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A Population based Study on Self Medication Practice in Pakistan
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Background: The risk of antibiotics resistance (AR) increases due to excessive of antibiotics either by health care provider or by the patients.

Objective: The assessment of the self-medication Practice of over the counter drugs and other prescription drugs and its associated risk factor.

Subjects and Methods: Study design: A descriptive study was conducted from “20th December 2019 to 08th January 2021”. A pre validated and structured questionnaire in English and Urdu language was created to avoid language barrier including personal detail, reasons and source and knowledge about over the counter drugs and Antibiotics. Sample of the study was randomly selected. Data was analyzed by software SPSS version 22.

Results: Out of n=3388 respondents, the prevalence of self -medication practice of OTC drugs and antibiotics as self – medication practice in all of the respondents is 88% and 85.9% respectively. Knowledge of the respondents about the use of the antibiotics as well as side effects of antibiotics was 40.7% and 15.3% respectively. Headache, fever, cough and stomach problem were the minor ailments for which   majority of OTC drugs and antibiotics used respectively. The commonly used OTC drugs and OPDEA were Paracetamol and Omeprazole. The commonly used antibiotics were Metronidazole, Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid and Ciprofloxacin.

Conclusion: Government should make policies to train pharmacist in the community for antibiotics stewardship and standard treatment guidelines through educational workshops. Our future study will be on how to minimize antimicrobial resistance in the developing countries

  1.  Conclusion: Government should make policies to train pharmacist in the community for antibiotics stewardship and standard treatment guidelines through educational workshops. Our future study will be on how to minimize antimicrobial resistance in the developing countries.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment of Water Quality Index and Water Suitability of the Tigris River for drinking water within Baghdad City, Iraq
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In this study water quality was indicated in terms of Water Quality Index that was determined through summarizing multiple parameters of water test results. This index offers a useful representation of the overall quality of water for public or any intended use as well as indicating pollution, water quality management and decision making. The application of Water Quality Index (WQI) with sixteen physicochemical water quality parameters was performed to evaluate the quality of Tigris River water for drinking usage. This was done by subjecting the water samples collected from eight stations in Baghdad city during the period 2004-2010 to comprehensive physicochemical analysis. The sixteen physicochemical parameters included: Turbidity,

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl.
Some types of fibrewise fuzzy topological spaces
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The aim of this paper is to introduce and study the notion type of fibrewise topological spaces, namely fibrewise fuzzy j-topological spaces, Also, we introduce the concepts of fibrewise j-closed fuzzy topological spaces, fibrewise j-open fuzzy topological spaces, fibrewise locally sliceable fuzzy j-topological spaces and fibrewise locally sectionable fuzzy j-topological spaces. Furthermore, we state and prove several Theorems concerning these concepts, where j = {δ, θ, α, p, s, b, β}.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 14 2021
Journal Name
The Open Civil Engineering Journal
Producing Sustainable Concrete using Nano Recycled Glass
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Many tools and techniques have been recently adopted to develop construction materials that are less harmful and friendlier to the environment. New products can be achieved through the recycling of waste material. Thus, this study aims to use recycled glass bottles as sustainable materials.


Our challenge is to use nano glass powder by the addition or replacement of the weight of the cement for producing concrete with enhanced strength.


A nano recycled glass p

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Crossref (12)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University-science
St-closed Submodule
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Abstract Throughout this paper R represents commutative ring with identity and M is a unitary left R-module, the purpose of this paper is to study a new concept, (up to our knowledge), named St-closed submodules. It is stronger than the concept of closed submodules, where a submodule N of an R-module M is called St-closed (briefly N ≤Stc M) in M, if it has no proper semi-essential extensions in M, i.e if there exists a submodule K of M such that N is a semi-essential submodule of K then N = K. An ideal I of R is called St-closed if I is an St-closed R-submodule. Various properties of St-closed submodules are considered.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 15 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Experimental Investigation for Small Horizontal Portable Wind Turbine of Different Blades Profiles under Laboratory Conditions
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Experimental investigation for small horizontal portable wind turbine (SHPWT) of NACA-44, BP-44, and NACA-63, BP-63 profiles under laboratory conditions at different wind velocity range of (3.7-5.8 m/s) achieved in present work. Experimental data tabulated for 2, 3, 4, and 6- bladed rotor of both profiles within range of blade pitch angles . A mathematical model formulated and computer Code for MATLAB software developed. The least-squares regression is used to fit experimental data. As the majority of previous works have been presented for large scale wind turbines, the aims were to present the performance of (SHPWT) and also to make a comparisons between both profiles to conclude which is the best performance. The overall efficiency and el

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship between critical thinking, epistemological beliefs, and learning strategies with the students’ academic performance
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The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between critical thinking, epistemological beliefs, and learning strategies with the academic performance of high school first-grade male and female students in Yazd. For this purpose, from among all first-grade students, as many as 250 students (130 females and 120 males) were selected by using multistage cluster sampling. The data needed were then collected through using California Critical Thinking Skills Test, Schommer's Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire, Biggs’ Revised Two Factor Study Process Questionnaire. The findings indicated that there is a positive significant relationship between critical thinking and academic performance and achievement. Moreover, four fa

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Stochastic Non-Linear Pseudo-Random Sequence Generator
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Many of the key stream generators which are used in practice are LFSR-based in the sense that they produce the key stream according to a rule y = C(L(x)), where L(x) denotes an internal linear bit stream, produced by small number of parallel linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs), and C denotes some nonlinear compression function. In this paper we combine between the output sequences from the linear feedback shift registers with the sequences out from non linear key generator to get the final very strong key sequence

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 16 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
New Techniques of Watermark Images using Bit Plane Slicing and Cubic-spline Interpolation
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A watermark is a pattern or image defined in a paper that seems as different shades of light/darkness when viewed by the transmitted light which used for improving the robustness and security. There are many ways to work Watermark, including the addition of an image or text to the original image, but in this paper was proposed another type of watermark is add curves, line or forms have been drawn by interpolation, which produces watermark difficult to falsify and manipulate it. Our work suggests new techniques of watermark images which is embedding Cubic-spline interpolation inside the image using Bit Plane Slicing. The Peak to Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE) value is calculated so that the quality of the original i

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 18 2010
Journal Name
Spe Projects, Facilities & Construction
Correlating Optimum Stage Pressure for Sequential Separator Systems
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Summary<p>A study to find the optimum separators pressures of separation stations has been performed. Stage separation of oil and gas is accomplished with a series of separators operating at sequentially reduced pressures. Liquid is discharged from a higher-pressure separator into the lower-pressure separator. The set of working separator pressures that yields maximum recovery of liquid hydrocarbon from the well fluid is the optimum set of pressures, which is the target of this work.</p><p>A computer model is used to find the optimum separator pressures. The model employs the Peng-Robinson equation of state (Peng and Robinson 1976) for volatile oil. The application of t</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Limits between the Cosmological Parameters from Strong Lensing Observations for Generalized Isothermal Models
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This paper including a gravitational lens time delays study for a general family of lensing potentials, the popular singular isothermal elliptical potential (SIEP), and singular isothermal elliptical density distribution (SIED) but allows general angular structure. At first section there is an introduction for the selected observations from the gravitationally lensed systems. Then section two shows that the time delays for singular isothermal elliptical potential (SIEP) and singular isothermal elliptical density distributions (SIED) have a remarkably simple and elegant form, and that the result for Hubble constant estimations actually holds for a general family of potentials by combining the analytic results with data for the time dela

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