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A comparison of cross sections for Selenium -73 radioisotopes produced by accelerators and reactors
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Background: Selenium-73 with half- life of 7.15 hour emits β+ in nature and has six stable isotopes which are ( 74Se,76Se,77Se,78Se,80Se and 82Se ). Selenium-73 has many applications in technology and radioselenium compounds of metallic have found various applications in medicine.

Objective:  To make a comparison between different reactions that produced cross sections of Se-73 radioisotopes.

Subjects and methods: The feasibility of the production of Selenium -73 via various nuclear reactions was investigated. Excitation functions of 73Se production by the reactions of 75As (p,3n), 169Tm( d,x), 74Se, natSe, natBr (p,x) , 75As (d,4n), natGe (3He,x), 70Ge (α, n), and 72Ge (α, 3n) and neutron capture were calculated using the available data in the international libraries in accordance with  SRIM code . Theoretical calculations of the thick target integral yields were deduced using the calculated cross sections by using Matlab program

Results: When proton induced reaction on 75As, 74Se, natSe and natBr  to obtain 73Se, the reaction 75As(p,3n)  with range of energy (22.5 to 45.5 MeV) and the maximum cross section is 315 mb at 36.5 MeV gives maximum yield (2*106  GBq/C).while  for the reaction 75As (d,4n) 73Se with range of energy (25 to 56 MeV) , and maximum cross sections is 30 mb at 43MeV gives (0.085*106  GBq/C).

The three reactions natGe (3He,x) , 70Ge (α,n)  and 72Ge (α,3n) show that the best reaction to obtain 73Se is 72Ge (α,3n) within the range of energy (27 to 46 MeV) and maximum cross sections 494 mb at 42MeV  give the maximum yield (0.03*106  GBq/C).

Conclusion: the use of proton as projectile is best compared with other particles in order to get maximum isotopes production yield of 73Se.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation for the Effect of Heat Stable Enterotoxin (a) Produced by Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli on Different Cancer Cells In Vitro
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This study was conducted for evaluating the cytotoxic effect of heat stable enterotoxin a (STa) produced by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli on the proliferation of primary cancer cell cultures, obtained from tumor samples that were collected from (13) cancer patients and as follows: (five colon cancer patients, two bladder cancer patients, two breast cancer patients, two stomach cancer patients and two lung cancer patients), and on normal cell line (rat embryonic fibroblast / REF) (in vitro) with the use of different concentrations starting from (1) mg/ml and ending with (0.0002) mg/ml by making two fold serial dilutions by using the 96- well microtiter plate, and in comparison with negative (PBS) and positive (MMC, at concentration

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Classical and Statistical Optimization of Medium Composition for Promoting Prodigiosin Produced by Local Isolate of Serratia Marcescens
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Prodigiosin is a ‘natural red pigment produced by Serratia marcescens which exhibits immunosuppressive and anticancer properties in addition to antimicrobial activities. This work presents an attempt to maximize the production of prodigiosin by two different strategies: one factor at time (OFAT) and statistical optimization. The result of OFAT revealed that sucrose and peptone were the best carbon and nitrogen sources for pigment production with concentration of prodigiosin of about 135 mg/ L. This value was increased to 331.6mg/ L with an optimized ratio of C/N (60:40) and reached 356.8 with pH 6 and 2% inoculum size at end of classical optimization. Statistical experimental design based on Response surface methodology was co

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Advances In Language And Literary Studies Journal
A Rhetorico-Cultural Study of Preface Sections in English and Arabic Linguistics Books
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2006
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sections of monotheism and its types according to Sufism
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Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, who has made His way for His servants who know in the depths and who are devoted to Him at all times and times, so He has delivered to Himself their pain from two exiles, and His prayers and peace are the perfect trust in the presence of the pearl of charity of existence. Possessor of great intercession and praiseworthy status until the day of meeting and eternity, and upon his family and companions, the people of tomorrow, steadfastness, generosity, and generosity, and after that

For a long period of time, I have been asking myself: Why did he attack so many contemporary books, especially Sufism? Why this unlimited financial expenditure on printing, binding, beautifying and enticing readers?

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies
Investigation of p-Ps Produced by Electrochemical Etching
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The nanocrystalline porous silicon (PS) films are prepared by electrochemical etching ECE of p -type silicon wafer with current density (10mA/cm ) and etching times on the formation nano -sized pore array with a dimension of around different etching time (10 and 20) min. The films were characterized by the measurement of XRD, atomic force microscopy properties (AFM). We have estimated crystallites size from X -Ray diffraction about nanoscale for PS and AFM confirms the nanometric size Chemical fictionalization during the electrochemical etching show on the surface chemical composition of PS. The atomic force microscopy investigation shows the rough silicon surface, with increasing etching process (current density and etching time) porous st

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sections of beliefs and area of endeavor
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Research summary


The researcher in theological sects finds that the controversial issues between the owners of the sects are many, filled with the books of the sects, articles and creeds, and when examining these books it became clear to us that the dispute is related, some of it is related to the meaning and some of it is related to the words and it is many, explained to us by rhetorical terminology such as guidance and delegation, Interpretation and others, and part of it is what is called the verbal disagreement, and sometimes it is by using common possible expressions of truth and falsehood, as in the saying of the Kharijites, “The judgment is only for God,” and some of it is related to something outside th

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics
A novel kite cross hexagonal search algorithm for fast block motion estimation
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The performance quality and searching speed of Block Matching (BM) algorithm are affected by shapes and sizes of the search patterns used in the algorithm. In this paper, Kite Cross Hexagonal Search (KCHS) is proposed. This algorithm uses different search patterns (kite, cross, and hexagonal) to search for the best Motion Vector (MV). In first step, KCHS uses cross search pattern. In second step, it uses one of kite search patterns (up, down, left, or right depending on the first step). In subsequent steps, it uses large/small Hexagonal Search (HS) patterns. This new algorithm is compared with several known fast block matching algorithms. Comparisons are based on search points and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). According to resul

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study of A Improve Model For The D-D Nuclear Fusion Reaction Cross Section
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     The study of improved model for measuring the total nuclear fusion cross section characteristics  the D-D reaction may play an important role in deciding  or determining the hot plasma parameters such as mean free path , the reaction rate , reactivity and energy for emitted neutrons or protons in our work we see the it is necessary to modify the empirical formulas included the total cross section in order to arrive or achieve good agreement with the international publish result.    

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Evaluation of Streptocin SH3, a Bacteriocin produced by Streptococcus sanguinis isolated from Human Dental Plaque
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Background: Bacteriocin is a peptidic toxin has many advantages to bacteria in their ecological niche and has strong antibacterial activity. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluation of bacteriocin using Streptococcus sanguinis isolated from human dental caries.

Subjects and Methods: Thirty five streptococcus isolates were diagnosed and tested for their production of bacteriocin, and then the optimal conditions for production of bacteriocin were determined.  After that, the purification of bacteriocin was made partially by ammonium sulfate at 95% saturation levels, followed by and gel filtration chromatography

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection, purification and characterization of a bacteriocin produced by Bacillus subtilis NK16 exhibits a significant antimicrobial activity against clinical Staphylococcus spp.
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Bacteriocin is an important antimicrobial peptide that can be used in industrial and medical fields due to its characteristics of antibacterial, food preservation and anticancer activities. Fifty isolates of Bacillus sp were collected from different soil samples which were already recognized via morphological and biochemical identification process. The isolates were screened for bacteriocin production effective against Staphylococcus spp in order to select the highest producing isolate. The isolate NK16 showed the maximum bacteriocin production (80 AU/ml) which was further characterized as Bacillus subtilis NK 16 through using API identification system (API 20E and API 50CHB). Then, next step was to detect the optimal conditions for maximum

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