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Application of Surgical Safety Checklist in Operating Theatre at Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital

Background: A core set of checks have been incorporated into World Health Organization (WHO) WHO surgical safety checklist.  Lack of access to basic surgical care remains a major concern in low-income settings.

Objective: We use a WHO surgical safety checklist items to improve team communication and cooperation to help in reduction of morbidity and mortality of surgical procedures.

Methods: This is a prospective study involving 300 patients after applying the 19 items of the surgical safety checklist with different types of operations had been operated in the surgical theater at Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital during the period 1st of September 2016 until 1st of March 2017. We follow up the patients until 30 days after surgical intervention.

Results: After applying  the 19 items of surgical  safety checklist, the risk of the  surgical site infection, respiratory complications, retained gauze and risk of  blood loss [14% , 4.6% , 1.3% , and 2%  respectively] was comparable to  the results of the World  Health Organization.  Using the pulse oximetry in 94 % and site marked in 65.3%.  In 64.6% of patients received antibiotic prophylaxis in which just 4 % developed surgical site infection [SSI], while in extended regime 36.67% there is 10% developed SSI. No mortality reported during collection of the data.

 Conclusions: The surgical safety checklist is a simple method, and there is evidence for its effectiveness in reducing complications in clinical use. WHO recommends use of the checklist in all surgical operations and encourages clinicians to modify the list for different specialties and hospitals.


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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Application of Emulsion Liquid Membrane Process for Cationic Dye Extraction

In the present work studies were carried out to extract a cationic dye (Methylene Blue MB) from an aqueous solution using emulsion liquid membrane process (ELM). The organic phase (membrane phase) consists of Span 80 as emulsifier, sulfuric acid solution as stripping agent and hexane as diluent. 

In this study, important factors influencing the extraction of methylene blue dye were studied. These factors include H2SO4 concentration in the stripping phase, agitation speed in the dye permeation stage, Initial dye concentration and diluent type.

   More than (98%) of Methylene blue dye was extracted at the following conditions: H2SO4 concentration (1.25) M, agitation

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Crossref (11)
Publication Date
Mon Jun 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fabricated of Cu Doped ZnO Nanoparticles for Solar Cell Application

Copper with different concentrations doped with zinc oxide nanoparticles were prepared from a mixture of zinc acetate and copper acetate with sodium hydroxide in aqueous solution. The structure of the prepared samples was done by X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and UV-VIS absorption spectrophotometer. Debye-Scherer formula was used to calculate the size of the prepared samples. The band gap of the nanoparticle ZnO was determined by using UV-VIS optical spectroscopy.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Preparation of PPSU Hollow Fiber Nanofiltration Membranes for Nanofiltration Application

PPSU hollow fiber nanofiltration membranes are prepared by applying two concentrations and various extrusion pressures according to the phase inversion method. Cross-sectional area and outer structures were characterized by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). In additional to the pore size distribution, either the mean roughness or the mean pore size of the PPSU hollow fiber surfaces was evaluated by AFM. It was found that the morphology of the PPSU fibers had both sponge-like and finger-like structures through different extrusion pressures and PPSU concentrations. The mean pore size and mean roughness for inner and outer surfaces were seen to be decreased with the increase of extrusion pressure at

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Multiphase Flow
Application of artificial neural network to predict slug liquid holdup

Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Statistics
Estimation intensity radiation of chest X-ray (CXR) with application

In this research we assumed that the number of emissions by time (𝑡) of radiation particles is distributed poisson distribution with parameter (𝑡), where  < 0 is the intensity of radiation. We conclude that the time of the first emission is distributed exponentially with parameter 𝜃, while the time of the k-th emission (𝑘 = 2,3,4, … . . ) is gamma distributed with parameters (𝑘, 𝜃), we used a real data to show that the Bayes estimator 𝜃 ∗ for 𝜃 is more efficient than 𝜃̂, the maximum likelihood estimator for 𝜃 by using the derived variances of both estimators as a statistical indicator for efficiency

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 05 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Fabrication and characterization of porous silicon for humidity sensor application

Porous Silicon (PS) layer has been prepared from p-type silicon by electrochemical etching method. The morphology properties of PS samples that prepared with different current density has been study using atom force measurement (AFM) and it show that the Layer of pore has sponge like stricture and the average pore diameter of PS layer increase with etching current density increase .The x-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern indicated the nanocrystaline of the sample. Reflectivity of the sample surface is decrease when etching current density increases because of porosity increase on surface of sample. The photolumenses (PL) intensity increase with increase etching current density. The PL is affected by relative humidity (RH) level so we can use

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Production of Zinc oxide for medical application from Zinc scraps

In this work ,medical zinc oxide was produced from zinc scraps instead of traditional method which used for medical applications such as skin diseases, Iraq is importing around 50 ton/year for samarra plant the producted powder has apartical size less than 5 micron and the purity was more than 99.98%,also apilot plant of yield capacitiy 15 kg/8hours wsa designed and manufactured .

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison between some of linear classification models with practical application

Linear discriminant analysis and logistic regression are the most widely used in multivariate statistical methods for analysis of data with categorical outcome variables .Both of them are appropriate for the development of linear  classification models .linear discriminant analysis has been that the data of explanatory variables must be distributed multivariate normal distribution. While logistic regression no assumptions on the distribution of the explanatory data. Hence ,It is assumed that logistic regression is the more flexible and more robust method in case of violations of these assumptions.

In this paper we have been focus for the comparison between three forms for classification data belongs

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Response of Local rice cultivar to Zinc and Boron application

Five levels of Zn-EDTA fertilizer and foliar application of boron were used to study the local rice response through studying of some vegetative and reproductive growth characters, by conducting two field experiments at Kanipanka Agricultural Research Station during the summer season of 2004 by using RCBD with three replications. Significant differences were found in studied characters, there were increase in the number of days from seeding to 50% flowering (94.330-96.233) days, from 50% flowering to physiological maturity (37.50-38.28) days, plant height (82.50-91.423) cm and LAI (5.441-7.525). Reproductive characters such as number of grains panicle-1 (74.11-85.88), number of panicles m-2 (321.00-426.083), biological yield (8166.166-11082

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Al-Bayhaqi’s Preferred Opinions in his Book Al-Khilafiyat-Chapter of Breastfeeding: عذراء حميد فريح , وايمن عبد القادر الهيتي

This research is a comparative jurisprudential study that focuses on Imam Al-Bayhaqi’s preferred opinions in his book Al-Khilafiyat (The Disagreements), the part of Al-Rida’a (Breastfeeding). It is considered one of the most important familial topics that is concerned with organizing the social relations in Islam, strengthens the family ties and that prevents the family disintegration due to the ignorance and lack in comprehending Sharia laws (Islam law) in all aspects. The study follows the inductive and descriptive method. It aims at examining the prohibition of marriage when breastfeeding takes place at the time of woman’s conversion to Islam or during her infidelity period. It further aims at verifying the prohibition

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