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Background: Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is the result of aninitial episode of acute otitis media and is characterized by a persistent discharge from the middle ear through a tympanic perforation for at least 2 weeks duration. It is an important cause of preventable hearing loss, particularly in the developing world.Methods. 1. To get an overview on the bacterial ear infection profile in general 2. To assess the antibiotic resistance of Pseudomonal infection (PS) particularly since it is usually the commonest infection to cause otitis media and the most difficult to treat due to the problem of multi drug resistance... A cross sectional study was done which included 405 patient of CSOM patients196 (48%) case were males ,209 (52%)case were females. Swabs for aural discharge was taken from those patients. Discharge is cultured by inoculating it into blood , MacConkey agar , chocolate agars and Sabouraud agar (for fungi).If the isolate shows to be Pseudomonas isolate growth then another culture of the isolate is performed on Muller Hinton Agar. Then the antibiotic susceptibility and resistance of Pseudomonas isolate is assessed by (Kirby-Bauer Method)Results:196 (48%) case were males.209 (52%) case were females with a male to female ratio 1:1.1150 (73%) cases were infected with Pseudomonas species (PS) The sensitivity of the Pseudomonas isolates to the following antibiotics is shown below:Amikacin 91.7%Imipenem 89.7%Ceftazidime 81.8%Ciprofloxacin 73.7%Garamycin 72.9%Tobramycin 67.7%Ticarcillin 66.7%Cefoperazone 42.9%Conclusions: Pseudomonas species is the commonest microorganism in cases of CSOM.Microbiological identifications and antibiotic resistance determination of pathogens isolated from the middle ear in patients with CSOM not responding to empirical antibiotic treatment gives possibility of the choice of an effective antibiotic and its proper dosage. Cefoperazone ,a relatively new antibiotic that is used in Iraq to combat pseudomonal infections has proven to be poorly effective compared with other previously used antibiotics.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Optimal Corrosion Inhibition of Aluminum in 0.1M NaCl Solution
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Activating Letter of credits under the Swift system in Iraq
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               Documentary credits are considered successful means to reduce imports, especially unnecessary imports that lead to the outflow of foreign currency from the country. However, due to the backwardness of the banking methods, the reintroduction of documentary credits after 2003 did not effectively contribute to reducing import rates. This has had a negative impact on the Iraqi economy and made it vulnerable to external markets. Documentary credits are also considered the best way to ensure payment in international trade, providing independent credit support and sufficient security for exporters and importers against commerci

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Theoretical Study on Heat Transfer in the Presence of Fouling
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The fouling depositions of crude oil stream were studied theoretically in a shell and tube heat exchanger to investigate the effect of depositions on the heat transfer process. The employed heat exchanger was with steam flowing in the inner tubes and crude oil in the shell at different velocities and bulk temperatures. It is assumed that fouling occurs only on the heated stream side (crude oil). The analysis was carried out for turbulent flow heat transfer conditions with wide range of Reynolds number, bulk temperature and time. Many previously proposed models for fouling resistance were employed to estimate a new model for fouling rate. It is found that the fouling rate and consequently the heat transfer coefficient were affected by Rey

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectrofluorimetric method for the determination of glibenclamide in pharmaceutical formulations
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A sensitive spectrofluorimetric method for the determination of glibenclamide in its tablet formulations has been proposed. The method is based on the dissolving of glibenclamide in absolute ethanol and measuring the native fluorescence at 354 nm after excitation at 302 nm. Beers law is obeyed in the concentration of 1.4 to 10 µ of glibenclamide with a limit of detection (LD) of 0.067 µ and a standard deviation of 0.614. The range percent recoveries (N=3) is 94 - 103.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
"The Effect of Using Short stories in Enriching Students Vocabulary"
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               The present study aims at answering the following questions:.

1-Which is more effective in enriching students.  Vocabulary ,the use of short stories or the      traditional way?

2-What extent has the use of short stories an effect upon the students. achievement in           vocabulary test?

3- Is there any significant difference between the male and female student of the                    experimental group in vocabulary achievement test?


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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Inner Wasteland in Selected Later Plays of Samuel Beckett
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The inner wasteland can be observed in Samuel Beckett’s early and later plays. His characters suffer from loss of identity, emotions, and sense of time. They lead a life of failure, repetition, inaction, loneliness, doubt, suffering, and nothingness. The inner wasteland includes many aspects, such as the multi and split identity, the habitual repetitive element of life, the dark sorrowful life the characters lead, lack of communication and relations among them, their unfree, inactive condition, their foggy terrible recollections, loneliness, dryness of love, and uncertainty. The analysis and the illustration of each aspect will show how the inner wasteland is intensified in the selected later plays of Beckett.


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Publication Date
Fri May 15 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Rapid Urbanization of the Cities Studying in some Iraqi Cities
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The cities are not yet a temporal status in the process of the human and civilization development. The cities consider as a life pattern, this mean that people cannot live without cities, which surround us. Several phenomena like globalization, revolution of information, technical development, increased of consumption, do not confirmed without the living in cities. The urbanization – in its simple meaning – means transferring from rural community to city community. In other word, it means that socioeconomic changes happened subject to the patterns and conditions of the urban life. Each government depend a certain policy, this policy contains set of plans and programs, that targeting to affect the population factors and the st

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The impact of Jurisprudence Rules in Addressing Contemporary security Challenges
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The impact of Jurisprudence Rules in Addressing Contemporary security Challenges

Islamic jurisprudence is related to various fields of knowledge, as it is a science of great value, great in impact, and among the most prominent features of jurisprudence comes the jurisprudence rules. It regulates the principles of the doctrine for the jurist. Therefore, the main this research focuses on (the impact of jurisprudence rules in addressing contemporary security challenges). It is the relationship between jurisprudence rules and achieving security. Its fruit would be a statement of the distinguished impact of jurisprudence rules on the stability of the country, and its leading role in maintaining, strengthening, and pre

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Exploring the actual implementation of e-wallet application in Malaysia
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E-wallet, also referred to as digital wallet, is a software application designed to replace physical wallets, with the primary purpose of facilitating online transactions when users wish to make virtual payments. Nowadays, E-wallets are not limited to mobile applications, but they have also been extended to wearable devices, such as smartwatches, enabling users to make payments via their watches. This research study focuses on three main E-wallet service providers in Malaysia, namely TouchNGo E-wallet, Boost, and Grab pay, as they are the top three E-wallets in the country. The aim of this paper is to explore the real-world implementation of E-wallets among mobile phone users in Malaysia, employing the Technology Adoption Model as the th

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Tax knowledge in compliance costs: Applied Research
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This research Sought to Determine the Relationship and  impact  between the tax knowledge in dimensions  of the tax compliance costs (monetary costs, time costs, psychic costs) Since the sample included 81 individuals represented by the Executive directors and Financial  and Accountant working in the Joint-stock company,  A questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection and its analysis.  For the purpose of analyzing the research data the statistical package for social science, SPSS. The most important tools used in the statistical analysis are:(standard deviation, and simple linear regression, percentages,  arithmetic mean, Cronbach's alpha, F-test, T- Test). The research found a weakness attenti

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