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Diagnostic Approach of Atypical Cells in Effusion Cytology Using Computerized Image Analysis
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Background: Cytology is one of the important diagnostic tests done on effusion fluid. It can detect malignant cells in up to 60% of malignant cases. The most important benign cell present in these effusions is the mesothelial cell. Mesothelial atypia can be striking andmay simulate metastatic carcinoma. Many clinical conditions may produce such a reactive atypical cells as in anemia,SLE, liver cirrhosis and many other conditions. Recently many studies showed the value of computerized image analysis in differentiating atypical cells from malignant adenocarcinoma cells in effusion smears. Other studies support the reliability of the quantitative analysisand morphometric features and proved that they are objective prognostic indices. Methods: Sixty three cases of pleural and peritoneal smears, previously reported as benign (19) cases, malignant (21) cases or atypical (23) cases, were retrieved from the files. In each of these smears; nuclear area, perimeter, and roundness coefficient of 80-100 cell were determined at x400 magnification by the use of image analysis system. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance and Tukey's HSD test. Results: The mean values of nuclear roundness, nuclear perimeter and nuclear area vary between the three groups (benign, atypical and malignant cells) by using analysis of variance (p > 0.01). The value of nuclear roundness, perimeter and area did not differ significantly between benign and atypical cells (Tukey’s test: p<0.01). On the other hand, the value of nuclear roundness, perimeter and area showed a significant difference between malignant and atypical cells(Tukey's test: p> 0.01). Conclusion: In conclusion, our data suggest that cytomorphometry performed on effusion smear cells may provide important information for the differentiation of atypical cells from malignant cells, in which the values of atypical cells are closer to those of benign cells during the examination of pleural and peritoneal smears by the use of image analysis system

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2019
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Behavior of Clay Masonry Prism under Vertical Load Using Detailed Micro Modeling Approach
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The aim of this research is to assess the validity of Detailed Micro-Modeling (DMM) as a numerical model for masonry analysis. To achieve this aim, a set of load-displacement curves obtained based on both numerical simulation and experimental results of clay masonry prisms loaded by a vertical load. The finite element method was implemented in DMM for analysis of the experimental clay masonry prism. The finite element software ABAQUS with implicit solver was used to model and analyze the clay masonry prism subjected to a vertical load. The load-displacement relationship of numerical model was found in good agreement with those drawn from experimental results. Evidence shows that load-displacement curvefound from the finite element m

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Electric Energy Generation Approach of the Energy Saving House Using Photovoltaic System
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This paper describes a research effort that aims of developing solar models for housing suitable for the Arabian region since the Arabian Peninsula is excelled with very high levels of solar radiation.
The current paper is focused on achieving energy efficiency through utilizing solar energy and conserving energy. This task can be accomplished by implementation the major elements related to energy efficiency in housing design , such as embark on an optimum photovoltaic system orientation to maximize seize solar energy and produce solar electricity. All the precautions were taken to minimizing the consumption of solar energy for providing the suitable air-condition to the inhibitor of the solar house in addition to use of energy effici

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Drought assessment in Iraq using analysis of Standardized precipitation index (SPI)
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The Present study investigated the drought in Iraq, by using the rainfall data which obtained from 39 meteorological stations for the past 30 years (1980-2010). The drought coefficient calculated on basis of the standard precipitation index (SPI) and then characteristics of drought magnitude, duration and intensity were analyzed. The correlation and regression between magnitude and duration of drought were obtained according the (SPI) index. The result shows that drought magnitude values were greater in the northeast region of Iraq. 

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2006
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Use of Spiral Computerized Tomography in the Diagnosis of Middle –Third Facial Fractures as Compared to Plain Radiography
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Background: Trauma is one of the most common
clinical problems that confront the maxillofacial
surgeon and radiologist alike. Middle third facial
fractures are diagnosed primarily on the bases of
clinical examination and plain radiographs than can
result in much preoperative speculation.
Objective: To assess the advantages of spiral
computerized tomography over conventional
radiography in the pre-surgical evaluation of middle
third facial fractures.
Methods: Thirty patients with thirty-eight facial
fractures were studied, all patients were examined
clinically, by plain radiography and then by spiral CT.
Results: Of the 38 middle-third fractures, 16
(42.1%) were zygomatic fractures, 8 (21.1%) were

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 11 2021
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch
Diagnostic study of candidiasis in the mouth, urine and vagina of diabetic and healthy people
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A study that collected 240 samples and divided into two groups: the first 120 samples were for diabetics and the second 120 samples were for healthy people, and each group included (90, 20.10) samples from the mouth, urine and vagina respectively, The results showed positive (28.67, 4.00, 1.67) isolates of Candida. In the mouth, urine and vagina, respectively, of diabetic patients compared to (9.33, 2.33, 5.00) positive isolates in the mouth, urine and vagina, respectively, in the healthy. The rate of positive isolates in women was high in women with diabetes and healthy, and it reached 25.33 and 9.00 isolates, respectively, compared with the rate of isolates in men with Candida disease for diabetic patients and healthy people 14.67 and 2.0

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Change detection of remotely sensed image using NDVI subtractive and classification methods.
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Change detection is a technology ascertaining the changes of
specific features within a certain time Interval. The use of remotely
sensed image to detect changes in land use and land cover is widely
preferred over other conventional survey techniques because this
method is very efficient for assessing the change or degrading trends
of a region. In this research two remotely sensed image of Baghdad
city gathered by landsat -7and landsat -8 ETM+ for two time period
2000 and 2014 have been used to detect the most important changes.
Registration and rectification the two original images are the first
preprocessing steps was applied in this paper. Change detection using
NDVI subtractive has been computed, subtrac

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Materials Science And Engineering
Analysis of Wind Turbine Using QBlade Software
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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Online And Biomedical Engineering (ijoe)
Watermarking in Medical Image
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Medical image security is possible using digital watermarking techniques. Important information is included in a host medical image in order to provide integrity, consistency, and authentication in the healthcare information system. This paper introduces a proposed method for embedding invisible watermarking in the 3D medical image. The cover medical image used is DICOM which consists of a number of slices, each one representing a sense, firstly must separate the ROI (Region of Interest) and NROI (Not Region Of Interest) for each slice, the separation process performed by the particular person who selected by hand the ROI. The embedding process is based on a key generated from Arnold's chaotic map used as the position of a pixel in

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of Hematocrit Level, Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells Counts in Blood from Patients with Different Severities of Periodontal Diseases
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Background: Anemia of chronic disease (ACD) occurs in the presence of chronic infection, inflammatory conditions or neoplastic conditions despite of adequate iron and vitamins storage. Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gingiva, periodontitis is the inflammation in the periodontium that extend deeper with loss of connective tissue attachment and supporting bone. The main pathogenesis of periodontal diseases and ACD is immune activation. Aims of study: Determine and compare the clinical periodontal parameters (plaque index (PLI), gingival index (GI), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing pocket depth (PPD) and clinical attachment level (CAL)). Evaluate the hematocrit (Hct) level, red blood cells (RBCs) count and white blood cells (WBCs) c

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
The International Tinnitus Journal
Adenoidectomy and Endoscopic Myringotomy with and without ventilation tube insertion for Treatment of Otitis Media with Effusion in 6-12 years old Children
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