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A Population based Study on Self Medication Practice in Pakistan
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Background: The risk of antibiotics resistance (AR) increases due to excessive of antibiotics either by health care provider or by the patients.

Objective: The assessment of the self-medication Practice of over the counter drugs and other prescription drugs and its associated risk factor.

Subjects and Methods: Study design: A descriptive study was conducted from “20th December 2019 to 08th January 2021”. A pre validated and structured questionnaire in English and Urdu language was created to avoid language barrier including personal detail, reasons and source and knowledge about over the counter drugs and Antibiotics. Sample of the study was randomly selected. Data was analyzed by software SPSS version 22.

Results: Out of n=3388 respondents, the prevalence of self -medication practice of OTC drugs and antibiotics as self – medication practice in all of the respondents is 88% and 85.9% respectively. Knowledge of the respondents about the use of the antibiotics as well as side effects of antibiotics was 40.7% and 15.3% respectively. Headache, fever, cough and stomach problem were the minor ailments for which   majority of OTC drugs and antibiotics used respectively. The commonly used OTC drugs and OPDEA were Paracetamol and Omeprazole. The commonly used antibiotics were Metronidazole, Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid and Ciprofloxacin.

Conclusion: Government should make policies to train pharmacist in the community for antibiotics stewardship and standard treatment guidelines through educational workshops. Our future study will be on how to minimize antimicrobial resistance in the developing countries

  1.  Conclusion: Government should make policies to train pharmacist in the community for antibiotics stewardship and standard treatment guidelines through educational workshops. Our future study will be on how to minimize antimicrobial resistance in the developing countries.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Cognitive Linguistic Study of the Satirical Language in Al-Hajjar's Caricatures
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The present study is a qualitative study that aims to investigate the way the Iraqi caricaturist,Dheaa Al-Hajjar uses caricatures to produce a satirical meaning humorously.Producing satire while at the same maintaining humor requires a creative thinking on the part of the caricaturist. Thus, the study examines the production of humorous satire in terms of creativity. The analysis is done from the cognitive linguistic point of view using Arthur Koestler's theory of bisociation as presented in his book The Act of Creation in 1964. The main principle on which the theory is based is that humor is created via linking (or bisociating in Koestler's terms) two habitually incompatible trains of thought in order to come up with a novel me

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Publication Date
Fri May 28 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of Chemical Content in Some Species of Tribe Apieae / Apiace
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In this study, the flavonoid and alkaloid content in the alcoholic extract of the shoots and flowers were identified in four species of the tribe Apieae / Apiacese : Ammi majus, Ammi visgana, Anethum graveolens and Foeniculum  vulgaris, and the flavonoids that were detected are (Apigenin, Coumarin, Kaempferol and Quercetin). The species Foeniculum vulgaris has recorded the highest concentration of total flavonoid content (Shoots and Flowers) among the studied species, reaching 4139.2 µg / ml. The total alkaloids are estimated for these species, and the Foeniculum vulgaris has recorded the highest concentration of the total alkaloid content as well.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Serum Creatine Activity : A kinetic study in patient of hyper and hypothyroidism
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Serum   Creatine Kinase  (SCK)  activity was  investigated in  hyper

and  hypqtbyroidim objects. Estimated   Levels  were compared  with

healty controls.  of SCK. activity  has. been  achieved  using  0.95 mJ  of

the Semtl.l and  25  m  mol/L of -the subslratet creatitie phosphate  . Reaction mixture  was incubated  at 37C for 1 0 minutes . Data obtained were  r:cflects an  elevation in the enzme activity in hyperthyroidism objec. Determination of the physical parameters (Vma-x  and Km). were ol-,tained applying lit1eweaver- l3:urk Plot analysis. All detemi

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Working Memory Classification Enhancement of EEG Activity in Dementia: A Comparative Study
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The purpose of the current investigation is to distinguish between working memory ( ) in five patients with vascular dementia ( ), fifteen post-stroke patients with mild cognitive impairment ( ), and fifteen healthy control individuals ( ) based on background electroencephalography (EEG) activity. The elimination of EEG artifacts using wavelet (WT) pre-processing denoising is demonstrated in this study. In the current study, spectral entropy ( ), permutation entropy ( ), and approximation entropy ( ) were all explored. To improve the  classification using the k-nearest neighbors ( NN) classifier scheme, a comparative study of using fuzzy neighbourhood preserving analysis with -decomposition ( ) as a dimensionality reduction technique an

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Critical Pragmatic Study of Racism as Conceptualized in the Glorious Quran
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Racism changes its meaning, shape, purpose or function according to various factors such as time, place, motives, and backgrounds; among others. It seems, however, to have deep roots back in the history of mankind. Such a concept stems from a perceived difference with the other. It is fed by the feeling of being hierarchically superior in opposition to another party that is depicted as inferior. Since ancient times, racism is disguised in different forms and manifests itself on various levels. It is a truism that this ideology can be best presented via language.

Due to its negative implication, racism lends itself to a critical kind of research.  As such, this paper is a critical pragmatic investigation for this phenomenon a

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Laboratory Study Attempt of Flow and Energy Dissipation in Stepped Spillways
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A new laboratory study conducted on stepped spillways in order to investigate their efficiency of dissipating flow energy. All previous study on stepped spillway indicated that the flow energy dissipation decreased as increasing in discharge. Increasing in the step numbers and the spillway slope led to energy dissipation decrease. In this study, an experimental attempt to increase energy dissipation at variable discharges was performed on stepped spillway and that leads to decreasing the cost of initiating the stilling basin or may be ignoring it. Five spillways were constructed from concrete and tested to investigate and compare among them. Three were roughed by gravel with different size for each one, one of them was s

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2024
Journal Name
Green Analytical Chemistry
Green methods for determination of paracetamol in drug samples: A comparative study
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة البحوث والدراسات الإسلامية
Religious and Psychological guidance in the Qur’an and Sunnah, a descriptive study
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God saw his servants with truth and light, and made him easy for them, and he commanded those who help them, including a counselor, guide and preacher, so if a Muslim sees deficiencies or defects, he must help him to reform and refine it. That it was in the hands of the prophets, God Almighty created the human being together straight, then melted on those scholars and researchers in all religions on psychological counseling and religious sychotherapy, stressing the importance of religious values in the process of understanding man in the process of psychotherapy and in controlling human behavior. A lot of research and studies have been published. I dealt with the religious approach in the process of treating mental disorders and the aim of

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
A Linguistic study of Presupposition in Rattigan’s play ‘while the sun shines’
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As a kind of linguistic study, the study of presupposition in drama is one of captivating topic to explore, because of the capability of this topic to make people perceive the presupposition differently. Presupposition is one of the most important concepts in linguistics. It refers to the implicit inferences made in communication between people. These inferences are necessary to understand the utterances correctly. The research particularly endeavors to focus on the linguistic constructions that activate presupposition.

Publication Date
Sat Feb 03 2018
Journal Name
Al- Utroha Journal
Grice’s Maxims in British and American Conversation: A Comparative Study.
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DBN Rashid, Al- Utroha Journal, 2018

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