Background: Respiratory distress is one of the
commonest disorders within the firs 48 - 72 hours of live
and any sign of postnatal respiratory distress is an
indication for roentgenogram of the chest.
Objectives: Is to show the range of chest radiographic
findings in full term newborn babies suffering from
respiratory distress, at or soon after birth.
Method: This is a prospective study that was conducted
in the special care baby units in Baghdad teaching
hospital and Children welfare teaching hospital during
2002. Anteroposterior chest radiograph in supine
position of (129) full term newborn babies, presented
with a chief complaint of respiratory distress were
Results: The commonest cause of respiratory distress
was transient tachypnea of newborn (41.8%), most of
these showed hyperinflation (77%) and prominent
pulmonary markings (68%) .Normal chest films seen in
(16%). Pulmonary infection seen in (17.8%) of cases,
with findings of bronchopneumonia (43%), and lobar
consolidation affecting mostly the right upper lobe
(34%). Other causes were respiratory distress syndrome
(13.1%), meconium aspiration (13.1%), congenital heart
disease (9.3%). Less frequent causes were
pneumothorax, congenital lobar emphysema, congenital
diaphragmatic hernia and pleural effusion.
Conclusion: Any sign of post– natal respiratory distress
is an indication for roentgenogram of the chest which
should be taken as early as possible. In addition, chest
radiograph should be read by an expert radiologist
In this paper a new idea was introduced which is finding a new distribution from other distributions using mixing parameters; wi where 0 < wi < 1 and . Therefore we can get many mixture distributions with a number of parameters. In this paper I introduced the idea of a mixture Weibull distribution which is produced from mixing two Weibull distributions; the first with two parameters, the scale parameter , and the shape parameter, and the second also has the scale parameter , and the shape parameter, in addition to the location parameter, . These two distributions were mixed using a new parameter which is the mixing parameter w which represents the proportion
... Show MoreZM Al-Bahrani, Medico Legal Update, 2021
Background: Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) perforation in neonates is a serious problem for paediatric surgeons especially extremely low birth weight which continue to have a high mortality rate.
Methods: A prospective study for 36 neonate were seen and operated upon in Al- Kadhymia Hospital for Children and Al- Mustansiria Hospital during the period 2006 – 2010.
Results: There were 36 neonate proved to have GIT perforation (21(58.3%) male and 15 (41.7%) female. Their birth weight ranged from 1500 – 3600 grams with average age at presentation was 4 days.
Main causes of perforations included necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) 36%, spontaneous gastroduodenal perforations 11.1%, anterior abdominal wall defect 11.1%, spontaneous inte
This paper adapted the neural network for the estimating of the direction of arrival (DOA). It uses an unsupervised adaptive neural network with GHA algorithm to extract the principal components that in turn, are used by Capon method to estimate the DOA, where by the PCA neural network we take signal subspace only and use it in Capon (i.e. we will ignore the noise subspace, and take the signal subspace only).
In this research we assumed that the number of emissions by time (𝑡) of radiation particles is distributed poisson distribution with parameter (𝑡), where < 0 is the intensity of radiation. We conclude that the time of the first emission is distributed exponentially with parameter 𝜃, while the time of the k-th emission (𝑘 = 2,3,4, … . . ) is gamma distributed with parameters (𝑘, 𝜃), we used a real data to show that the Bayes estimator 𝜃 ∗ for 𝜃 is more efficient than 𝜃̂, the maximum likelihood estimator for 𝜃 by using the derived variances of both estimators as a statistical indicator for efficiency
Chest X-rays have long been used to diagnose pneumothorax. In trauma patients, chest ultrasonography combined with chest CT may be a safer, faster, and more accurate approach. This could lead to better and quicker management of traumatic pneumothorax, as well as enhanced patient safety and clinical results.
The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy and utility of bedside US chest in identifying traumatic pneumothorax and also its capacity to estimate the extent of the lesion in comparison to the gold standard modality chest computed tomography.