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Background: H1N1 influenza pandemic or swine flu was an influenza pandemic first described in Iraq in October 2009 .The virus appeared to be anew strain of H1N1 causes wide range of morbidity and mortality among different genders and age groups as part of worldwide pandemics.Seasonal flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccine each year.

Objectives: Is to determine the morbidity and mortality in different age groups in patients with H1N1 influenza versus those patients with seasonal influenza who were admitted at the same time to AL-kindy teaching hospital during pandemic 2009. Type of the study: A retrospective observational study.

Methods: A total number of 210 cases with influenza symptoms and signs were included in this study which was conducted at AL-kindy teaching hospital , Baghdad, Iraq at inpatient medical wards over a period from October to December 2009. All cases were tested by real time PCR for H1N1 influenza virus by taking nasal and throat swab in addition to monitoring symptoms and signs of influenza and chest radiographs.

Results: Out of 210 cases, 90 (42.85%) cases were positive for H1N1 influenza and 120 (57.14%) cases had negative test are considered having seasonal influenza. Of the positive cases(64.44%) were males and (35.55%) were females. Of negative cases(seasonal flu)male gender were (61.66%) , while female gender were (38.33%). 57.77% of positive cases developed flue like illness compared with 54.16% of negative while 25.55% of positive developed pneumonia compared with 22.5% of negative.5.55% of positive cases developed ARDS compared with 5% only in negative cases.11.11% had different presentation in positive cases (bronchitis ,gastroenteritis) while 18.33%of negative. Mortality in positive cases are 14.4% compared with only 10% in negative cases.

Conclusions: Influenza A/H1N1had same symptoms and signs of epidemic seasonal influenza but run aggressive and short course of morbidity in 3-5 days with high percentage of complication and high mortality compared with seasonal epidemic influenza with rare affection above 65 years old, both groups had same incidence of complication with pneumonia and ARDS

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The relationship between Hypertension and weight status in Iraqi population
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Most medical books and researches documented that increased body weight is a predisposing factor to hypertension , and there is recent work in this field as well. In this research , the relationships between hypertension and body weight with age were studied in Iraqi population . It is concluded that diastolic hypertension is separated from systolic and combined hypertension and increased body weight has little effect on increased blood pressure.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
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Figurative theory (Gestalt) and its applications in Iraqi musical templates
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The musical templates are the fundamental reason for admiration and interest among a lot of cultural and societal medias because of the beauty of it's melodic value, where a lot of Iraqi singing and music specialists and composers try to consolidate daily life idea and translate it into music in a manner that preserve the template and rhythm horizontally and vertically, through the involvement of the scientific and philosophical concepts and theories of modern thought to reach the recipient,, as is the theory of form (Gestalt), one of the most important theories that stretched to their interpretations to the field in general art and in music science, especially, as an area that can be manifested as partial components template music, conn

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Scenography and the effectiveness of meaning in the theatrical space
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The elements of theater formation that fall within the spatial experience of the scenography of the show, which the directors work in in the imaginary theater, are important and have an aesthetic, intellectual and cognitive dimension, working to highlight reality in an aesthetic image surrounding space and space. And its relationship to the distinct, multiple and variable spaces above the stage, to produce theatrical signals and endless meanings through the possibility of infinite reconfiguration of the theater's space and its public and private space through the distribution of a group of blocks within the scenic image.
I dealt with in the first chapter (the methodological framework), which includes the research problem identified

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Visual Appeal and Reflection in the Design of the Advertising
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Advertising is an important and influential tool in various commercial operations, as it represents a means of communication that depends on influencing individuals or society as a whole, working on a link between the producer and the consumer, so the importance of advertising appears in two dimensions, the first is economic represented in its role in achieving economic growth for the facility, while the social dimension lies in its role By influencing the behaviors and ideas of individuals, and from here it appears to us the importance of formulating, organizing and designing the advertising message that advertising agencies resort to in their advertising campaigns. Orientation, definition, and raising the level of the advertising messa

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Corrosion, Passivity and Pitting of Inconel (600) in Sulphuric Acid
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A potentiostatic study of the behaviour of Inconel (600) in molar sulphuric acid has been carried out over the temperature range 293-313 K. Values have been established for the potentials and current densities of the corrosion, active-passive transition, passivity and transpassive states. For corrosion, the current density (ic) and potential (Ec) have been determined from well-defined Tafel lines. The potential and current density prior to the commencement of passivity have been obtained corresponding respectively to the critical potential (Ecr( and to the current density (icr) for the active-passive transition state. The passive range was defined by the respective potentials and current densities for passive film formation and dissolutio

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Histological and Histochemical studies of Esophagus in Mabuya aurata septemaeniata
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The wall of the esophagus in Mabuya aurata septemaeniata as in high vertebrates consists of four layers, mucosa, submucosa,muscularis and serosa. Mucosa forms many unorganized short and long folds penetrate inside the esophageal cavity. Mucosa contains two sub layers, first one is lining epithelium which includes two types of cells, simple ciliated columnar epithelial cells and goblet cells, second one is lamina properia. Mucosa does not have muscularis mucosa. There is no esophageal glands within esophagus. Many special stains were used as (Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS)) to detect Carbohydrates in goblet cells. Alcian blue were used to detect the amount of goblet cells within lining epithelium. Alcian blue + PAS together confirm that the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
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Reviews In Agricultural Science
Technological Advances in Soil Penetration Resistance Measurement and Prediction Algorithms
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Soil compaction is one of the most harmful elements affecting soil structure, limiting plant growth and agricultural productivity. It is crucial to assess the degree of soil penetration resistance to discover solutions to the harmful consequences of compaction. In order to obtain the appropriate value, using soil cone penetration requires time and labor-intensive measurements. Currently, satellite technologies, electronic measurement control systems, and computer software help to measure soil penetration resistance quickly and easily within the precision agriculture applications approach. The quantitative relationships between soil properties and the factors affecting their diversity contribute to digital soil mapping. Digital soil maps use

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Preparation and In-Vitro Evaluation of Clopidogrel Bisulfate Liquisolid Compact
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Liquisolid compact is the most promising technique for increasing dissolution rate and bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs.Clopidogrel bisulfate is an oral antiplatelets used for treatment and prophylaxis of cardiovacular and peripheral vascular diseases related to platelets aggreagation.Clopidogrel has low solubility at high pH media of intestine and low bioavailability of a bout 50% after oral doses.The purpose of this work was to enhance dissolution pattern of clopidogrel through its formulation into liquisolid tablets.A mathematical model was used to calculate the optimum quantities of tween 80 , carrier (Avicel PH 102) and coating material (Aerosil 200) needed to prepare acceptably flowing and compactible powder mixtures.The liq

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 14 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Seismic impact on makhool earthdam in flood and drought seasons
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Moral Value in Iraqi Society between Change and Constant
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The problem of constant and change values is one of the important problems that the philosophy thought had faced as the religious and social studies had taken it as it considers as one of the most dangerous which touch the basic . the research deals with the effect of change value of new Iraqi situation to be as an attempt , as participation or an excitement that can be occupied a space through the area of questions on the fix and change of moral values shed light on the economical ,social and political events that the Iraqi society passes through them .it is part of interests that becomes importance to everyone through the light of moral change Which is arbitrary to the life of the individual .It is not possible to rebuild the society o

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