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A comparison of cross sections for Selenium -73 radioisotopes produced by accelerators and reactors
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Background: Selenium-73 with half- life of 7.15 hour emits β+ in nature and has six stable isotopes which are ( 74Se,76Se,77Se,78Se,80Se and 82Se ). Selenium-73 has many applications in technology and radioselenium compounds of metallic have found various applications in medicine.

Objective:  To make a comparison between different reactions that produced cross sections of Se-73 radioisotopes.

Subjects and methods: The feasibility of the production of Selenium -73 via various nuclear reactions was investigated. Excitation functions of 73Se production by the reactions of 75As (p,3n), 169Tm( d,x), 74Se, natSe, natBr (p,x) , 75As (d,4n), natGe (3He,x), 70Ge (α, n), and 72Ge (α, 3n) and neutron capture were calculated using the available data in the international libraries in accordance with  SRIM code . Theoretical calculations of the thick target integral yields were deduced using the calculated cross sections by using Matlab program

Results: When proton induced reaction on 75As, 74Se, natSe and natBr  to obtain 73Se, the reaction 75As(p,3n)  with range of energy (22.5 to 45.5 MeV) and the maximum cross section is 315 mb at 36.5 MeV gives maximum yield (2*106  GBq/C).while  for the reaction 75As (d,4n) 73Se with range of energy (25 to 56 MeV) , and maximum cross sections is 30 mb at 43MeV gives (0.085*106  GBq/C).

The three reactions natGe (3He,x) , 70Ge (α,n)  and 72Ge (α,3n) show that the best reaction to obtain 73Se is 72Ge (α,3n) within the range of energy (27 to 46 MeV) and maximum cross sections 494 mb at 42MeV  give the maximum yield (0.03*106  GBq/C).

Conclusion: the use of proton as projectile is best compared with other particles in order to get maximum isotopes production yield of 73Se.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Noor's Curve, a New Geometric Form of Agnesi Witch, a Construction Method is Produced
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In this paper, a new form of 2D-plane curves is produced and graphically studied. The name of my daughter "Noor" has been given to this curve; therefore, Noor term describes this curve whenever it is used in this paper. This curve is a form of these opened curves as it extends in the infinity along both sides from the origin point. The curve is designed by a circle/ ellipse which are drawing curvatures that tangent at the origin point, where its circumference is passed through the (0,2a). By sharing two vertical lined points of both the circle diameter and the major axis of the ellipse, the parametric equation is derived. In this paper, a set of various cases of Noor curve are graphically studied by two curvature cases;

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Agriculture And Agricultural Science Procedia
The Influence of the Water Quality on the Droplet Spectrum Produced by Agricultural Nozzles
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Cancer And Medical Genetics
Cytotoxicity of purified methionine γ- lyase produced by Pseudomonas putida on several cell lines
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The cytotoxicity of different concentrations of purified methionine γ- lyase from Pseudomonas putida on cancer cell lines (RD, AMN3 and AMGM) at 96 hr was studied. The bacterial enzyme with concentration 1000µg/ml was revealed highly cytotoxicity against cancer cell lines in comparison with other concentrations whereas slight cytotoxicity was observed on normal cell (REF).

Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Thermal Properties of Gliding arc Plasma Produced by Laboratory Reverse Vortex Flow System
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A low-cost reverse flow plasma system powered by argon gas pumping was built using homemade materials in this paper. The length of the resulting arc change was directly proportional to the flow rate, while using the thermal camera to examine the thermal intensity distribution and demonstrating that it is concentrated in the centre, away from the walls at various flow rates, the resulting arc's spectra were also measured. The results show that as the gas flow rate increased, so did the ambient temperature. The results show that the medium containing the arc has a maximum temperature of 34.1 ˚C at a flow rate of 14 L/min and a minimum temperature of 22.6 ˚C at a flow rate of 6 L/min.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of surlactin produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus on eye infectious bacteria in rabbits
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Twenty five vaginal swabs from outpatients' healthy women were collected from Kamal Al-Samarai Hospital, Baghdad, to isolate and identify of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Three isolates were diagnosed as L. acidophilus which represents 15% of the total number of lactic acid bacterial (LAB) isolates; other LAB types represent 65% (20 isolates).The ability of L. acidophilus to produce surlactin was detected after measuring its biological activity to inhibit the adhesion of biofilm formed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa to surfaces using test tube method. It was found that all isolates were able to produce surlactin but the activity of surlactin was varying in each isolate. Surlactin produced by isolates 1 and 13 was the most effective. Biological appl

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The optical properties of C\Mg, nano-rods produced by the explosion wire technique
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Abstract<p>The aim of this research is to study the optical properties of carbon-magnesium plasma resulting from arc discharge with explosive wire technique, where the energy gap of each of carbon and magnesium and the carbon-magnesium bond for three values of the wire exploding current (50,75,100 amperes) was studied. It was found that the energy gap for each of carbon and magnesium decreases with increasing the current, the X-ray diffraction of magnesium and the carbon-magnesium suspension was studied, and FTIR of the carbon-magnesium suspended carbon was studied for three values of the exploding current (50, 75, 100 amperes) and the type of bonds for carbon and magnesium was determined. To ob</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue May 14 2024
Journal Name
European Journal Of Dentistry
The Potential Role of Reactive Oxygen Species Produced by Low-Density Neutrophils in Periodontitis
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Abstract<p> Objective Neutrophils own an arsenal of dischargeable chemicals that enable them to handle bacterial challenges, manipulating innate immune response and actual participation in acquired immunity. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) are one of the most important chemicals that neutrophils discharge to eradicate pathogens. Despite their beneficial role, the ROS were strongly correlated to periodontal tissue destruction. Lowdensity neutrophils (LDN) have been recognized for producing enhanced quantities of ROS. However, the potential role of ROS produced by LDN in periodontitis is unknown. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of ROS produced by LDN in periodontal diseases.</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Crystallization Process as a Final Part of Zero Liquid Discharge System for Treatment of East Baghdad Oilfield Produced Water
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This study investigated the application of the crystallization process for oilfield produced water from the East Baghdad oilfield affiliated to the Midland Oil Company (Iraq). Zero liquid discharge system (ZLD) consists of several parts such as oil skimming, coagulation/flocculation, forward osmosis, and crystallization, the crystallization process is a final part of a zero liquid discharge system. The laboratory-scale simple evaporation system was used to evaluate the performance of the crystallization process. In this work, sodium chloride solution and East Baghdad oilfield produced water were used as a feed solution with a concentration of 177 and 220 g/l. The impact of temperature (70, 80, and 90 °C), mixing speed (300, 400, and 500

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Crystallization Process as a Final Part of Zero Liquid Discharge System for Treatment of East Baghdad Oilfield Produced Water
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This study investigated the application of the crystallization process for oilfield produced water from the East Baghdad oilfield affiliated to the Midland Oil Company (Iraq). Zero liquid discharge system (ZLD) consists of several parts such as oil skimming, coagulation/flocculation, forward osmosis, and crystallization, the crystallization process is a final part of a zero liquid discharge system. The laboratory-scale simple evaporation system was used to evaluate the performance of the crystallization process. In this work, sodium chloride solution and East Baghdad oilfield produced water were used as a feed solution with a concentration of 177 and 220 g/l. The impact of temperature (70, 80, and 90 °C), mixing speed (300, 400, and 500 rp

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 05 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Aquatic Science
Effects of Selenium Sources and Concentrations on the Performance, Meat Quality, and Tissue Properties of Broiler Chickens
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We wanted to find out how selenium (Se) affects broiler chicken performance, meat physicochemical properties, and selenium deposition in the tissues of broilers. Each of the 96 experimental pens had 30 chickens and included a total of 2,880 one-day-old broilers (Cobb 500 strain). A factorial design of four-by-three (SY + SS) and eight replicates (SY + SS) was used for the 12 experimental treatments, with selenium levels ranging from 0.15 to 0.60 ppm and organic (SY) or inorganic (SS) sources of selenium and their relationship (SY + SS). There were no differences in performance (P > 0.05) across Se levels or sources. 106 g/day of ADFI, 63 g/day of ADG, and 1.6844 kg/kg of FCR were found to be the averaging values for these three parameters:

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