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Excessive crying in infancy; value of the history and physical examination
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Background: Excessive crying in early
infancy is a common condition that causes a
great deal of concern to the parents and
Objective: The aim of this study is to find
the underlying etiology of excessive crying in
infancy and to determine how the history,
physical examination, and laboratory
investigations contribute to the final diagnosis.
Method: A prospective study done on 150
afebrile infants less than 4 months of age
visited Al-Elwia hospital for children
complaining of excessive crying of more than
two hours.
The study done over a one year period from
the first of January 2009 to the end of
December 2009.
All febrile infants and those with acute illness
preceding the onset of crying were excluded
from the study.
Results: Of 150 afebrile infants with
excessive crying 95 cases (63.3%) diagnosed
as having idiopathic colic, 55 cases (36.7%)
have a secondary underlying disorder.
The most common associated disorders
include constipation, 12 cases (8%), gastroesophageal
reflux in 9 cases (6%), and feeding
problems in 9 cases (6%).
Urinary tract infection was the most common
underlying serious etiology found in 4 cases
History and physical examination contribute to
the final diagnosis in 85% of cases.
Conclusion: Accurate diagnosis of infants
with colic or excessive crying requires a
thorough history and physical examination to
exclude underlying etiology.
Screening laboratory tests apart from urine
analysis and culture is of little help.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة البحوث والدراسات الإسلامية
Religious and Psychological guidance in the Qur’an and Sunnah, a descriptive study
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God saw his servants with truth and light, and made him easy for them, and he commanded those who help them, including a counselor, guide and preacher, so if a Muslim sees deficiencies or defects, he must help him to reform and refine it. That it was in the hands of the prophets, God Almighty created the human being together straight, then melted on those scholars and researchers in all religions on psychological counseling and religious sychotherapy, stressing the importance of religious values in the process of understanding man in the process of psychotherapy and in controlling human behavior. A lot of research and studies have been published. I dealt with the religious approach in the process of treating mental disorders and the aim of

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Reasons modern and contemporary applications social and political engineering in the west
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The results of the historical review of social and political realities in general show that the practical and procedural applications of social engineering as a particular activity primarily of the social and political characteristics of man and society emerged in modern Western societies before appearing in other societies, These results also show that the emergence of these practical reasons and their applications in the West has also seen the emergence of modern theoretical foundations there, which seems to be the usual and usual context everywhere and in most or not all areas of life. Since the social and political dimensions are intertwined in human life and are in full, comprehensive and lasting harmony, interest in this geometry h

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The study of variations in lipid profile and GLP-1 enzyme levels of obese in sample of Iraqi population
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The present study conducted on 120 males obese and 50 healthy males, their age
ranged from 20-50 years. The patients were divided into 3 groups based on Body
Mass Index (BMI) and Central Obesity (CO.); it has noticed that there is a
significant relation between both indexes. Effect of the obesity on the lipid profile
was investigated, the results showed that there is an elevated in TG, TC, LDL-C,
VLDL-C and lowered in HDL-C for all three obesity groups compare with control
group. Also, Significant differences (P≤0.05) revealed in TG, TC, LDL-C and
VLDL-C among three obesity groups and the greatest differences recorded in group
III obesity (279.52±1.10, 261.02±1.13, 169.32±1.81, and 55.08±1.33 mg/dl

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of the level of Some Heavy Metals in Tobacco of Domestic and Imported Cigarette Brands Used in Iraq
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Smoking-related diseases can be attributed to the inhalation of many different toxins, including heavy metals, which have a host of harmful health effects. The primary objective of this study was to determine whether local and imported cigarette brands used in Iraq , have they elevated levels of metals or not .Three metals Lead (Pb) , Cadmium (Cd) and Chromium(Cr) were determined in tobacco of seventeen brands of imported cigarettes commonly available in Iraq and three Iraqi domestic cigarettes , which were randomly taken from retail market in Baghdad by using flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The produced data of imported and local cigarette brands were discussed and compared together and with studies from elsewhere .The result

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 27 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Isolation and Characterization of Iridoid Glycoside (Gardenoside) Present in the Leaves of Gardenia jasminoides J.Ellis Cultivated in Iraq
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Iridoid glycosides are a group of naturally occurring chemical compounds. They are a large family of compounds biosynthesized by plants, they often have pharmacological effects. The aim of this study is to isolate and identified iridoid glycoside in a newly studied, cultivated in Iraq named Gardenis jasminoides. The medicinal importance of iridoid glycoside, on one hand and absence of phytochemical investigation on leaves of Gardenia on the other hand, acquired this study its importance. Many compounds were isolated from leaves plant part one of these compounds was identified by different chemical analysis like: melting point (MP), thin layer chromatography (TLC), Fourier transforms infrared spectra (FTIR) and high performance l

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Compare between simex and Quassi-likelihood methods in estimation of regression function in the presence of measurement error
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       In recent years, the attention of researchers has increased of semi-parametric regression models, because it is possible to integrate the parametric and non-parametric regression models in one and then form a regression model has the potential to deal with the cruse of dimensionality in non-parametric models that occurs through the increasing of explanatory variables. Involved in the analysis and then decreasing the accuracy of the estimation. As well as the privilege of this type of model with flexibility in the application field compared to the parametric models which comply with certain conditions such as knowledge of the distribution of errors or the parametric models may

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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To identify the fungi associated with water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms), an aquatic weed, which presents in Tigris river from Baghdad south ward. Five regions from middle and south of Iraq (Al-Noumanya, Saeid Bin-Jubier, Al-Azizia, Al-Reyfay and Al-Hay) were selected for this study. Twelve fungal species were isolated. Alternaria alternata, Acremonium sp and Cladsporium herbarum, were the most frequently species (91.66 % ,50 % and 25 %) respectively. The fungi Alternaria alternata, Acremonium sp. and Phoma eupyrena were more aggressive to water hyacinth as (91.66%,83,33%, and 75%) in pathogenicity test.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Administrative Skills and Their Role in Distinguishing the Institutional Performance of Directors of Sports Activity in Iraqi Universities
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The research aims to identify the administrative skills and their role in institutional performance, and used the descriptive approach in a survey style and correlational relations to suit the nature of the problem to be studied.The research community was identified with the directors of sports activity in the Iraqi universities in a deliberate manner, and their number is (134) directors, where two scales (administrative skills and institutional performance) were used and the two scales were distributed to the above-mentioned sample in order to obtain answers that meet the required and representative sample of the community on the day 3/12/2021. The answers to all the statements were completed and after processing the results statistically

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 04 2021
Journal Name
Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils
Using The Aqueous Extract Of Allium Sativum In Improvement Of Some Physiological And Immunological Parameter In Albino Rats
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The current study was designated to investigate the effect ofAllium sativumon some physiological and immunological parameters in rats. thirty adult rats were divided into three groups (10 rat for each). G1: served as healthy control, G2 :rats were treated with 150 mg\kg of Allium sativum, G3: treated with 300 mg\kg of Allium sativum. All treated animals were givenorally for 30 days. The aspartate , ) ALT ( alanine transaminase on some parameters were investigated such as garlic effects of total and differential counts of white blood , ) LDH ( lactate dehydrogenase ), AST ( transaminase cells(WBC) like Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Neutrophil, Basophil, Eosinophil,as

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 22 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Assessment of Some Serum Biomarkers of Fibromyalgia Syndrome in Pre and Postmenopausal Women in Relation to Obesity
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The objective of this study is to evaluate the level of parathyroid hormone, Co enzyme Q and total antioxidant status in serum’s women with fibromyalgia syndrome firstly, then to demonstrate if these biochemical markers affected by age and obesity.

      This study was performed at Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Consultation Unit in Baghdad Teaching Hospital. Venous blood sample were drawn from (59) female with FMS and (30) control (without FMS). The serum was obtained after on standing in order to coagulate then centrifuged. The mean age± SD of FMS group was (42.22±15.34) years and for control was (40.7±18.22) years. Those participants were subdivided into four different groups acc

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