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Lipid Profile and Menopausal Status
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Background: Dyslipidemia is a major cause of
cardiovascular disease, which in turn, is the most
common cause of female morbidity and mortality.
Postmenopausal women (natural and surgical) are at
higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease,
especially coronary artery atherosclerosis.
Objective: To observe the relationship between blood
lipids: total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoproteincholesterol (HDL-C), low density lipoproteincholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides (TGs), and very low
density lipoprotein- cholesterol (VLDL-C), LDL-C/
HDL-C ratio (atherogenic index) and menopausal
status, and to determine the co-factors that may explain
this relationship
Methods: A prospective, cross-sectional study, which
includes 279 women, age range from 35-55 years
agreed to participate in this study. They were divided
into 4 groups according to their menopausal status.
These were pre-, peri post- natural and surgical postmenopausal. Data were collected from participants in a
pre-coded questionnaire and an overnight fasting blood
sample was collected for biochemical analysis.
Results: Postmenopausal women had higher levels of
lipids than pre or peri-menopausal. TC concentration
and LDL-cholesterol levels were higher in natural and
surgical menopause than in pre and pri-menopausal
women (p<0.01 and p<0.05 respectively). While
LDL/HDL-C ratio (atherogenic index) were higher in
the surgical postmenopausal women than in premenopausal group (p<0.05). No significant inter-group
differences were found in HDL-C. Triglycerides, and
VLDL levels were higher in surgical menopause group
than in both pre- and peri-menopause groups (p<0.05).
No significant differences were demonstrated in pre-,
peri-, and natural menopausal women with regard to
triglyceride and VLDL levels and LDL/HDL-C ratio.
Conclusion : Dyslipidemia is more frequent among
women with natural and surgical menopause groups
than in the other groups. This makes those women
more susceptible to CVD. Certain co factors appear to
have direct associations with lipid levels in each group
and those were discussed.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of some short-term debt instruments on the money supply and its effect on the production of wheat crop in Iraq during the period (1990_2018).
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The research aims to show the effect of some short-term debt instruments (central treasury transfers, cash credit granted to the government by commercial banks) on the production of the wheat crop in Iraq, through its effect on money supply during the period (1990-2018), As the study includes two models according to the statistical program (Eviews9), the first model included measuring the effect of short-term debt instruments on money supply, and the second measuring the extent of the money supply's impact on Wheat crop production, as the results of the standard analysis showed that the short-term debt instruments used in the model were Significant effect on wheat crop production indirectly through its effect on money supply, As

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Seeing the believers of their Lord in the situation and in heaven: fi mawqif wa fī aj- janna Lil -mam al-'allamah Burhanu al-din al-Kurani
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Research Summary

This research is an attempt to explain the Qur’anic verses of the vision in the practical divine vision on the Day of Resurrection, and the legal texts narrated from the Companions regarding the vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, regarding the vision of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, regarding the vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, regarding the vision of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace He was greeted with regard to vision, and he explained the two sayings of Ibn Abbas and Aisha on the same subject, including an area of ​​conflict between them.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
Подражание некоторым фразам и словам Великого Корана в сказке “Девушка без рук” The imitation of Some Quranic Phrases and Words in the Tale of "The Leprous Girl"
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The hadiths of Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas، may God be pleased with them، that there is no room for diligence in them ((collecting and studying))
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Research Summary

The research revolves around the collection of pending hadiths on Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas, may God be pleased with them, and it is required in these hadiths that they be among those in which there is no room for diligence, such as telling about unseen matters, signs of the Hour, or a statement of virtue and reward for obedience, or punishment for disobedience.

The research consists of an introduction, two topics, and a conclusion of the first topic in the translation of Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas, and the second topic, the pending hadiths of Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas, may God be pleased with them, in which there is no room for diligence in collecting and studying

At the end of this rese

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Designing activity based costing systems ABC for transport services and its role in improving the efficiency of pricing decisions: بحث تطبيقي في الشركة العامة لادارة النقل الخاص
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  The research dealt with the design of the cost accounting system for the transport service and its Role in improving the efficiency of pricing decisions through the application of the cost system based on ABC activities. The main activities were defined and cost guides were to measure the cost of each service and to determine the cost of each service for the purpose of providing management with appropriate information and pricing decisions The problem of research in the lack of adoption by some public companies in the service sector on the cost accounting system to calculate the cost of service as well as the lack of identification of productive activities and service activities and therefore cannot make the appropriate decision t

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The imitation of Some Quranic Phrases and Words in the Tale of "The Leprous Girl": Подражание некоторым фразам и словам Великого Корана в сказке “Девушка без рук”
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The present paper is devoted to studying the imitation of some Quran phrases and words in the tale of "The Leprous Girl". The paper aims at identifying the common ground between the tale and some great stories related in the verses of the holy Quran, and comparing the original work with the present translation. First, we translated the tale from Russian into Arabic so as to be tackled in study, and then an identification of the commonalities between this tale and the Quran wording is made. It was found that texting is clear in the original text of the tale, hence the need for this paper. By studying the texts and phrases employed by the writer, we observe that the text is influenced by the Quranic stories whose effects have been reflecte

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effect of measurement and analysis of quality costs on continuous improvement: Applied research in the Directorate General for the distribution of electric power in the Middle Euphrates
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The research aims to identify the theoretical foundations for measuring and analyzing quality costs and continuous improvement, as well as measuring and analyzing quality costs for the Directorate of Electricity Supply / Middle Euphrates and continuous improvement of the distribution of electrical energy,The problem was represented by the high costs of failure and waste in electrical energy result to the excesses on the network and the missing (lost) energy,Thus, measuring and analyzing quality costs for the distribution of electrical energy and identifying continuous improvement leads to a reduction in missing and an increase in sales, as the research reached many conclusions, the most important of which is the high percentage o

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Dalton Transactions
Mangiferin functionalized radioactive gold nanoparticles (MGF-<sup>198</sup>AuNPs) in prostate tumor therapy: green nanotechnology for production, in vivo tumor retention and evaluation of therapeutic efficacy
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We report here an innovative feature of green nanotechnology-focused work showing that mangiferin—a glucose functionalized xanthonoid, found in abundance in mango peels—serves dual roles of chemical reduction and in situ encapsulation, to produce gold nanoparticles with optimum in vivo stability and tumor specific characteristics. The interaction of mangiferin with a Au-198 gold precursor affords MGF-198AuNPs as the beta emissions of Au-198 provide unique advantages for tumor therapy while gamma rays are used for the quantitative estimation of gold within the tumors and various organs. The laminin receptor specificity of mangiferin affords specific accumulation of therapeutic payloads of this new therapeutic agent within prostate tumors

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Scopus (61)
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 26 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of Soluble Proteins(Spl and Sp2) Effect of extracted from Proteus mirabilis on the Activity of Superoxide Dismutase,SOD in the Sera of albino rabbit
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The  a i m  of  the  present  study  is  to  shed  some  light  on  the

imm u nol ogica l     effect   of  so lub l e  protei ns  extracted   from  Proteu mirabilis  th rough  em ployi ng t he  level  of  the en zy mati c  activity  of Superoxide Dismutase,SOD.

The    olublc  proteins·Sp I       and  Sp2,were  extracted   by  usi ng th e lysosyme   enzyme  .The  rabbits  were divided  into three groups  ,the fir t one was injected w

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The interactive relationship between the dimensions of the requirements of economic intelligence and the strategic success of banks: Applied research on a sample of Iraqi private banks
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The aim of this research is to demonstrate the nature of the interactive relationship between the dimensions of the requirements of economic intelligence Represented by(Administrative and regulatory requirements, human requirements, and technical requirements) The strategic success of banks is represented by (Customer satisfaction, customer confidence, quality of service, growth) In three of the Iraqi banks own bank(Middle East Iraqi Investment, Al Ahli Iraqi, Gulf Commercial), The questionnaire was adopted as a tool for collecting data and information Of the sample (85) Who are they(Director of the Commissioner, M. Director Plenipotentiary, Director of Department, Director of Section, M. Section Manager, Division Officer, Unit Officer),

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