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The Role of Strain Elastography in Evaluating Borderline Axillary Lymph nodes
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Background: Axillary lymph node (ALN) enlargement with diffuse cortical thickening and conserved echogenic hilum may represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Sonographic strain elastography may help the characterization of borderline ALN. 

Aim: To evaluate the strain elastography of borderline ALN and to calculate a cutoff value of strain ratio (SR) that can identify suspicious ALN with the highest sensitivity and specificity to reduce unnecessary invasive procedures. 

Subjects and Methods: A prospective study included 45 patients who attended the Breast clinic in Oncology Teaching Hospital with borderline axillary lymphadenopathy (intact hilum and diffusely thickened cortex more than 3mm) who had normal ipsilateral breast, suspicious ipsilateral breast lesion, or who had ipsilateral mastectomy. B-mode sonography and elastography were performed for all participants. Four-point elasticity score (ES), and SR were obtained for the targeted lymph node followed by ultrasound-guided fine need aspirate (FNA) biopsy..

Results: Malignant ALN constituted 20% of the cohort. B mode measurements were not able to differentiate between cytologically confirmed benign and malignant ALN in terms of axis ratio (mean ± standard deviation, 0.46 ± 0.08 vs 0.50 ± 0.12) and cortical thickness (4.88 ± 1.93 vs 6.27 ± 2.46). The mean SR of all samples was 2.66 ± 2.25.  Metastatic ALN depicted significantly higher SR (P<0.0001), with 88.9% exhibiting ES score 3 and 4. None of the metastatic ALN had ES score 1. ROC curve was used to investigate the utility of SR as a diagnostic tool. The area under the curve (AUC) was 0.906 with a 95% CI of 0.814-0.997, P<0.001. SR cutoff of 2.1 was chosen with 100% sensitivity and 66.7% specificity.

Conclusion: High proportion of borderline ALNs are not malignant. Strain elasticity can improve the risk stratification of such cases and prevent unnecessary invasive procedures. We suggested an algorithm that could better tackle borderline ALN which will need further evaluation

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Quranic and Sunnah Educational Principles of the Muslim Child
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Child's personality development in Islam, in fact, represents the building of the Islamic community and a step on the way for the establishment of life, state, law, and civilization in accordance with the blessed Islamic principles, in order to achieve the happiness of the human being and to protect the components of society and preserve human safety. Child is the issue of interest across many years.  Paying heed to childhood issues is not a recent one. The faith of these communities in the child's rights and his education, which makes a man who cherishes himself and his language and homeland.

     The success of Islamic goals, the happiness of the individual and the

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
United Kingdom of Arabic project.. The Palestinian position it
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I've led an end to the Palestinian presence in the Jordan to the occurrence of a major fault line in relations between Jordan and the Palestinian on the levels of all , and as a result sought King Hussein and the initiative of the U.S. to heal the rift that solution between Jordanians , Palestinians, and the regulation of relations between the two parties announced in March 1972 for the project and unitary featuring Jordan and Palestine in the Arab kingdom united with the two countries , but that the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian resistance factions rejected by asserting that it is has the right of self-determination of the Palestinian people and no one else , and rejected by the Arab states and ( Israel ) , and l

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Organiational challenges and thier effect of organiational rituals
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Administrative leaders conserned to understand the challenges which are faced their organizations and try to assimilate and adapt with the extent that achieves to it efficiency and effective- ess, and standing face to face to faceing any challenge.that threaten it’s existence thro- ugh using modern inputs reached to that level of these  challenges and applied the study on a sample deliberate random from teaching hospitals of the Directorate General for Health Baghdad Karkh, and the Directorate General for Health Baghdad Rusafa and the City of Medicine , The importance of t

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Factors Affecting the Formulation of Carbamazepine Extended Release Tablet
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Carbamazepine is an anticonvulsant agent which acts on the central nervous system and used for the treatment of epilepsy. Carbamazepine was formulated as an oral extended release tablets using ethyl cellulose as retardant substance. Different types of tablets additives such as cellulose materials (sodium carboxymethyl cellulose  and microcrystalline cellulose ), lactose, calcium phosphate and solubilizing agents ( sodium lauryl sulphate and polyethylene glycol 6000) were utilized to study their effect on the release profile of drug from ethyl cellulose matrices. It was found that sodium carboxymethyl cellulose increased the carbamazepine release and the same effect was obtained when the same amount of microcrystalline cellulose used

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Effect of Power on Inductively Coupled Plasma Parameters
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In this work, we studied the effect of power variation ​​on inductively coupled plasma parameters using numerical simulation. Different values ​​were used for input power (750 W-1500 W), gas temperature 300K, gas pressure (0.02torr),         5 tourns of the copper coil and the plasma was produced at radio frequency (RF) 13.56 MHZ on the coil above the quartz chamber. For the previous purpose, a computer simulation in two dimensions axisymmetric, based on finite element method, was implemented for argon plasma. Based on the results we were able to obtain plasma with a higher density, which was represented by obtaining the plasma parameters (electron density, electric potential, total power, number density of argon ions, el

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Effect of Chronic Renal Failure on Thyroid Hormones
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       Chronic renal failure (CRF) affects thyroid function in multiple ways, including low circulating thyroid hormone concentration, altered peripheral hormone metabolism, disturbed binding to carrier proteins, possible reduction in tissue thyroid hormone content, and increased iodine store in thyroid glands.The target of study is to find a relationship between chronic renal failure and thyroid function.In addition, we tried to study the effect of CRF on serum creatinine dependent on the level of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) and thyroid stimulating hormones(TSH). Forty patients with chronic renal failure (20 male, 20 female) were enrolled in this study in addition to forty healthy individual as control gro

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Yemeni political system: a study of the internal variables
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النظام السياسي اليمني : دراسة في المتغيرات الداخلية

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Nostalgia Marketing on Consumers' Purchase Intention
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The aim of this paper is to determine the effect of nostalgia marketing on consumers’ purchase intention and demographic factors. Nostalgia marketing is one of the marketing ideas that some organizations use it to attract customers by evoking memories or heritage in their minds. This method would affect the emotions and feelings of people, which may raise their desire to buy. The questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection, and it was distributed to a random sample of 512 individuals. A sample is a group of individuals who have seen small sculptures displayed in shops inside Babylon Mall in Baghdad. The small sculptures show the life of Baghdadis in the fifties and sixties of the last century. Statistical software was used for

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
A Mathematical Study for the Transmission of Coronavirus Disease
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Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic’s development has presented significant societal and economic challenges. The carriers of COVID-19 transmission have also been identified as asymptomatic infected people. Yet, most epidemic models do not consider their impact when accounting for the disease’s indirect transmission. This study suggested and investigated a mathematical model replicating the spread of coronavirus disease among asymptomatic infected people. A study was conducted on every aspect of the system’s solution. The equilibrium points and the basic reproduction number were computed. The endemic equilibrium point and the disease-free equilibrium point had both undergone local stability analyses. A geometric technique was used

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Scopus (4)
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Computation of The Efficiency ofHarmonic Generation Using Cascading Configuration.
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In the present work theoretical relations are derived for the efficiency evaluation for the generation of the third and the fourth harmonics u$ing crystal cascading configuration. These relations can be applied to a wide class of nonlinear optical materials. Calculations are made for beta barium borate (BBO) crystal with ruby laser /.=694.3 nm . The case study involves producing the third harmonics at X. =231.4 nm of the fundamental beam. The formula of efficiency involves many parameters, which can be changed to enhance the efficiency. The results showed that the behavior of the efficiency is not linear with the crystal length. It is found that the efficiency increases when the input power increases. 'I'he walk-off length is calculated for

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