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The Correlation between Serum Inositol 1,4,5 Triphosphate Level and Primary Hypothyroidism
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Background: Most primary hypothyroidism patients also experience inefficiency and irregularity. It is possible to understand the significance of myo-inositol in treating the thyroid gland by relating it to the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Study aimed to estimate serum of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) in primary hypothyroidism disorder and through that level it can shed light on whether it is accused of inactivity of the thyroid gland and at the same time open the doors for the use as a treatment.

Subject and Methods: The study was taken from the analytical cross-sectional design.120 subjects were divided into three groups, the first group included 40 healthy subjects, the second group included 25 patients with subclinical hypothyroidism, and the last group had 55 patients with primary hypothyroidism. with the subjects chosen from a teaching laboratory in the medical city. thyroid hormones and serum TSH was determined using Enzyme Immunoassay by Tosoh instrument assay, while serum inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) using (ELISA) system.

Results: primary hypothyroidism patients showed a significant (p≤0.05) decrease level of serum IP3 when compared with healthy subjects. There is significant positive correlation with serum inositol 1,4,5 triphosphate (IP3) and each triiodothyronine S.T3 (r = 0.581, p ≤0.05), thyroxine S.T4 (r = 0.597, p ≤0.05), and significant negative correlation thyroid-stimulating hormone S.TSH (r=-0.820, p≤0.05), in primary hypothyroidism Patients.

Conclusions: inositol 1,4,5 triphosphate (IP3) deficiency in primary hypothyroidism disorder may be a cause of it happening, at the same time may be useful in its treatment even if it was not studied adequately in the study, but through its effect on a thyroid hormone.


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Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The correlation between identifying needs and choosing the appropriate productive art for use / primary health care centers as an example
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        The purpose of the study is to identify the need to improve health services in Iraq by determining the efficiency of service in health care centres and working on exploiting limited resources through choosing the most efficient technological art represented by using precast concrete technology to fill the shortfall in the establishment health centres for primary care and to explain the impact of this on saving resources, time, and increasing production efficiency. To achieve this, the quantitative analysis adopted as a methodology in the study by determining the size of the deficit in the infrastructure of health centres for primary care according to the standard of a he

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Al- Nahrain University-science
Correlation between Levels of Serum Prolactin and Total Sialic Acids Concentrations in Fertile and Infertile Women
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The aim of this study was investigating the correlation between elevation of Prolactin levels and the increase of the concentrations of total sialic acids. The study was performed on 149 women consisted of 93 infertile hyperprolactinimic women (patients), age ranged16-38 years old, and 56 normoprolactinemic women as a control group, 18-37 years old. Serum prolactin (PRL) and gonadotroph hormones (Follicle stimulating hormone FSH and Luteinizing hormone LH) were measured using enzymatic immunoassay (EIA) method, resorcinol method for serum total sialic acids (SIA). Patients were divided into four groups, each group represented the level of prolactin of infertile women as follow: G1= (21-30), G2= (31-40), G3= (41-50), and G4= (51-60) ng/mL. S

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2013
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Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the cause of the major world health issue, tuberculosis (TB). The cytokine, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) has been implicated in protection against TB in the early stages of the disease. TNF-α is an effective cytokine in the killing of intracellular M. tuberculosis. This study inducted to investigate whether there is any relationship between levels of TNF-α in sera of TB patients and their recovery, and is there any difference in the level of this cytokine in sera of female and male TB patients. This study included 29 patients with pulmonary TB (18 female and 11 male), their ages ranging from 37 to 59 years. All of them received first line TB therapy. They were consulted at Pasture Center during Septem

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Serum Creatine Activity : A kinetic study in patient of hyper and hypothyroidism
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Serum   Creatine Kinase  (SCK)  activity was  investigated in  hyper

and  hypqtbyroidim objects. Estimated   Levels  were compared  with

healty controls.  of SCK. activity  has. been  achieved  using  0.95 mJ  of

the Semtl.l and  25  m  mol/L of -the subslratet creatitie phosphate  . Reaction mixture  was incubated  at 37C for 1 0 minutes . Data obtained were  r:cflects an  elevation in the enzme activity in hyperthyroidism objec. Determination of the physical parameters (Vma-x  and Km). were ol-,tained applying lit1eweaver- l3:urk Plot analysis. All detemi

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Link between Serum Omentin Level and Insulin Resistance Biomarkers, Lipid Profile, and Atherogenic Indices in Iraqi Obese Patients.
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Omentin (or intelectin) is a main visceral fat secretory adipokine.  There is a growing interest to link omentin, obesity and co-morbidity factors. The aim of the present study is to evaluate serum omentin and its association to insulin resistance biomarkers, lipid profile and atherogenic indies. This cross – sectional study was conducted in Obesity Research and Therapy Unit-Alkindy College of Medicine by recruiting (115) individuals; 49 males /66 females. Subjects between (20 to 60) years of age were selected and classified into two groups according to their Body mass index (BMI). Group1 involved healthy lean volunteers (25 male/ 36 female; BMI 18.5 - 24.9). Group2 involved obese subjects; (24 male / 36 female with BMI ≥ 30). The s

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Correlation between Thyroid-related Hormones and Preeclampsia
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Objectives: In order to highlight the TSH and thyroid hormones levels in preeclamptic and healthy pregnant
Methodology: Ninety patients with preeclampsia were divided into two groups according to the severity of
disease; those with mild disease (37 patients) and those with a severe form (53 patients). A separate group of 30
normal women were included as a normal control group. Venus blood samples were collected from all groups
and the serum was obtained for hormone analysis by ELISA test. Results are expressed using SPSS for window
version 11.0.
Results: Mean serum TSH levels were significantly increased in both of mild and severe preeclampsia compared
with normal pregnancy, and T3 serum level showed a sign

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Role of Serum Chitinase-3-Like 1 Protein (YKL-40) Level and its Correlation with Proinflammatory Cytokine in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Chitinase-3-like 1 protein (YKL-40) is a glycoprotein primarily produced in the arthritic joint and plays a crucial role in inflammatory processes. The aim of the study is to establish the role of YKL-40 as a biomarker for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) compared to proinflammatory biomarkers and disease activity. The study included 58 patients and 18 control. Diseases activity score (DAS-28) and clinical disease activity index (CDAI) were measured. Serum level of YKL-40, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1B (IL-1β), erythrocyte sedimentation (ESR), rheumatoid factor (RF), C-reactive protein (CRP), and anti-citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA) were assessed. The results showed that the median serum YKL-40 level which was 5.42 

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Correlation between SMBH and SFR for Quasars
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     A Spectroscopic study has been focused in this article to study one of the main types of active galaxies which are quasars, and to be more precise this research focuses on studying the correlation between the main engine of Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSO), the central black hole mass (SMBH) and other physical properties (e.g. the star formation rate (SFR)). Twelve objects have been randomly selected for “The Half Million Quasars (HMQ) Catalogue” published in 2015 and the data collected from Salon Digital Sky survey (SDSS) Dr. 16. The redshift range of these galaxies were between (0.05 – 0.17). The results show a clear linear proportionality between the SMBH and the SFR, as well as direct proportional between the luminosit

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
Archives Of Razi Institute
Vitamin D Level and its Relation with the Newly Diagnosed Diabetic Neuropathy in Women with Hypothyroidism
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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Some Hormonal Changes in Women with Primary Hypothyroidism under the Effect of Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy
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Hypothyroidism has been associated with disorders of glucose and insulin metabolism..The present study was designed to evaluate the possible change in some hormones (free testosterone, estradiol, prolactin, insulin), glucose and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) in women with primary hypothyroidism under thyroid hormone replacement therapy .This cross-sectional study was carried on 62 hypothyroid patients׳  women and 22  healthy women as control group at the specialized center for endocrinology and diabetes, AL-Rasafa Directorate of  Health Baghdad, with age range(15-60 years), diagnosed as having primary hypothyroidism on thyroxine replacement therapy with duration not less than four months.

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