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Clinical and experimental Study to evaluate the effect of Biphasic calcium phosphate collagen composite (cpcc) on healing of bone defects after oral surgical procedures
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Background: A recent discoveries used for reconstruction in maxillofacial surgery is the composite bone graft materials. The availability of collagen I matrix make our choice to use this material in surgery .It is biomaterials that its structure could be modified by simple techniques. Studies to find a new materials use for bone reconstruction is to overcome the disadvantages of autogenous bone and the synthetic resorbable bone substitutes.

Objectives: This study was done to evaluate the effect of biphasic calcium phosphate collagen composite (ccpc) on healing of bone defects after oral surgical procedures.

Type of the study: A cross sectional study.

Method: It involved 60 patients, 35 male and 25 female, age (15-40) yearsand experimental animals study involved sixty rabbits.The study was done in Department of Maxillofacial surgery in Al anbarCollege of Dentistry (2015-2016).These patients were received tooth extraction, and other minor surgical procedures .Clinical and radiographical examination and patients consents are done before surgery. The surgery was done under local anesthesia.The resulting bone cavities are filled with composite bone graft material composed from combination of lyophilized hydrolysed collagen sponge (Hemospon),Brasil and Osteon II bone graft material,Korea .The area is closed with 3/0 block silk suture .Antibiotic cover (Ampicillin 500mg ×4) for 1 week was prescribed. The patients were followed up by careful clinical examination with radiograph 15-30 days after surgery. .Sixty New Zeleandi White rabbit were used in our study for histopathologicalexamination.Intraperitoneal injection of ketamine 10 mg with XYL-M2 solution 20 mg xylazine base used to anesthetize the animals. (5mm diameter) bone defects were made using straight surgical hand piece and bur in anterior mandibular region and filled with each material.  The study design involve the following groups: group 1( involve 15 rabbit; the defect was made and filled with blood clot only (control group),group 2( involve 15 rabbit, the defect was made and filled with collagen sponge only),group 3(Involve 15 rabbit, the defect was made and filled with Osteon II bone graft only),group4( involve 15 rabbit, the defect was made and filled with Osteon II bone graft +collagen (Composite bone graft).The flap were closed 3/0 black silk suture. The rabbits were killed after 30 days. 10 cmexcisional biopsy specimen was taken from the paramandibular area and placed in 10%formalin then send histopathologicalexamination.

Results:  Clinically, the treated area show good healing with absence of infection .Radiographs during follow up period show radiopacity indicating new bone formation .The results of experimental animals (Rabbits) indicategrowth new bone . In group 1 and group2, the center of the defects was depressed by surrounding tissues  Eung et al, While, in group 3&group 4, the graft materials maintained the space and the center of the defect did not depress. Statistical analysis indicates that during 4 th week ,the highest healing % is (100%) in group 3 &group4 in compared to control group (50%)..A significant difference in healing % was found among the treated groups.

Conclusion:The result indicates that biphasic calcium phosphate collagen composite can be efficiently utilized clinically.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 28 2022
Journal Name
Nurse Media Journal Of Nursing
Health Literacy-Related Knowledge and Experience among Nurses Practicing in Medical-Surgical Wards
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Background: Medical-surgical nurses are responsible of providing competent care to clients with a wide-array of acute and chronic health problems. This challenging task requires arming nurses with advanced competencies of health literacy to effectively educate their clients. However, evidence about medical-surgical nurse’s health literacy-related knowledge and experience is limited.  Purposes: This study aimed to determine the level of the health literacy-related knowledge and experience among medical-surgical nurses.Design: A descriptive-cross-sectional study was conducted among a total sample of 177 nurses who were practicing in medical-surgical wards in teaching hospitals in Iraq. A convenience sampling method was used to sele

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
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Studies In Systems, Decision And Control
The Effect of Using an Accounting Information System Based on Artificial Intelligence in Detecting Earnings Management to Enhance the Sustainability of Economic Units
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This research aims to clarify the importance of an accounting information system that uses artificial intelligence to detect earnings manipulation. The research problem stems from the widespread manipulation of earning in economic entities, especially at the local level, exacerbated by the high financial and administrative corruption rates in Iraq due to fraudulent accounting practices. Since earning manipulation involves intentional fraudulent acts, it is necessary to implement preventive measures to detect and deter such practices. The main hypothesis of the research assumes that an accounting information system based on artificial intelligence cannot effectively detect the manipulation of profits in Iraqi economic entities. The researche

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
Study the Effect of Liquid Layer Level on the Formation of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized by Liquid-Phase Pulsed Laser Ablation
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This work is focused on studying the effect of liquid layer level (height above a target material) on zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO and ZnO2) production using liquid-phase pulsed laser ablation (LP-PLA) technique. A plate of Zn metal inside different heights of an aqueous environment of cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) with molarity (10-3 M) was irradiated with femtosecond pulses. The effect of liquid layer height on the optical properties and structure of ZnO was studied and characterized through UV-visible absorption test at three peaks at 213 nm, 216 nm and 218 nm for three liquid heights 4, 6 and 8 mm respectively. The obtained results of UV–visible spectra test show a blue shift accomp

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 26 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Advertising Signs on the Urban Scene of Cities Centers (Al Bab Al Sharqi – Al Tahrir Square) Case Study
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The research represents an applied study to the urban scene of Baghdad city center within the area of (Al Bab Al Sharqi – Al Tahrir Square) through studying and identifying the levels of the reciprocal correlation of advertising signs impact on urban scene , then finding out the indicators and potential values which have made advertising signs as positive value by achieving the mechanisms of visual quality or a negative value by achieving mechanisms of visual pollution. And then examining the resulted visual perception defect reforming mechanism from it and identify the basic elements represented of the laws and legislation known worldwide. When presenting the problem, The research depends on: (Lack of clear perception

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of Investment in Human Capital on Economic Growth in Algeria A standard Study within the period of: 1970 – 2015
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The summary:

This research paper presents a standard economic study. This study aims to build an economic standard form of the investment effect in Human Capital on Economic Growth in Algeria. The study showed that there is an inverse relationship between the investment and human capital. This is expressed by expending on education and economic growth. This contradicts with the economic theory. Such matter could be explained by that expending on education does not contribute in the economic growth. This refers to that the education sector result does not employee or save jobs. Thus, it does not contribute in growth; in addition, the Algerian economy depends on petrol in the first class. This means the ab

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Child Science
Clinical and Genetic Varieties of Gaucher Disease in Iraqi Children
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Abstract<p>Gaucher disease (GD), which is due to a deficiency in the lysosomal enzyme β-glucocerebrosidase, is a rare genetic disorder. It is characterized by a wide variety of clinical manifestations and severity of symptoms, making it difficult to manage. A cross-sectional hospital-based genetic study was undertaken with 32 pediatric patients. We recruited 21 males and 11 females diagnosed with GD, with a male-to-female ratio of 1.91:1. The mean age of the study population was 8.79 ± 4.37 years with an age range from 8 months to 17 years. We included patients on clinical evaluation from 2011 to 2019. An enzyme assay test was used to measure β-glucosidase enzyme activity in leukocytes and the GBA gene s</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Optical Properties of PVA/K2CrO4 Composite
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     The change in the optical properties for samples of pure PVA and PVA /K2CrO4composite have been studied .The samples were prepared with different percentage (1,3,5,and 7)%wt of K2CrO4 by casting method technique .In this work ,we are study the absorption ,reflectance spectra ,absorption  coefficient, energy gap ,extinction coefficient ,and transmittance spectra as a function of wavelength range (200-800)nm ,Also  real and imaginary part of dielectric constant have been studied in the range of wave length .The results exhibit the optical properties change by the increase of K2CrO4 concentration, and the values of energy gap for indirect transitions decrease by the increase of the concentration of  K2CrO4

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analysis of Double Skin Composite Slabs
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This paper deals with finite element modeling of the ultimate load behavior of double skin composite (DSC) slabs. In a DSC slab, shear connectors in the form of nut bolt technique studs are used to transfer shear between the outer skin made of steel plates and the concrete core. The current study is based on finite element analysis using ANSYS Version 11 APDL release computer program. Experimental programmes were carried out by the others, two simply supported DSC beams were tested until failure under a concentrated load applied at the center. These test specimens were analyzed by the finite element method and the analyses have shown that these slabs displayed a high degree of flexural characteristics, ultimate strength,

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2023
Journal Name
Biomed Research International
Efficacy of Autogenous Dentin Biomaterial on Alveolar Ridge Preservation: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
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Background. After tooth extraction, alveolar bone resorption is inevitable. This clinical phenomenon challenges dental surgeons aiming to restore esthetic and function. Alveolar ridge preservation can be applied to minimize dimensional changes with a new socket grafting material, an autogenous dentin graft, produced by mechanically and chemically processing natural teeth. This study assessed the safety and efficacy of using autogenous dentin biomaterial in alveolar ridge preservation. Materials and Methods. Patients with nonrestorable maxillary anterior teeth bounded by natural sound teeth were included in this study. After a detailed clinical and tomographic examination, eligible participants were randomly allocated into two groups

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Biomed Research International
Efficacy of Autogenous Dentin Biomaterial on Alveolar Ridge Preservation: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
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Background. After tooth extraction, alveolar bone resorption is inevitable. This clinical phenomenon challenges dental surgeons aiming to restore esthetic and function. Alveolar ridge preservation can be applied to minimize dimensional changes with a new socket grafting material, an autogenous dentin graft, produced by mechanically and chemically processing natural teeth. This study assessed the safety and efficacy of using autogenous dentin biomaterial in alveolar ridge preservation. Materials and Methods. Patients with nonrestorable maxillary anterior teeth bounded by natural sound teeth were included in this study. After a detailed clinical and tomographic examination, eligibl

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