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Clinical and experimental Study to evaluate the effect of Biphasic calcium phosphate collagen composite (cpcc) on healing of bone defects after oral surgical procedures
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Background: A recent discoveries used for reconstruction in maxillofacial surgery is the composite bone graft materials. The availability of collagen I matrix make our choice to use this material in surgery .It is biomaterials that its structure could be modified by simple techniques. Studies to find a new materials use for bone reconstruction is to overcome the disadvantages of autogenous bone and the synthetic resorbable bone substitutes.

Objectives: This study was done to evaluate the effect of biphasic calcium phosphate collagen composite (ccpc) on healing of bone defects after oral surgical procedures.

Type of the study: A cross sectional study.

Method: It involved 60 patients, 35 male and 25 female, age (15-40) yearsand experimental animals study involved sixty rabbits.The study was done in Department of Maxillofacial surgery in Al anbarCollege of Dentistry (2015-2016).These patients were received tooth extraction, and other minor surgical procedures .Clinical and radiographical examination and patients consents are done before surgery. The surgery was done under local anesthesia.The resulting bone cavities are filled with composite bone graft material composed from combination of lyophilized hydrolysed collagen sponge (Hemospon),Brasil and Osteon II bone graft material,Korea .The area is closed with 3/0 block silk suture .Antibiotic cover (Ampicillin 500mg ×4) for 1 week was prescribed. The patients were followed up by careful clinical examination with radiograph 15-30 days after surgery. .Sixty New Zeleandi White rabbit were used in our study for histopathologicalexamination.Intraperitoneal injection of ketamine 10 mg with XYL-M2 solution 20 mg xylazine base used to anesthetize the animals. (5mm diameter) bone defects were made using straight surgical hand piece and bur in anterior mandibular region and filled with each material.  The study design involve the following groups: group 1( involve 15 rabbit; the defect was made and filled with blood clot only (control group),group 2( involve 15 rabbit, the defect was made and filled with collagen sponge only),group 3(Involve 15 rabbit, the defect was made and filled with Osteon II bone graft only),group4( involve 15 rabbit, the defect was made and filled with Osteon II bone graft +collagen (Composite bone graft).The flap were closed 3/0 black silk suture. The rabbits were killed after 30 days. 10 cmexcisional biopsy specimen was taken from the paramandibular area and placed in 10%formalin then send histopathologicalexamination.

Results:  Clinically, the treated area show good healing with absence of infection .Radiographs during follow up period show radiopacity indicating new bone formation .The results of experimental animals (Rabbits) indicategrowth new bone . In group 1 and group2, the center of the defects was depressed by surrounding tissues  Eung et al, While, in group 3&group 4, the graft materials maintained the space and the center of the defect did not depress. Statistical analysis indicates that during 4 th week ,the highest healing % is (100%) in group 3 &group4 in compared to control group (50%)..A significant difference in healing % was found among the treated groups.

Conclusion:The result indicates that biphasic calcium phosphate collagen composite can be efficiently utilized clinically.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 25 2011
Journal Name
Sciences Journal Of Physical Education
The preliminaries selection for kinetics & skills & physical & functions limits to mini basketball
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The process of selection assure the objective of receiving for chosen ones to high levels more than other ways , and the problem of this research came by these inquires (what is the variables of limits we must considered when first preliminaries selections for mini basket ? and what is the proper test that suits this category ? and is there any standards references it can be depend on it ?) also the aims of this research that knowing the limits variables to basketball mini and their tests as a indicators for preliminaries for mini basketball category in ages (9-12) years and specifies standards (modified standards degrees in following method) to tests results to some limits variables for research sample. Also the researchers depends on (16)

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching techniques due to the Brain-based learning theory among math teachers
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The purpose of the study is to identify the teaching techniques that mathematics' teachers use due to the Brain-based learning theory. The sample is composed of (90) teacher: (50) male, (40) female. The results have shown no significant differences between male and female responses' mean. Additionally, through the observation of author, he found a lack of using Brain-based learning techniques. Thus, the researcher recommend that it is necessary to involve teachers in remedial courses to enhance their ability to create a classroom that raise up brain-based learning skills.  

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Investigation to the Abrasive Wear in Pipes Used for Oil Industry
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The work reported in this study focusing on the abrasive wear behavior for three types of pipes used in oil industries (Carbone steel, Alloy steel and Stainless steel) using a wear apparatus for dry and wet tests, manufactured according to ASTM G65. Silica sand with
hardness (1000-1100) HV was used as abrasive material. The abrasive wear of these pipes has been measured experimentally by measuring the wear rate for each case under different sliding speeds, applied loads, and sand conditions (dry or wet). All tests have been conducted using sand of particle size (200-425) µm, ambient temperature of 34.5 °C and humidity 22% (Lab conditions).
The results show that the material loss due to abrasive wear increased monotonically with

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
A Suggested Conception to Employ Gamificatio in Teaching the General Education Curricula
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The study aimed to build a suggested conception for employing gamification in teaching the general education curricula. Using the analytical method of the previous analytical studies in Teaching, which agreed with the determinants of the analysis of 20 studies from 2014 to 2019, they come on order: points, badges, leaderboards, and then levels. The four most commonly used theories are the theory of self-determination, flow theory, the theory of planned behavior and social theory. In addition, the researcher identified the most commonly used models in gamification, respectively: the ARCS model and the user-based design model. Based on the results of the analysis and using the descriptive approach, the researcher presented a practical perc

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Improved Method to Recognize the Iraqi License Plates Using Local Projections
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The License Plate (LP), is a rectangular metal plate that contains numbers and letters. This plate is fixed onto the vehicle's body. It is used as a mean to identify the vehicle. The License Plate Recognition (LPR) system is a mean where a vehicle can be identified automatically using a computer system. The LPR has many applications, such as security applications for car tracking, or enforcing control on vehicles entering restricted areas (such as airports or governmental buildings). This paper is concerned with introducing a new method to recognize the Iraqi LPs using local vertical and horizontal projections, then testing its performance. The attained success rate reached 99.16%, with average recognition time around 0.012 second for re

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Using Smart Control System to Enhancement the Split Air Conditioning System Performance
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In IRAQ, the air conditioners are the principal cause of high electrical demand. In summer, the outer temperature sometimes exceeds 500C which significantly effects on the A/C system performance and power consumed. In the present work, the improvement in mechanical and electrical performance of split A/C system is investigated experimentally and analytically. In this paper, performance and energy saving enhancement of a split-A/C system was experimentally investigated to be efficiently compatible with elevated temperature weathers. This improvement is accomplished via Smart Control System integrate with Proportional-Integral- Differential PID algorithm. The PIC16F877A micro-controller has been programmed with the PID and PWM c

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Criminal mediation as an alternative to the criminal case in Iraqi legislation
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Criminal mediation is one of the new means that seeks to resolve criminal disputes away from the traditional procedures of criminal cases and outside the court, but under his supervision and supervision, the mediation process is based on the consensual idea of ​​ending the conflict as it gives both the offender and the victim a role in resolving the next conflict between them Outside the judiciary, with the intervention of a third party from the third party (the mediator), who has the main role in the success of the mediation process, and the mediator is obligated to inform the judicial authority of the results of the mediation, and then the judicial authority later has discretion in the return report, otherwise You will either go th

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Fuzzy Clustering to Detect the Tumor Area in Stomach Medical Images
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Although the number of stomach tumor patients reduced obviously during last decades in western countries, but this illness is still one of the main causes of death in developing countries. The aim of this research is to detect the area of a tumor in a stomach images based on fuzzy clustering. The proposed methodology consists of three stages. The stomach images are divided into four quarters and then features elicited from each quarter in the first stage by utilizing seven moments invariant. Fuzzy C-Mean clustering (FCM) was employed in the second stage for each quarter to collect the features of each quarter into clusters. Manhattan distance was calculated in the third stage among all clusters' centers in all quarters to disclosure of t

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determined the Concentration Elements to Human Nail Using X- Ray Fluorescence Technique
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Cancer constitutes a serious disease and a major health problem in worldwide, a lot of people were infected with this dangerous disease, Therefore, there must be attention to this disease through diagnosis and prevention there. In this study, we determined the relationship between the Cancer and the concentration of trace elements by comparing the concentration trace elements for infected and non-infected people. The trace elements concentrations to nails are one of the diagnostic criteria that easily to detect and dated this disease without any harm to the patient. Eight nails samples were collected from cancer-infected and eight samples from non-infected of the relatives of first-degree. All samples were measured by the concentrations

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The integration between target cost to value engineering green achieve competitive advantage
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Recently, there has been a major trend towards environmental issues and concern for the green product because traditional products cause serious environmental impacts such as reduced resources, global warming, energy consumption, emissions and other environmental damage. Under these developments, economic units are looking for cost-effective technologies that reduce the cost of a green product that has four main dimensions: reducing energy, reducing resource consumption, preventing pollution, and using renewable energy while not compromising quality and satisfying customers in order to enhance competitive advantage.

This research will address one of the most important cost-effective green technologies, Gr

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