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Wilson's Disease; Clinical Presentations among Patients Attending Gastroenterology Clinic/ Baghdad Teaching Hospital
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Background:Wilson’s disease (WD) is an inherited
disorder of copper metabolism that is characterized
by tremendous variation in the clinical presentation.
Objective: To assess demographic distribution,
clinical presentations, diagnostic evaluation, and any
association between clinical presentations and other
studied variables of a sample of Iraqi patients with
Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study with
analytic elements was conducted during 2011, from
the 1st of February till the 10th of June. The sampling
method was a convenient non-random one, carried
out through consecutive pooling of registered WD
patients. A questionnaire-form paper had been
developed for the process of data collection.
Results: The study had enrolled 29 patients, with a
male to female ratio of (1.07:1), their mean age was
27.12±12.18 years. 82.8% of them lived in urban
area. 48.3% were singles. Only 20.7% of patients had
a positive family history of WD. 69% of patients had
consanguineous parents. The main initial clinical
presentations were; hepato-neurologic (31%), pure
hepatic (27.6%), neuro-psychiatric (13.8%) and other
presentations (27.6%). Hepatic manifestations were
seen in (82.8%) of patients; jaundice was the most
frequent (89.7%). Ophthalmologic manifestations in
(55.1%) of patients including; Kayser-Fleischer rings
(51.7%), diplopia (6.9%) and cataracts (3.4%).
Neurologic manifestations existed in 44.8% of
patients; tremors were the most frequent (41.4%).
Psychiatric manifestations existed in 31% of patients;
depression was the commonest (27.6%). Joints
manifestations existed in 20.7% of patients. The
diagnosis delay was 11.26±8.2 months.
Conclusion: The higher percentage of patients were
of hepato-neurologic and pure hepatic presentations.
Patients with hepato-neurologic type are diagnosed in
older age, while those with neuro-psychiatric type are
diagnosed in younger age and with longer diagnosis

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Publication Date
Sun May 08 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of the relationship between the internal auditor and the external auditor on the Earnings quality in Iraqi companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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The changes that have occurred in the business environment and scientific and technological progress, as well as the complexity of administrative problems resulting from its practice of various activities, have led to an increase in the responsibilities entrusted to it, and for the purpose of achieving its strategic objectives, which has made the pillars of corporate governance an inevitable matter required by the nature of modern scientific management of the governorate, the success that companies seek is based on the fertile environment and the dialectical relationship between the individual and the company, and to achieve this success there must be a compatible and harmonious audit environment between the internal and external

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 11 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The initiative of the Central Bank of Iraq and its impact on some banking activities provided by private Islamic banks
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Islamic banks are distinguished by providing banking activities that are unique in providing them from the rest of the other types of banks, and these activities are a group of banking services provided by the bank to its customers, whether these banking activities are tangible or intangible. At the same time, it is a source of bank profits, as Islamic banks impose a percentage of Islamic Murabaha on those banking activities , However, these banks have developed new services that they provide with the funds of the Central Bank initiative launched at the beginning of (2016) due to the economic conditions that befell the country due to the (financial security) crisis that the country faced in 2014. To put forward initiatives, and a

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A study of some physical, chemical and biological properties of Slabiaat River waters in Al-Muthanna province, Iraq
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Present study was conducted in order to assess Slabiaat water quality by measuring some physical and chemical factors of river water, the study included a choice of three stations along of Slabiaat River in Samawa city, water samples collected a monthly during the period from September 2013 August 2014. The study involved measuring the Air & water temperatures, pH, Electrical conductivity, Total dissolved solids, Dissolved oxygen, Total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium, turbidity, and some types of bacteria in River water. The study results showed that the values of air & water temperatures have ranged between (20.1-36.6)?C , (10-21.8) in Slabiaat River, respectively . pH values ranged between (6.6-8.7). Electrical conductivity in

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Quantification of Acrylamide Content in Potato Chips and in Iraqi “Harissa”
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A simple, environmentally benign, sustainable, accurate and cost effective green approach has been developed for the determination of Acrylamide (2-propenamide) in different samples of potato chips collected from the Iraqi market during the year 2012 and a traditional Iraqi meal called Harissa. The method entails a straightforward de-fatting practice with n-hexane, extraction with lukewarm water, and cleanup with solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges containing the sorbent bed of the mixed mode ion exchangers (SiliaPrep C8/SCX-2/SAX). The final extracts are directly determined by liquid chromatography-Ultra violet (LC-UV) at a wavelength of 205nm for quantification.  The acrylamide content in the examined potato chips were in the

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality of bee breeding in Iraq and ways to develop it
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This study was (the reality of beekeeping in Iraq and ways of developing them) as a research project in the branch of production is important branches of the productivity of the agricultural sector in Iraq, and the importance of this section, productive (beekeeping) for the agricultural sector in his contribution to increase the vegetable production and improve the quality and the various Classes of types, through its active role in the pollination of plants and indirectly (when the bees to move between plants to collect nectar and pollen grains), which contributes to reduce the losses in plant production and raise the rate of productivity per donum of various agricultural crops.

On the other hand play a

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study of Epiphytic and Epipelic Algae in Al-Dora Site/Tigris River in Bagdad Province- Iraq
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There is a scarcity of data regarding algal flora of Tigris River in the territory of Baghdad. The present study deals with Tigris River in Al-Dora site in Baghdad province from November 2014 to June 2015 in order to shed light on its epiphytic Algae on (Phragmites australis) and epipelic algae. An amount of 183 and 154 species of epiphytic and epipelic algae are identified respectfully. The Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) are the dominant algal group followed by Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae. Moreover, 90 species are shared between two groups of algae (epiphytic and epipelic) and identified at the study site. Additionally, the seasonal variations and diversity of algal species are noticed. The highest number of epiphytic algae is 772.05 x 104

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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سعي المجتمع العراقي منذ أكثر من نصف قرن مضى لإعادة استثمار عشرات المليارات من الدولارات من الإيرادات النفطية في القطاع الزراعي وهياكله وبنياته التحية، كإنشاء السدود والخزانات المائية واستصلاح الأراضي والمشاريع الإنتاجية الحيوانية والنباتية وبطاقات كادت تقترب او تتجاوز حاجز طلب السكان من الأغذية والمنتوجات الزراعية التي تغذي الصناعة الا ان الزيادة السكانية وتحسن مستوى الدخل النفطي شكلا انتقالا جدي

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Nov 10 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Qualitative Research in Public Relations An Analytical: Study of Public Relations› Researches in Iraq from 1989 to 2016
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In the mist of developments in the course of scientific research in general and humanities in particular and the accompanying changes in the visions and policies inspired by the need for these sciences to follow the qualitative methods in dealing with many of the topics or problems that require for their solution to obtain qualitative information which can be provided by resorting to quantitative research. Therefore, a new trend has emerged in many public relations› researchers who believe that qualitative research methods should be used by establishing scientific foundations and methodological classification based on the use of these methods and determining the nature of the subjects applied in them to reach results that are character

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Political development on the royal regime era : A perusal according to the standards of Alexis de Tocqueville
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Abstract: The researcher aims to highlight the historical frames of political development in royal regime era (1921-1949) and study its transitions on social-political aspect for the various periods during this consistent era of Iraq history. As some elements played an important role in shaping this era’s features ,as well as 2hat succeed it, which mainly affected the political progression’s configuration, such as : political culture role, social and cultural foundation, state policy essence and the unofficial institutions remarkable role in influencing public awareness and concerning it's relation to the state ,the clan and religious institutions. The researcher employed Alexis de Tocqueville’s evaluation criteria and indi

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Stability testing of time series data for CT Large industrial establishments in Iraq
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Abstract: -
The concept of joint integration of important concepts in macroeconomic application, the idea of ​​cointegration is due to the Granger (1981), and he explained it in detail in Granger and Engle in Econometrica (1987). The introduction of the joint analysis of integration in econometrics in the mid-eighties of the last century, is one of the most important developments in the experimental method for modeling, and the advantage is simply the account and use it only needs to familiarize them selves with ordinary least squares.

Cointegration seen relations equilibrium time series in the long run, even if it contained all the sequences on t

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