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Correlation of blood, salivary glucose levels and bloo HbA1c% in healthy and previously diagnosed Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in a sec ion of patients of Baghdad hospital, Iraq
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Background: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder affecting people worldwide, which require constant monitoring of their glucose levels. Commonly employed procedures include collection of blood or urine samples causing discomfort to the patients. Necessity arises to find alternative non invasive technique is required to monitor glucose levels. Saliva is one of most abundant secretions in the human body and its collection is easy, noninvasive and painless technique. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of saliva as a diagnostic tool by study the correlation between blood and salivary glucose levels and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c%) in diabetes and non diabetes, and the comparison of salivary glucose level and blood HbA1c% with serum glucose level in healthy and diabetic subjects. Type of study: cross- sectional study.Method: Saliva and blood samples were collected from 40 patients visited the Baghdad hospital in Iraq who were previously diagnosed with non-insulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes mellitus and 10 healthy as control (male and female) in age group of 30-65 years. The samples were examined to determine blood and salivary glucose level by the glucose oxidase- peroxidase method and blood HbA1c% by the ion exchange resin method. Results: Our results showed significantly higher salivary and serum glucose level in diabetes compared to control and significantly positive correlation between salivary and serum glucose in diabetes, control, and both groups together; the blood HbA1c% in diabetes was significantly higher compared to control and found a positive correlation between blood HbA1c% and salivary and serum glucose level in diabetes and control. Conclusion: salivary glucose appears to be an indicator of serum glucose concentration in diabetes.

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Current Researches On Social Sciences
A Study on Sociocultural Features among Turkish and Iraqi Women
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SM ADAI, BN RASHID, Journal of Current Researches on Social Sciences, 2023

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Methionine as a Spacer between Poly Acrylic acid and Ampicillin
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In this work a novel drug delivery system through modification of poly acrylic acid with Methionine as a spacer between the poly acrylic acid which was converted to its acyl chloride and reacted with Methionine as spacer unit which has been reacted with Ampicillin drug. In vitro drug release study had been conducted successfully in basic medium in pH 7.4 and acidic medium in pH 1.1 at 37?. Due to many problems associated with drug release and, this modification could decrease the side effect of drug. The prepared prodrug polymer was characterized by spectra method [FTIR and 1H?NMR]. Physical properties and intrinsic viscosity of drug polymer were determined. The good results were obtained in the presence of spacer unit with compar

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Epitoanyag - Journal Of Silicate Based And Composite Materials
Flame retardants, their beginning, types, and environmental impact: a review
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The current study introduces a novel method for calculating the stability time by a new approach based on the conversion of degradation from the conductivity curve results obtained by the conventional method. The stability time calculated by the novel method is shorter than the time measured by the conventional method. The stability time in the novel method can be calculated by the endpoint of the tangency of the conversion curve with the tangent line. This point of tangency represents the stability time, as will be explained in detail. Still, it gives a clear and accurate envisage of the dehydrochlorination behavior and can be generalized to all types of polyvinyl chloride compared to the stability time measured by conventional ones based

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Pharmacy Education And Research
Comparative biosimilar quality studies between a rituximab product and MabThera
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Middle East and Contemporary Geostrategic Shifts: A Geopolitical Study
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This research focuses on the contemporary geostrategic transformations that afflicted the countries of the Middle East, with a focus on the countries of the Arab East, after the collapse of the system of international relations, and the emergence of the unipolar system led by the United States of America. After the events of September 11 and the events that followed, especially the occupation of Iraq in 2003, the study area witnessed a group of geopolitical variables and the emergence of dangerous phenomena that threatened the state structure in the countries of the Middle East; the most notably are the phenomenon of terrorism, cross-border armed groups, sectarian polarization, the phenomenon of migration and the internal and the externa

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Modified Vigenère Cipher based on Time and Biometrics features
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Biometrics is widely used with security systems nowadays; each biometric modality can be useful and has distinctive properties that provide uniqueness and ambiguity for security systems especially in communication and network technologies. This paper is about using biometric features of fingerprint, which is called (minutiae) to cipher a text message and ensure safe arrival of data at receiver end. The classical cryptosystems (Caesar, Vigenère, etc.) became obsolete methods for encryption because of the high-performance machines which focusing on repetition of the key in their attacks to break the cipher. Several Researchers of cryptography give efforts to modify and develop Vigenère cipher by enhancing its weaknesses.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 International Joint Conference On Neural Networks (ijcnn)
A Fast Feature Extraction Algorithm for Image and Video Processing
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Development and Implementation a Programmable Model for Evaluation Pumping Technique
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This work represents development and implementation a programmable model for evaluating pumping technique and spectroscopic properties of solid state laser, as well as designing and constructing a suitable software program to simulate this techniques . A study of a new approach for Diode Pumped Solid State Laser systems (DPSSL), to build the optimum path technology and to manufacture a new solid state laser gain medium. From this model the threshold input power, output power optimum transmission, slop efficiency and available power were predicted. different systems configuration of diode pumped solid state laser for side pumping, end pump method using different shape type (rod,slab,disk) three main parameters are (energy transfer efficie

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Middle East and its Strategic Dimensions: a theoretical study
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Characterized the Middle East has geographic, economic, and geostrategic peculiarities, but it suffers from many problems, such as disagreement over what it means as a concept, or what it represents of a geographic extension. The question is related to the ambiguity surrounding the concept of the Middle East? The purpose of its launch? As it relates to its geostrategic, economic, and geo-cultural importance? And manifestations of this importance? And to what extent he retained his value in the strategies of the major powers? Research hypotheses:

-The multiplicity of concepts for the Middle East region, with international political and Geostrategic interests.- The geostrategic value of the Middle East has made it a focal point for

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Cipher Based on Feistel Structure and Chaotic Maps
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Chaotic systems have been proved to be useful and effective for cryptography. Through this work, a new Feistel cipher depend upon chaos systems and Feistel network structure with dynamic secret key size according to the message size have been proposed. Compared with the classical traditional ciphers like Feistel-based structure ciphers, Data Encryption Standards (DES), is the common example of Feistel-based ciphers, the process of confusion and diffusion, will contains the dynamical permutation choice boxes, dynamical substitution choice boxes, which will be generated once and hence, considered static,

            While using chaotic maps, in the suggested system, called

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