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Comparison between Open Mini-incision Thyroidectomy and Conventional Thyroidectomy: Clinical Experience and Literatures Review
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Background: Thyroid surgery is most common endocrine surgery in general surgical practice. Objectives: the aim of this work is to evaluate the feasibility, benefits and outcomes of open mini-incision thyroidectomy and compared the results with that of conventional thyroidectomy. The comparison between the two groups was in term of incision length, amount of blood loss, time of operation, postoperative pain, hospital stay and the cosmetic outcomes.Type of the study: this is a single-blinded randomized controlled studyMethods: This study compared the advantages and outcomes of 22 patients subjected to mini-incision thyroidectomy (Group A) with the equal numbers of patients subjected to conventional thyroidectomy (Group B).Results: the operative time was statistically longer in minithyroidectomy than with conventional thyroidectomy. Postoperative pain score in the operative day and 24 hours postoperatively showed a significant difference in favor of mini-incision thyroidectomy. The cosmetic outcome and patients satisfaction was significantly and far better in minithyroidectomy group. The results between both groups were comparable regarding the postoperative complications. The hospital stay was shorter in the mini-incision group than in conventional group but the difference was not significant.Conclusions: mini-incision thyroidectomy is simple, safe and practical procedure that achieves the same results and the rate complications to the conventional thyroidectomy with less post operative pain and better aesthetic results. It is easily converted to conventional technique when necessary without added risks .

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Wasit Journal For Pure Science
β*-Regular supra topological spaces
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Form the series of generalization of the topic of supra topology is the generalization of separation axioms . In this paper we have been introduced (S * - SS *) regular spaces . Most of the properties of both spaces have been investigated and reinforced with examples . In the last part we presented the notations of supra *- -space ( =0,1) and we studied their relationship with (S * - SS *) regular spaces.

Publication Date
Thu Sep 12 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Outcome of surgical untethering of tethered cord syndrome in adults due to spina bifida occulta
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Background:. Children with spina bifida occulta require early surgery to prevent neurological deficits. The treatment of patients with a congenitally tethered cord who present in adulthood remains controversial.

Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the outcome obtained in 61 adult patients with congenital TCS and no prior surgical treatment who underwent surgical untethering.

Methods: This prospective study was conducted on 61 adult patients who underwent surgical untethering for spina bifida occulta at four neurosurgical centers in Baghdad / Iraq  between March 2000 and January 2018. Patients who had undergone prior myelomeningocele repair or tet

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effects of Hypothermia on Renal Functions for Patients undergo Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
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Objective: To determine the effectiveness of hypothermia on renal functions for patients undergoing
coronary artery bypass graft CABG surgery.
Methodology: A purposive (non-probability) sample of (50) patients undergoing Isolated coronary artery
bypass graft surgery consecutively admitted to the surgical ward, and they were followed up in the
intraoperative, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and in the postoperative (surgical ward). Post-operative renal function
test (glumeruler filteration rate (GFR) by using the Crockroft-Gault formula and serum creatinine level) was
determined first week post operative and post operative renal function was classified on the base of peak of
the serum creatinine level and decline of glomeru

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Speech Acts Analysis of English COVID-19 News Headlines: مثنى نجيب المرسومي, جمعة قادر حسين
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News headlines are key elements in spreading news. They are unique texts written in a special language which enables readers understand the overall nature and importance of the topic. However, this special language causes difficulty for readers in understanding the headline. To illuminate this difficulty, it is argued that a pragmatic analysis from a speech act theory perspective is a plausible tool for a headline analysis. The main objective of the study is to pragmatically analyze the most frequently employed types of speech acts in the news headlines covering COVID-19 in Aljazeera English website. To this end, Bach and Harnish's (1979) Taxonomy of Speech Acts has been adopted to analyze the data. Thirty headlines have been collected f

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography
On β*-supra topological spaces
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In this paper, a new type of supra closed sets is introduced which we called supra β*-closed sets in a supra topological space. A new set of separation axioms is defined, and its many properties are examined. The relationships between supra β*-Ti –spaces (i = 0, 1, 2)   are studied and shown with instances. Additionally, new varieties of supra β*-continuous maps have been taken into consideration based on the supra β*-open sets theory. 

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Semi-p-Proper Mappings
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  The aim of this paper is to introduce a new type of proper mappings called semi-p-proper mapping by using semi-p-open sets, which is weaker than the proper mapping. Some properties and characterizations of this type of mappings are given.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 29 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Academic Research In Progressive Education And Development
The Effects of Problem-Based Learning on Self-Directed Learning Skills among Physics Undergraduates
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The aim of this study is to compare the effects of three methods: problem-based learning (PBL), PBL with lecture method, and conventional teaching on self-directed learning skills among physics undergraduates. The actual sample size comprises of 122 students, who were selected randomly from the Physics Department, College of Education in Iraq. In this study, the pre- and post-test were done and the instruments were administered to the students for data collection. The data was analyzed and statistical results rejected null hypothesis of this study. This study revealed that there are no signifigant differences between PBL and PBL with lecture method, thus the PBL without or with lecture method enhances the self-directed learning skills bette

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 15 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research
A survey/ Development of Passive Optical Access Networks Technologies
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The bandwidth requirements of telecommunication network users increased rapidly during the last decades. Optical access technologies must provide the bandwidth demand for each user. The passive optical access networks (PONs) support a maximum data rate of 100 Gbps by using the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique in the optical access network. In this paper, the optical broadband access networks with many techniques from Time Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Networks (TDM PON) to Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex Passive Optical Networks (OFDM PON) are presented. The architectures, advantages, disadvantages, and main parameters of these optical access networks are discussed and reported which have many ad

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
CVOTING: An Anonymous Ballot E-Voting System
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One of the concerns of adopting an e-voting systems in the pooling place of any critical elections is the possibility of compromising the voting machine by a malicious piece of code, which could change the votes cast systematically. To address this issue, different techniques have been proposed such as the use of vote verification techniques and the anonymous ballot techniques, e.g., Code Voting. Verifiability may help to detect such attack, while the Code Voting assists to reduce the possibility of attack occurrence. In this paper, a new code voting technique is proposed, implemented and tested, with the aid of an open source voting. The anonymous ballot improved accordingly the paper audit trail used in this machine. The developed system,

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2007
Journal Name
Ibn Al-hatham J. For Pure & Appl. Sci
ω-Perfect Mappings
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In this paper, we shall introduce a new kind of Perfect (or proper) Mappings, namely ω-Perfect Mappings, which are strictly weaker than perfect mappings. And the following are the main results: (a) Let f : X→Y be ω-perfect mapping of a space X onto a space Y, then X is compact (Lindeloff), if Y is so. (b) Let f : X→Y be ω-perfect mapping of a regular space X onto a space Y. then X is paracompact (strongly paracompact), if Y is so paracompact (strongly paracompact). (c) Let X be a compact space and Y be a p*-space then the projection p : X×Y→Y is a ω-perfect mapping. Hence, X×Y is compact (paracompact, strongly paracompact) if and only if Y is so.

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