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Background: H1N1 influenza pandemic or swine flu was an influenza pandemic first described in Iraq in October 2009 .The virus appeared to be anew strain of H1N1 causes wide range of morbidity and mortality among different genders and age groups as part of worldwide pandemics.Seasonal flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccine each year.

Objectives: Is to determine the morbidity and mortality in different age groups in patients with H1N1 influenza versus those patients with seasonal influenza who were admitted at the same time to AL-kindy teaching hospital during pandemic 2009. Type of the study: A retrospective observational study.

Methods: A total number of 210 cases with influenza symptoms and signs were included in this study which was conducted at AL-kindy teaching hospital , Baghdad, Iraq at inpatient medical wards over a period from October to December 2009. All cases were tested by real time PCR for H1N1 influenza virus by taking nasal and throat swab in addition to monitoring symptoms and signs of influenza and chest radiographs.

Results: Out of 210 cases, 90 (42.85%) cases were positive for H1N1 influenza and 120 (57.14%) cases had negative test are considered having seasonal influenza. Of the positive cases(64.44%) were males and (35.55%) were females. Of negative cases(seasonal flu)male gender were (61.66%) , while female gender were (38.33%). 57.77% of positive cases developed flue like illness compared with 54.16% of negative while 25.55% of positive developed pneumonia compared with 22.5% of negative.5.55% of positive cases developed ARDS compared with 5% only in negative cases.11.11% had different presentation in positive cases (bronchitis ,gastroenteritis) while 18.33%of negative. Mortality in positive cases are 14.4% compared with only 10% in negative cases.

Conclusions: Influenza A/H1N1had same symptoms and signs of epidemic seasonal influenza but run aggressive and short course of morbidity in 3-5 days with high percentage of complication and high mortality compared with seasonal epidemic influenza with rare affection above 65 years old, both groups had same incidence of complication with pneumonia and ARDS

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Phenol Removal Using Granular Dead Anaerobic Sludge Permeable Reactive Barrier in a Simulated Groundwater Pilot Plant
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This study investigates the performance of granular dead anaerobic sludge (GDAS) bio-sorbent as permeable reactive barrier in removing phenol from a simulated contaminated shallow groundwater. Batch tests have been performed to characterize the equilibrium sorption properties of the GDAS and sandy soil in phenol-containing aqueous solutions. The results of GDAS tests proved that the best values of operating parameters, which achieve the maximum removal efficiency of phenol (=85%), at equilibrium contact time (=3 hr), initial pH of the solution (=5), initial phenol concentration (=50 mg/l), GDAS dosage (=0.5 g/100 ml), and agitation speed (=250 rpm). Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis proved that the carboxylic acid, aromatic, alk

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 07 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
CA 27-29: A Valuable Marker for Breast Cancer Management in Correlation with CA 15-3
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Publication Date
Tue May 09 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Técnicas de la traducción del antropónimo del árabe al español: Fundamentos y أساليب ترجمة أسماء الأعلام من العربية الى الاسبانية: الأسس والتطبيقات
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Temperature and Humidity Wireless Sensor and An Arduino Board to Characterise and Verify Climatic and Thermostatic Chambers on A Webpage According to Standard NF X 15-140
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Environmental controls, especially for temperature and humidity, are essential to maintain the safety, purity and effectiveness of drugs. The measurement of humidity can be particularly difficult and important in climatic and thermostatic chambers (warehouses, ovens, cold rooms, fridges, drying rooms, insulated boxes, etc.).
The old method of monitoring and qualification of climatic and thermostatic chambers requires placing a defined number of recorders, then programming and store them. After that, to examine the values recorded to revolve the status of the climatic and thermostatic chambers, if they are compliant or not-complaint at any time, so all that goes to waste time and efficiency of values.
We can do the monitoring and qu

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 26 2023
Journal Name
Malaysian Journal Of Science
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الوصف A simple chemistry method approach was used to synthesise new ligand derivate from L-ascorbic acid and its complexes. All of them were water-soluble and are used quite extensively in the medical and pharmaceutical fields. This study synthesised the new ligand derivative from L-ascorbic acid-base using the following steps: A 5, 6-O-isopropylidene-L-ascorbic acid was prepared by reacting dry acetone with L-ascorbic acid followed by reacting it with trichloroacetic acid to yield [chloro (carboxylic) methylidene]-5, 6-O-isopropylidene-L-ascorbic acid in the second stage. In the third stage, the derivative was reacted with (methyl (6-methyl-2-pyridylmethyl) amine to create a new ligand (ONMILA). This novel ligand was identified using

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study of Matter Density Distributions, Elastic Electron Scattering Form factors and Root Mean Square Radii of 9C, 12N, 23Al, 11Be and 15C Exotic Nuclei
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    The ground state densities of neutron-rich (11Be,15C) and proton-rich (9C,12N,23Al) exotic nuclei are investigated using a two-body nucleon density distribution (2BNDD) with two frequency shells model (TFSM). The structure of the valence one-neutron of 11Be is in pure (1p1/2) and of 15C in pure (1d5/2) configuration, while the structure of valence one-proton configuration is in 9C,12N are to be in a pure (1p1/2) and 23Al in a pure  (2s1/2) . For our studied nuclei, an efficient (2BNDD) operator for point nucleon system folded with two-body correlation operator's functions is  u

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Extraction and Estimation of β-carotene Pigment from Some Species of The Genus Rhodotorula and Study The Ability to Increas Their Production By Mutagenesis
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Beta-carotene pigment was extracted from 6 strains collected from different sources related to some species of the genus Rhodotorula sp. The maximum productivity was in the strain Rhodotorula  mucilaginosa BA61 with amount 10.25 gm/l. The minimum productivity was from the strain R. minuta BA78 with amount 5.39 gm/l. The effects of the chemical mutagen (MNNG) and the physical mutagen (UVC) on the viability of the strains was studied. The results revealed that the chemical mutagen (MNNG) with the concentration 0.2 mg/ml has the clear effect on the viability of the strains , which killing percentage reached to 65.91% in the strain R. minuta BA78. Results of the study of mutagenesis with UVC showed that increase in killing percentage fo

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Comparative Study of Some Virulence Factors and Analysis of Phylogenetic Tree by 16S rDNA Sequencing of Aeromonas hydrophila Isolated from Clinical and Environmental Samples
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     Aeromonas hydrophila is widely distributed throughout the world and causes diseases to animals and human exposed to contaminated environments such as water and soil. This study aimed to compare between isolates of A. hydrophila collected from clinical and environmental samples, through investigating the phenotype of some virulence factors in vitro, including hemolysin, protease, lipase, nuclease and biofilm formation ability. Also, the antimicrobial susceptibility for different antibiotics was determined using disc diffusion method. For genotypic identification of isolates and phylogenetic tree construction, 16S rDNA target gene was amplified and sequenced. The phenoty

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of electron energy distribution function and transport parameters for CF4 and Ar gases discharge by using the solution of Boltzmann equation-Part I
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The Boltzmann transport equation is solved by using two- terms approximation for pure gases . This method of solution is used to calculate the electron energy distribution function and electric transport parameters were evaluated in the range of E/N varying from . 172152110./510.VcmENVcm
From the results we can conclude that the electron energy distribution function of CF4 gas is nearly Maxwellian at (1,2)Td, and when E/N increase the distribution function is non Maxwellian. Behavior of electrons transport parameters is nearly from the experimental results in references. The drift velocity of electron in carbon tetraflouride is large compared with other gases

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Cephalometric Study of Iraqi Adult Subjects with Cl I and Cl III Skeletal Relationships and Their Effects on Masseter Muscle Thickness by Using Ultrasonography
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Background: Masseter muscle is one of the most obvious muscles of mastication and considered as one indicator of jaw muscle activity. It has a major influence on the transverse growth of the midface and the vertical growth of the mandible. This study undertaken to determine the role of cephalometric analysis for discrimination between Cl I and Cl III skeletal relationships, determine the role of ultrasonography in determination of masseter muscle thickness, compare masseter muscle thickness between Cl I and Cl III skeletal relationships, and determine the effect of gender on masseter muscle thickness. Material and Method: The sample of the current study consisted of 70 Iraqi subjects 40 males and 30 females with age ranging 18-25 years. The

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