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Background: H1N1 influenza pandemic or swine flu was an influenza pandemic first described in Iraq in October 2009 .The virus appeared to be anew strain of H1N1 causes wide range of morbidity and mortality among different genders and age groups as part of worldwide pandemics.Seasonal flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccine each year.

Objectives: Is to determine the morbidity and mortality in different age groups in patients with H1N1 influenza versus those patients with seasonal influenza who were admitted at the same time to AL-kindy teaching hospital during pandemic 2009. Type of the study: A retrospective observational study.

Methods: A total number of 210 cases with influenza symptoms and signs were included in this study which was conducted at AL-kindy teaching hospital , Baghdad, Iraq at inpatient medical wards over a period from October to December 2009. All cases were tested by real time PCR for H1N1 influenza virus by taking nasal and throat swab in addition to monitoring symptoms and signs of influenza and chest radiographs.

Results: Out of 210 cases, 90 (42.85%) cases were positive for H1N1 influenza and 120 (57.14%) cases had negative test are considered having seasonal influenza. Of the positive cases(64.44%) were males and (35.55%) were females. Of negative cases(seasonal flu)male gender were (61.66%) , while female gender were (38.33%). 57.77% of positive cases developed flue like illness compared with 54.16% of negative while 25.55% of positive developed pneumonia compared with 22.5% of negative.5.55% of positive cases developed ARDS compared with 5% only in negative cases.11.11% had different presentation in positive cases (bronchitis ,gastroenteritis) while 18.33%of negative. Mortality in positive cases are 14.4% compared with only 10% in negative cases.

Conclusions: Influenza A/H1N1had same symptoms and signs of epidemic seasonal influenza but run aggressive and short course of morbidity in 3-5 days with high percentage of complication and high mortality compared with seasonal epidemic influenza with rare affection above 65 years old, both groups had same incidence of complication with pneumonia and ARDS

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 29 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A New Audio Steganography System Based on Auto-Key Generator
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Stenography is the art of hiding the very presence of communication by embedding secret message into innocuous looking cover document, such as digital image, videos, sound files, and other computer files that contain perceptually irrelevant or redundant information as covers or carriers to hide secret messages.

In this paper, a new Least Significant Bit (LSB) nonsequential embedding technique in wave audio files is introduced. To support the immunity of proposed hiding system, and in order to recover some weak aspect inherent with the pure implementation of stego-systems, some auxiliary processes were suggested and investigated including the use of hidden text jumping process and stream ciphering algorithm. Besides, the suggested

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
International Dental Journal
A Survey of Systemic Antibiotic Prescription Patterns Amongst Iraqi Dentists
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
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Japanese Dental Science Review
Pathogenesis of periodontitis – A potential role for epithelial-mesenchymal transition
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Epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process comprising cellular and molecular events which result in cells shifting from an epithelial to a mesenchymal phenotype. Periodontitis is a destructive chronic disease of the periodontium initiated in response to a dysbiotic microbiome, and dominated by Gram-negative bacteria in the subgingival niches accompanied by an aberrant immune response in susceptible subjects. Both EMT and periodontitis share common risk factors and drivers, including Gram-negative bacteria, excess inflammatory cytokine production, smoking, oxidative stress and diabetes mellitus. In addition, periodontitis is characterized by down-regulation of key epithelial markers such as E-cadherin together with up-regulation of

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 18 2022
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Non-Polar Gallium Nitride for Photodetection Applications: A Systematic Review
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Ultraviolet photodetectors have been widely utilized in several applications, such as advanced communication, ozone sensing, air purification, flame detection, etc. Gallium nitride and its compound semiconductors have been promising candidates in photodetection applications. Unlike polar gallium nitride-based optoelectronics, non-polar gallium nitride-based optoelectronics have gained huge attention due to the piezoelectric and spontaneous polarization effect–induced quantum confined-stark effect being eliminated. In turn, non-polar gallium nitride-based photodetectors portray higher efficiency and faster response compared to the polar growth direction. To date, however, a systematic literature review of non-polar gallium nitride-

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 20 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Strategy to Modify Hopfield by Using XOR Operation
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The Hopfield network is one of the easiest types, and its architecture is such that each neuron in the network connects to the other, thus called a fully connected neural network. In addition, this type is considered auto-associative memory, because the network returns the pattern immediately upon recognition, this network has many limitations, including memory capacity, discrepancy, orthogonally between patterns, weight symmetry, and local minimum. This paper proposes a new strategy for designing Hopfield based on XOR operation; A new strategy is proposed to solve these limitations by suggesting a new algorithm in the Hopfield network design, this strategy will increase the performance of Hopfield by modifying the architecture of t

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University Science
Antimicrobial Activity of a Bioemulsifier Produced by Serratia marcescens S10
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This study was designed to evaluate the ability of bioemulsifier to inhibit the growth of some pathogenic microorganisms. Fourteen isolates belonged to Serratia sp. were collected and tested for their ability to produce bioemulsifier. Results showed that Serratia marcescens S10 (isolated from the gut of the American cockroach) had the highest ability to produce bioemulsifier, among 14 isolates belong to Serratia spp. and it had the ability to inhibit the growth of some microorganisms. The production of bioemulsifier was detected by determination of emulsification index (E24%), qualitative drop-collapse test, emulsification activity (E.A) and measuring the surface tension (S.T). The results of bioemulsifier produced by Serratia marcescens S1

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Publication Date
Sun May 22 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
A training program based on integrating futuristic thinking skills with classroom interaction patterns and its effect on the academic self- efficacy of mathematics teachers
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The research aims to identify the effect of the training program that is based on integrating futuristic thinking skills with classroom interaction patterns on mathematics teachers in order to provide their students with creative solution skills. The research sample consisted of 31teachers (15 teachers for the experimental group and 16 for the control groups). The researcher developed a measure for the academic self-efficacy consisting of (39) items. Its validity, reliability, coefficient of difficulty and discriminatory power were estimated. To analyze the findings, the researcher adopted the Mann-Whitney (U) test and the effect size, and the findings were as follows: There is a statistically significant difference at the significance leve

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2024
Journal Name
Advances In The Theory Of Nonlinear Analysis And Its Application
Properties of Capturing of Peristaltic Flow to A Chemically Reacting Couple Stress Fluid Through an Inclined Asymmetric Channel with Variable Viscosity and Various Boundaries
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The properties of capturing of peristaltic flow to a chemically reacting couple stress fluid through an inclined asymmetric channel with variable viscosity and various boundaries are investigated. we have addressed the impacts of variable viscosity, different wave forms, porous medium, heat and mass transfer for peristaltic transport of hydro magnetic couple stress liquid in inclined asymmetric channel with different boundaries. Moreover, The Fluid viscosity assumed to vary as an exponential function of temperature. Effects of almost flow parameters are studied analytically and computed. An rising in the temperature and concentration profiles return to heat and mass transfer Biot numbers. Noteworthy, the Soret and Dufour number effect resul

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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            Arzı Kanber/Kamber hikayesi Anadolu, Rumeli, Azerbaycan, Türkmenistan ve Irak gibi Türk dünyasının birçok yerinde birden fazla varyantı bulunan, çok sevilen ve yaygın olarak anlatılan aşk ve dramatik maceralı bir halk hikayesidir. Türk halk hikayelerinin en popüler olanlarından biri sayılan Arzı Kanber/Kamber hikayesi, Anadolu'nun birçok yöresinde bilinmesine rağmen Irak Türkmenleri arasında daha çok sevildiği ve yaygın olarak anlatıldığı tespit edilen birden fazla varyantından da görülebilir. Irak Türkmenleri arasında günümüze kadar hikayenin iki varyantı tespit edilmi

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
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Microporous And Mesoporous Materials
Green synthesis of porous carbon cross-linked Y zeolite nanocrystals material and its performance for adsorptive removal of a methyl violet dye from water
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The cost-effective carbon cross-linked Y zeolite nanocrystals composite (NYC) was prepared using an eco-friendly substrate prepared from bio-waste and organic adhesive at intermediate conditions. The green synthesis method dependent in this study assures using chemically harmless compounds to ensure homogeneous distribution of zeolite over porous carbon. The greenly prepared cross-linked composite was extensively characterized using Fourier transform infrared, nitrogen adsorption/desorption, Field emission scanning electron microscope, Dispersive analysis by X-ray, Thermogravimetric analysis, and X-ray diffraction. NYC had a surface area of 176.44 m2/g, and a pore volume of 0.0573 cm3/g. NYC had a multi-function nature, sustained at a long-

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