highlighted that all inflammatory markers increased significantly in the obese groups in both sexes and a positive correlation with BMI and a significant decrease in iron in the obese group.

Conclusions: This research reveals that hepcidin levels in obese adult people contribute to the development of iron deficiency anemia due to increased inflammation.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 18 2019
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Chemistry
Determination of Chemicals and its Isotopic Composition in Tigris River,Iraq
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Stable isotope (?18O, ?D) values were determined along with the chemical compositions at 10 different locations along the Tigris river between Baghdad-Ammara cities of Iraq. The physico-chemical parameters and isotopic data were measured. The sampling site represents 34 % of total Tigris river in the republic of Iraq. The systematically increased in values of stable isotope as move from the downstream of the river and the most significantly appears at Kut lake. This increase occurs as a result of several factors, viz. (a) evaporation occurs low water level in the river and its tributaries, and (b) return flow water to the river from irrigation water in groundwater systems. The change in ion distribution and in the isotopic values related di

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial austerity in Iraq causes and effects on economic performance indicators
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The Iraqi economy faces complex economic challenges that threaten the prospects for growth and stability in the short and medium term, The decrease in oil revenues on which Iraq is based in financing its total expenditure, both operational and investment, led to the emergence of a deficit in the government budget, As the global oil price crisis affected the revenues of the Iraqi government negatively, especially as this negative impact coincided with the increase in military spending resulting from Iraq's war against terrorism, Which led to the Iraqi government to implement austerity measures were to reduce public spending on several projects, which are less important compared to projects that a

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison Between ESP and Gas Lift in Buzurgan Oil field/Iraq
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Buzurgan oil Field which is located in south of Iraq has been producing oil for five decades that caused production to drop in many oil wells. This paper provides a technical and economical comparison between the ESP and gas lift in one oil well (Bu-16) to help enhancing production and maximize revenue. Prosper software was used to build, match and design the artificial lift method for the selected well, also to predict the well behavior at different water cut values and its effect on artificial lift method efficiency. The validity of software model was confirmed by matching, where the error difference value between actual and calculated data was (-1.77%).

The ESP results showed the durability of ESP regarding th

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 12 2021
Journal Name
Medico Legal Update
Knowledge, Awareness and Attitude of Pharmacy Students towards Epilepsy in Iraq
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Background: The undergraduate students in pharmacy colleges represent a well-educated group of thecommunity according to the use of drugs and they are required to hold the appropriate knowledge of druguse and have positive attitudes toward health problems, this good knowledge about the diseases and theirtreatment will give good pharmacists in the future and this will reflect positively on patient knowledge, andtheir compliance with treatment, this due to direct contact of pharmacists with the patients.Aim: To know the knowledge, Awareness and Attitude of a sample of Iraqi pharmacy students towardsepilepsy.Method: Cross-sectional study used a structured questionnaire validated by previous studies to collectdata about knowledge, Aware

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Gsc Biological And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Revision of public health and clinical importance of amoebiasis in Iraq
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Amebiasis, related to the pathogenic parasite Entamoeba histolytica, is a prominent cause of diarrhea globally. Amebiasis is primarily a disease of impoverished communities in developing nations, although it has recently arisen as a significant infection among returning tourists and immigrants. Severe cases are linked to a high case fatality rate. Although polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based diagnosis is becoming more widely available, it is still underutilized. Treatment with nitroimidazoles is now suggested, however novel parasite medication research is a top priority. To avoid problems, amebiasis should be considered before corticosteroid therapy. Because there is no effective vaccination, sanitation and availability to clean w

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Green Engineering
Sustainability and recovery project management implementation on construction projects in Iraq
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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Weibull Parameters and Wind Power Assessment for Three Locations in Iraq
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In this research, we built a program to assess Weibull parameters and wind power of three separate locations in Iraq: Baghdad, Basrah and Dhi-qar for two years 2009 and 2010, after collecting and setting the data available from the website "Weather Under Ground" for each of the stations Baghdad, Basrah and Dhi-qar. Weibull parameters (shape parameter and scale parameter) were estimated using maximum likelihood estimation method (MLE) and least squares method (LSM). Also, the annual wind speed frequencies were calculated noting speed most readily available through the above two years. Then, we plotted Weibull distribution function and calculate the most significant quantities represented by mean wind speed, standard deviation of the value

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Partnership between Public-Private secters between legislation and practice in IRAQ
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The topic of the partnership between the public and private sectors with great interest by researchers around the world after making sure that the process of economic and social development depends on a combination of resources and energies and expertise of both the public and private sectors in the creation and operation of the various projects , the economic development of the growing proved the failure of both sectors in achieving greater economic growth Klaaly separately in many countries , especially developing countries with a socialist approach , led one way or another to adopt most of the countries economic reform programs promoted by international organizations and institutions ( such as the IMF and the World Bank ) of i

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2004
Journal Name
Faculty Of Engineering/mustansiriyah University
Studying and Analyzing Actual Safety Situation of Construction Factories in Iraq
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Safety programmes are considered one of the means to protect workers from different accidents and injuries and also to protect all assets including machines equipment and various materials. In spite of world state interests in occupational safety, this subject didn't get the required attention by senior staff of management at most of our country construction factories and the application of safety programmes still limited and in active. In order to a achieve the goal of the study, scientific method has been pursued to obtain the necessary information related to this study through tours to related companies and their construction factories and review literature that deal with occupational safety subject and their programmes and cost, in a

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Prescribing Pattern and Rational use of Drugs in Maysan Governorate, Iraq
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This study was designed to investing the drug prescribing pattern which is the important point in the rational or irrational use of drugs among patients dispensing their prescriptions from the private pharmacies in Maysan governorate, Iraq for a period of 1 month. The data collected from prescriptions were calculated and analyzed according to the WHO prescribing guidelines. The data showed that the mean of drugs included in single prescription was 3.4, and 12% of prescribed drugs were written as generic names; moreover, the percentage of antibiotics, corticosteroids and anxiolytics were 33.3%, 11.4% and 23.8% respectively. Those results indicate the irrational use of drugs when compared with the world health organization standard values

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