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A Comparative Study between Transcutaneous Bilirubinometry and Total Serum Bilirubin Measurement in Jaundiced Newborns

Conclusions: Transcutaneous bilirubin measurements on chest and forehead have an acceptable validity in predicting hyperbilirubinemia with less accuracy on forehead.

Background: Drawing blood to measure total serum bilirubin is painful & time consuming. Transcutaneous bilirubinometer working by multiwavelength spectral reflectance from the skin surface on forehead or upper sternum is a quick & painless technique. 

Objectives: to compare the effectiveness of transcutaneous (over the upper sternum and forehead) and serum bilirubin measurement of neonate with jaundice.

Subjects and Methods: This is a cross sectional prospective study. It enrolled 175 jaundiced neonates & excluded those exposed to phototherapy. It was conducted at Child Central Teaching Hospital in Baghdad, Iraq from the 1st of August to the 30th of October 2018. Transcutaneous bilirubin measurement on forehead and upper sternum was done by JM 103 Minolta Air shields bilirubinometer. Total serum bilirubin was measured by APEL BR 501 BILIRUBIN METER. Data entered & analyzed using SPSS 20 computer software. Means, frequencies, cutoff values, sensitivity & specificity were calculated. 

Results: The mean age, gestational age & birth weight were (6.3±4.3 days), (36.9±2.1 weeks) and (2.7±0.6 Kg) respectively. Mean total serum bilirubin, transcutaneous chest & forehead bilirubin levels were 12.6±4.2 mg/dl, 11.8±3.8 mg/dl & 11.2±3.9 mg/dl respectively. Mean total serum bilirubin was significantly higher than transcutaneous chest and forehead bilirubin. Cutoff values of transcutaneous chest & forehead bilirubin levels were [(9 mg/dl) with sensitivity (95.4%) & specificity (86.4%)] and [(8.2 mg/dl) with sensitivity (94.7%) & specificity (86.4%)] respectively.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Characters of the Form in the Vernacular Architecture A comparative study of the form's characters of facades of individual houses and commercial buildings in the City of Baghdad after 2003–Zayoona district as a case study

The characters of facades' form of the Iraqi building after 2003 have been changed, it has been described by many names. The problem of the research is that what are the features of the characters of the form in the façades of the buildings in Baghdad city after 2003? Are the façade of the individual houses or the commercial buildings is the heaviest in the visual weight? The research aims to answer those questions by choosing the vernacular architecture as a measurement tool. It is the informal image of the architecture, which is built by people informally and spontaneously, without official control and legislation to be organized. This is smellier to what has happened in Baghdad, after 2003 according to previous stud

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Herbal activation of mammary gland; a comparative

Seventy five adult virgin female Norway rats (60 experimental and 15 controls) were used toevaluate the effect of seeds of three herbs (Fennel, Cumin and Garden cress) on their mammaryglands. Experimental animals were fed with these herbs (each type of herb seeds was given to twentyexperimental rats) for fourteen days. Rats were sacrificed and mammary gland sections wereobtained, stained then morphometrically assessed. Serum prolactin level was performed too.Results revealed that Garden cress seeds are the strongest lactogenic agent among the three. BothFennel and Cumin seeds were shown to be very weak galactagogues.

Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study of Serum GOT(Glutamic Oxalacetic Transaminase) Activity and Some kinetic Parameters in Patient with Pulmonary Tuberculosis

   In the present study, serum GOT(Glutamic Oxalacetic Transaminase) was purified, the purified enzyme showed the maximum activity at 37ºC and pH 7.5. During purification of serum GOT ion exchange chromatography lead to four separate forms (termed I, II, III and IV). GOT II with  the highest specific activity was pure after chromatography on Sephacryl S300. . S.GOT levels were investigated in serum samples from patient with pulmonary tuberculosis .The S.GOT levels were determined at and 37ć .The study revealed that the serum GOT activity was higher in patient of tuberculous pulmonary than in control subjects.The mean serum GOT activity in the patients group was(90±8 IU/L) as compared to control group (27±0.65I

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A Comparative Immunohistochemical Expression of Cyclin D1 in Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor, Dentigerous and Radicular Cysts

Background: Odontogenic cysts include a group of osseodestructive lesions that frequently affect the jaws. Those cysts could derive from odontogenic epithelium and occur in the tooth-bearing regions of the jaws. The aims of this study were to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of Cyclin D1 in Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor, Dentigerous cyst and Radicular cyst in epithelium and connective tissue capsule. Materials and Methods: In this study, thirty formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue blocks of Odontogenic cysts and Tumor, consist of 14 Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor, 8 dentigerous cysts and 8 radicular cysts were analyzed immunohistochemically for the presence of Cyclin D1 proteins. Results: Strong to moderate expression of Cy

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 21 2022
Journal Name
Научный форум: Филология, искусствоведение и культурология: сб. ст. по материалам Lvi междунар. науч.-практ. конф. – No 2 (56). – М
Comparative analysis of zoomorphic metaphors in Russian and Arabic as a method for studying linguoculturology

: zonal are included in phraseological units, form metaphorical names for a person, give him various emotional and evaluative characteristics. This article examines the topic of zoomorphic metaphors that characterize a person in the Russian and Arabic languages in the aspect of their comparative analysis, since the comparative analysis of the metaphorical meanings of animalisms is an important method for studying cultural linguistics, since zoomorphic metaphors are a reflection of culture in a language.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of The Romanian Society For
Relation Study between Chromogranin a and Other Clinical Biomarker in Iraqi Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency Undergo Treated Via Recombinant Growth Hormone

Growth hormone deficiency is a condition that occurs when a limited volume of growth hormone is released by the pituitary gland since growth hormone deficiency causes growth delays, short stature, and overall physical development delays. symptoms differ based on the age at which they occur .Aim of this study Estimating the level of growth hormone serotonin ,IGF-1 and Chromogranin A before and after with treatment recombinant growth hormone and It is the first study in Iraq that sheds light on the relationship between Chromogranin and other variables ( somatostatin, IGF-1,GH) ,also the prediction of Chromogranin A as a newly biochemical marker in children with growth hormone deficiency. In this study, 30 samples were collected from children

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Relationship Between Competitive Intelligence and Entrepreneurial Performance By Centralizing Strategic Vigilance: Field study of a sample of National colleges in Iraq

The aim of this study is to highlight the relationship between competitive intelligence and Entrepreneurial Performance by centralizing the strategic vigilance of a sample of civil faculties in Baghdad. The sample of the study was targeted at 10 Iraqi civil colleges, which consisted of (133) members of the faculty council of the faculties, the search data was collected using the questionnaire form as the main research tool. The results showed that the correlation and influence of competitive intelligence and strategic vigilance in the Entrepreneurial Performance, as well as the role of strategic vigilance as an intermediate variable between competitive intelligence and Entrepreneurial Performance.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use some of the quality tools to improve the health service: Comparative research between Baghdad's and Yarmouk hospital educational


This research aims to improve the provided health service level inside Baghdad hospitals and the Yarmouk educational, as well as to shed light on the reality of the health service and the quality within the major operations room in both hospitals, as the operations room represent the research community, as was the use of some quality tools Pareto and Ishikawa diagram to measure and assess the level of quality provided, and include research problem to find out what are the problems and obstacles facing the process of improving quality in both hospitals, and whether there are scientifically accurate method to assess the quality of health service in Baghdad's Yarmouk hospital and educational . Where the researcher h

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 20 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Methods of Foreign Trade Payments -Comparative Accounting Study-

 The research has been concerned with the modalities of foreign trade payments (foreign trade financing), and made an accounting comparison between them to choose the best way to pay for the imported goods (payment of the real values of imported goods), given the importance of the impact of this activity on the national economy of all countries of the world, especially Iraq for the adoption of a very large amount of imported goods to meet the requirements of the people, which require the flow of huge amounts of foreign currency outside Iraq to pay for these goods, and therefore dealing incorrectly with it leads to the destruction of the national economy and the spread of a number of negative social and economic phenomena of

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Magic comparative study of the Old Testament mediator

Magic is an attempt to affect people or events either by cheating and charlatanry means or by expecting devil powers in order to bring advantage or to avoid a harm or to bring harm to others or to for see the future and divition .

     Magic is either real by the devil like writing majic works to prevent the marriage of someone and to depart the husband and his wife , causing someone to be distressed the physical and nervous diseases and stopping the stories and the project; majic can be artificial by being intellect and legerdemain and different types of triks and to cancel the magic by using magic or by protecting the self by using Talismans as well as presenting or offering sacrificers to the masters and th

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