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Gene frequency and haplotype analysis of HLA class I in patients with simple renal cysts

Background: The study of human leukocytes (HLA) alleles, and haplotype frequencies within populations provide an important source of information for anthropological investigation, organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation as well as disease association, certain diseases showed association with specific alleles specially those of known or suspected hereditary origin or immunological basis, whether simple renal cyst is congenital or acquired is still unclear and need to be investigated.Objectives: To study the genetic aspect of simple renal cysts by detecting the gene frequency and the haplotype of HLA class I of patients with simple renal cysts, and to find the presence of these cysts in other family members.Method: Thirty patients with simple renal cysts who were attending the outpatient clinic of urosurgery in the medical city were tested for HLA class I antigen using the microlymphocytotoxicity technique, in the period from February to June 2004 compared to 50 unrelated apparently healthy individuals. Gene frequency were calculated using square root formula (g=1-√1-f), full history were taken including the family history.Results: Certain gene frequencies were higher in the patients group than in the controls, yet not reached to a statistical significant level. No haplotype association with simple renal cysts was detected in this study; family history was detected in two patients which were proved by ultrasound examination.Conclusion: Increasing the sample size may contribute to best results regarding gene frequency, haplotype and family study.Key words: Gene frequency, Haplotype, Human Leukocyte Antigens.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Medical Research Archives
Genetic Polymorphism for the Gene Encoding Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase-1 (ERAP-1) in Iraqi Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a common, highly heritable inflammatory arthritis affecting primarily the spine and pelvis. This study was aimed to investigate the relationship between the rs27044 polymorphism in Endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase-1 (ERAP-1) with the susceptibility and severity of AS correlated with some biochemical markers such as hematological parameter (Erythrocytes sedimentation rate (ESR)) and immunological parameters (C-reactive protein (CRP), Human leukocyte antigen-B27 (HLA-B27), Interlukin-6 (IL-6) and Interlukin-23 (IL-23)), and oxidative stress parameters (Glutathione (GSH) and Malondialdehyde (MDA)) in a sample of Iraqi population. A total of 60 blood samples were collected from AS patients requited Rhe

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A Comparative Study between Flapped and Flapless Surgical Techniques in Dental Implant Stability According to Resonance Frequency Analysis

Background: Recent implant surgical approach aims to cause less trauma, invasiveness and pain as much as possible and to reduce patient and surgeon discomfort, time of surgery and time needed for functional implant loading. Flapless surgical techniques considered recently as one of the most popular techniques that may achieve these aims especially enhancing osseointegration and subsequently implant stability within less time than the traditional flapped surgical technique. So this study aimed to make a comparison between flapped and flapless surgical techniques in resulted implant stability according to resonance frequency analysis RFA and in duration of surgical operation. Materials and methods: A total of 26 patients with 41 implants (o

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Initial Recognition and Prophecy of Diabetic Nephropathy in Type I Diabetes in a Sample of Iraqi Patients

Back ground: Diabetic nephropathy is rapidly becoming the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The onset and course of DN can be ameliorated to a very significant degree if intervention institutes at a point very early in the course of the development of this complication.
Objective: The aim of this study was to characterize risk factors associated with nephropathy in type I diabetes and construct a module for early prediction of diabetic nephropathy (DN) by analyzing their risk factors.
Methods: Case control design of 400 patients with type I diabetes mellitus (IDDM), aged 19-45 years. The cases were 200 diabetic patients with overt protein urea while the controls were 200 diabetic patients with no protein urea or micr

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Meta Gene
Association analysis of FTO gene polymorphisms rs9939609 and obesity risk among the adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Inflammatory role of some cytokines, immunoglobulins and complement proteins in immunopathogenesis of renal failure in a sample of Diyala province patients

This study was conducted in Diyala province for renal failure patients during the periods August 2015 - April 2016. Hundred renal failure patients were enrolled in the study after diagnosis by the consultant physician at Ibn-Sina Center for Dialysis in Baquba Teaching Hospital according to criteria adopted by the World Health Organization for diagnosis of renal failure disease. The number of males in patient’s sample was 61 (61%) and females was 39 (39%) with an age range of 10 – 88 year (44.7 ± 22.1 year). In addition, the study included 50 apparently healthy individuals and considered as a group control, in which the number of males and females was similar (25 individual), with an age range of 18 – 88 year (51.7 ± 17.3 year). The

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Publication Date
Mon May 09 2022
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archieve

Giardia lamblia is the worldwide most common intestinal protozoan parasite. It was indicated that Giardia is the most important agent that causes acute and chronic diarrhea in infants, young children and travelers. The aim was to detect the influence of host HLA alleles on the susceptibility to infection with G. lamblia in a sample of Iraqi patients. A total of (40) patients with giardiasis aged (14-39) years were registered. All of them were symptomatic and (40) healthy individuals matched age and sexes were included as controls. All patients were prepared to stool examination to detect G. lamblia and eliminated other pathogens, as well as human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II alleles (DRB1) typing. The most common detected alleles in pat

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determining ACE-2 Level and Some Relevant Biochemical Parameters and studying the effect of Gender in Iraqi Diabetic Patients with Glomeruli and Renal Tubules Fibrosis as Early Prediction Marker

     Diabetic kidney disease is an illness of the glomerulus that interferes with the glomerular filtration barrier (GFB), which is worked to enable kidney to selective purification of water and solutes in addition to limiting the movement of large macromolecules such as albumin. In the glomerular endothelium, mesangial cells, foot cells, and the brush border of the proximal tubules, ACE-2 is expressed and that the kidneys represent the highest-expressing region of this enzyme. Thus, the current study aimed to evaluate ACE-2 level in this case compared to healthy condition. The study Conducted with 120 male and female ranging in age (30-65) years old. Ninety patients with type 2 diabetes subdivided into three groups on the basis of A

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Fibrewise <i>ω</i>-compact and locally <i>ω</i>-compact spaces

The goal of this article is to construct fibrewise w-compact (resp. locally w-compact) spaces. Some related results and properties of these concepts will be investigated. Furthermore, we investigate various relationships between these concepts and three classes of fibrewise w-separation axioms.

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Erythrocyte Magnesium Levels in type I and type II Iraq diabetic patients effect of antidiabetic treatment

Background: Direct measurement of intracellular magnesium using erythrocytes has been suggested as a sensitive indicator for the estimation of body magnesium store. Marked depletion in plasma and erythrocyte magnesium levels was particularly evident in diabetic patients with advanced retinopathy and poor diabetic control. While insulin has been shown to stimulate erythrocyte magnesium uptake, hyperglycemia per se suppressed intracellular magnesium in normal human red cells.
Aim of the study: To investigate the erythrocyte magnesium level in Iraqi type I and II diabetic patients, with specific emphasis on the effect of both, metabolic control and the type of antidiabetic treatments.
Methods: Sixty two diabetic patients (7 with type

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 09 2023
Journal Name
Role of immunological and biochemical markers in bone turnover in type I diabetic patients in Karbala province, Iraq

Introduction & Aim: Long-term diabetes mellitus (DM) is known to have a deleterious impact on bone health, resulting in change in bone mineral density, bone turnover, and bone quality, all of which increase the risk of fractures. The aim of. this study was to link immunological and pro-inflammatory cytokine (I.L-6, I.L-1, and TNF-alpha) markers in patients.with type 1 diabetes to Their connection to bones formation (sPINP) and bone resorption parameters (sCTX).   Materials & Methods: This study included 80 patients suffering from T1DM in the age range of 20-45 years. The patients were assayed for their biochemical (Vitamin D and HbA1c), Immunological (IL-6, IL-1 and TNF-alpha) parameters, as well as bone formation and resor

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