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Effectiveness of conventional phototherapy, intensive phototherapy and exchange transfusion in treating neonatal jaundice at Fatima Al-Zahra Hospital for maternity and children in Baghdad
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Background: Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a common disease in neonates especially in early days of birth that requires a good and successful treatment for reducing the severity and its complications that can produce important and irreversible effects.

Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of conventional phototherapy, intensive phototherapy and exchange transfusion on outcomes of neonatal jaundice at Fatima Al-Zahra Hospital for maternity and child care in Baghdad.

Patients & Methods: A retrospective study was carried out using medical records of neonates with diagnosis of unconjugated jaundice, admitted in the septic neonatal care unit of Fatima Al-Zahra hospital over 6 months period between 1st May till 31st October 2018. The total serum bilirubin, fractionations and blood group were done in all cases. They treated with conventional phototherapy, intensive phototherapy and exchange transfusion according to the severity of jaundice.

Results: Total neonates admitted from 1st may to 31st October 2018 in septic neonatal care unit were 1254, among them 432 (35%) were diagnosed as unconjugated neonatal jaundice “indirect hyperbilirubinemia”. Male: Female ratio (1.4:1), males 256(59.3%), females 176(40.7%). Physiological jaundice was the most common cause 129(29.9%) cases. Prematurity in 104(24.1%) and ABO incompatibility 59(13.7%) while Rh incompatibility 14(3.2%), sepsis 8(1.9%) and unknown causes of jaundice were 118(27.3%) because lack of lab facilities. Conventional phototherapy was the most common kind of treatment in 237(55%) while intensive phototherapy used in 175(40.3%) cases with successful reduction in T.S.B level and the rate of improvement without need for exchange transfusion (92%) (161/175).Only 20(4.5%) cases were treated with exchange transfusion especially for ABO incompatibility 8 (42.1%) cases and Rh incompatibility 4 (21.1%) cases. Most of neonates 429 (99.3%) discharged with complete improvement and only 2 (0.5%) neonates suffered from kernicterus and one death (0.2%).

Conclusion: Conventional phototherapy is still the standard treatment of mild to moderate indirect hyperbilirubinemia. Use of intensive phototherapy in the treatment of unconjugated neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is effective in reducing T.S.B level, need for exchange transfusion and hospital staying.

Recommendations: provide aseptic neonatal care unit in the hospital with further number of intensive phototherapy devices as it is so effective in treating unconjugated neonatal jaundice and reduces need for exchange transfusion as it is proven in the study.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Evaluation of Interleukin-31 Serum Levels in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease on Hemodialysis with and without Uremic Pruritus
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الخلاصة: الحكة اليوريمية لدى مرضى غسيل الكلى يؤثر على أكثر من 40٪ من المرضى. وربما ترتبط الحكة المستمرة بمستويات عالية من الإنترلوكين 31. الاهداف: النظر إلى مستويات مصل إنترلوكين 31 لدى مرضى غسيل الكلى المصابين بمرض الكلى في المرحلة النهائية، سواء مع أو بدون حكة يوريمية. النتائج: لم يكن مستوى المصل [الوسيط (] لـ IL-31 في المرضى الذين يعانون من الحكة اليوريميةأو بدون حكة في عينة مصل ما قبل غسيل الكلى مختلفًا بشكل م

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 14 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Comparing the histological effect of Thymol from multiple sources with blood lipids profile and liver enzymes in Albino Mice
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The therapeutic value of the phenolic component and pure thymol was well known; this study comprised the extraction of crude phenol from two plants (Thymus vulgaris and Artemisia annua) which contain thymol with pure thymol and evaluate their effect on hematological and histological by using three different concentrations of each plant extract and pure thymol to tested them on lab mice. All the mice were allowed free access to water and feed for 21 days in laboratory conditions; orally, pure water was administered to the control mice (group I), while groups II, III, and IV were given orally with T. vulgaris, A. annua, combination of last two crude phenol plant extract 50:50 and pure thymol respectively. The levels of CHO, TRI, and HDL were

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
Rock facies classification and its effect on the estimation of original oil in place based on petrophysical properties data
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The most significant function in oil exploration is determining the reservoir facies, which are based mostly on the primary features of rocks. Porosity, water saturation, and shale volume as well as sonic log and Bulk density are the types of input data utilized in Interactive Petrophysics software to compute rock facies. These data are used to create 15 clusters and four groups of rock facies. Furthermore, the accurate matching between core and well-log data is established by the neural network technique. In the current study, to evaluate the applicability of the cluster analysis approach, the result of rock facies from 29 wells derived from cluster analysis were utilized to redistribute the petrophysical properties for six units of Mishri

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Publication Date
Thu May 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Construction and Reverse Construction of the Complete Arcs in the Projective 3-Space Over Galois Field GF(2)
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  The main purpose of this work is to find the complete arcs in the projective 3-space over Galois field GF(2), which is denoted by PG(3,2), by two methods and then we compare between the two methods

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of Adiponectin, Irisin, Vitamin D Levels and Their Relation in Iraqi Patients with Non alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of chronic liver and defines by fat accumulation ≥5% in liver which can progresses to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). NAFLD related to obesity as well as non obese individuals. Adiponectin is a cytokine secreted from adipose tissue involved NAFLD pathogenesis and liked with obesity. Irisin is a myokine, has a convenient effect against metabolic diseases such as obesity, disylipemia diabetes type 2 and reversed liver steatosis and may be related with NAFLD.

 Vitamin D is one of the fat soluble vitamins and more precisely as a pro-hormone through its metabolite (1,25(OH)2 cholecalciferol) the major steroid hormone. After the skin exposure to the light, vitamin D un

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effects of Conductance on Metastable Switches in Memristive Devices Based on Anti-Hebbian and Hebbian (AHaH) Learning Rules
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     In the last few years, the literature conferred a great interest in studying the feasibility of using memristive devices for computing. Memristive devices are important in structure, dynamics, as well as functionalities of artificial neural networks (ANNs) because of their resemblance to biological learning in synapses and neurons regarding switching characteristics of their resistance. Memristive architecture consists of a number of metastable switches (MSSs). Although the literature covered a variety of memristive applications for general purpose computations, the effect of low or high conductance of each MSS was unclear. This paper focuses on finding a potential criterion to calculate the conductance of each MMS rather t

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Acculturation and its Evolutionary Tendency in the Design of the Prayer Space Elements / Niche – A model: آلاء طالب كريم
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The peculiarity of worship spaces in the Islamic architecture is evident by its symbolic connotations with doctrinal connections, thus the niche has a major status in that symbolic connotation, which transformed due to the cultural interaction from a rock on the wall directed towards Mecca into an element of integrated structural entity with performative and aesthetic characteristics. The spread of the Islamic religion contributed to subjecting it to a design acculturation process, thus the problem of the research was raised by the following question: has the evolutionary tendency of acculturation been able to effect a major transformation in the niche design? The research aims at identifying the design acculturation and its translation

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Publication Date
Thu May 12 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Medical Science
A comparative study between the side effects of copper intrauterine device in women with non-scarred and scarred uterus
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Lead acetate deteriorates the improvement effect of L-arginine and tetrahydrobiopterin on endothelin-1 receptors activity in rat aorta
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Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent vasoconstrictor hormone that has been identified as an important factor
responsible for the development of cardiovascular dysfunctions. ET-1 exerts its vasoconstrictor activity
through two pharmacologically distinct receptors, ETA and ETB that are found in vascular smooth muscle
cells (VSMCs) and the vasodilator activity through an ETB receptor located on endothelial cells. This study
aimed to show the impact of 1µM L-arginine (LA), 100µM tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), and their combined
effect on ET-1 activity in both lead-treated and lead-untreated rat aortic rings. This means, investigating how
endothelial dysfunction reverses the role of nitric oxide precursor and cofa

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Prediction of the Scale Removal Rate in Heat Exchanger Piping System Using the Analogies between Mass and Momentum Transfer
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The possibility of predicting the mass transfer controlled CaCO3 scale removal   rate has been investigated.

Experiments were carried out using chelating agents as a cleaning solution at different time and Reynolds’s number. The results of CaCO3 scale removal or (mass transfer rate) (as it is the controlling process) are compared with proposed model of prandtl’s and Taylor particularly based on the concept of analogy among momentum and mass transfer.

Correlation for the variation of Sherwood number ( or mass transfer rate ) with Reynolds’s number have been obtained .

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