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Effectiveness of conventional phototherapy, intensive phototherapy and exchange transfusion in treating neonatal jaundice at Fatima Al-Zahra Hospital for maternity and children in Baghdad
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Background: Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a common disease in neonates especially in early days of birth that requires a good and successful treatment for reducing the severity and its complications that can produce important and irreversible effects.

Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of conventional phototherapy, intensive phototherapy and exchange transfusion on outcomes of neonatal jaundice at Fatima Al-Zahra Hospital for maternity and child care in Baghdad.

Patients & Methods: A retrospective study was carried out using medical records of neonates with diagnosis of unconjugated jaundice, admitted in the septic neonatal care unit of Fatima Al-Zahra hospital over 6 months period between 1st May till 31st October 2018. The total serum bilirubin, fractionations and blood group were done in all cases. They treated with conventional phototherapy, intensive phototherapy and exchange transfusion according to the severity of jaundice.

Results: Total neonates admitted from 1st may to 31st October 2018 in septic neonatal care unit were 1254, among them 432 (35%) were diagnosed as unconjugated neonatal jaundice “indirect hyperbilirubinemia”. Male: Female ratio (1.4:1), males 256(59.3%), females 176(40.7%). Physiological jaundice was the most common cause 129(29.9%) cases. Prematurity in 104(24.1%) and ABO incompatibility 59(13.7%) while Rh incompatibility 14(3.2%), sepsis 8(1.9%) and unknown causes of jaundice were 118(27.3%) because lack of lab facilities. Conventional phototherapy was the most common kind of treatment in 237(55%) while intensive phototherapy used in 175(40.3%) cases with successful reduction in T.S.B level and the rate of improvement without need for exchange transfusion (92%) (161/175).Only 20(4.5%) cases were treated with exchange transfusion especially for ABO incompatibility 8 (42.1%) cases and Rh incompatibility 4 (21.1%) cases. Most of neonates 429 (99.3%) discharged with complete improvement and only 2 (0.5%) neonates suffered from kernicterus and one death (0.2%).

Conclusion: Conventional phototherapy is still the standard treatment of mild to moderate indirect hyperbilirubinemia. Use of intensive phototherapy in the treatment of unconjugated neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is effective in reducing T.S.B level, need for exchange transfusion and hospital staying.

Recommendations: provide aseptic neonatal care unit in the hospital with further number of intensive phototherapy devices as it is so effective in treating unconjugated neonatal jaundice and reduces need for exchange transfusion as it is proven in the study.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum
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A total of 45 voucher specimens of falcons which are deposited in the bird's collection of the Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum (INHM) were reviewed. Mummified falcons were preserved as voucher study specimens and tagged with museum collection labels. In the current study, morphometrics of six species of the genus Falco Linnaeus, 1758: Lanner falcon F. biarmicus Temminck, 1825; Sacker Falcon F. cherrug Gray, 1834; Lesser Kestrel F. naumanni Fleischer, 1818; Peregrine Falcon F. peregrines Tunstall, 1771; Eurasian Hobby F. subbuteo Linnaeus, 1758 and Common Kestrel F. tinnunculus Linnaeus, 1758 were documented. These species were recorded previously in the ornithological literatures by several authors and deposited in t

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 18 2020
Journal Name
Medico Legal Update
The Meshing between Epstein Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen-1 and P53 in Iraqi Malignant Breast Tissues
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In Iraq, breast cancer incidence exceeds any other type of cancers and the etiology not understood well.Epstein Barr virus is a gamma herpesviruses and one of carcinogenic viruses that may implicated tobreast carcinogenesis. The nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA-1) protein is the sole EBV antigen that presentedin all tumors related to EBV and plays pivotal roles in carcinogenesis of the virus. Examination appliedby immunohistochemistry (IHC) to detect and demonstrate the correlation between (EBNA-1) and tumorsuppressor protein (P53) expression. The study includes paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of ninety 90malignant breast tissues and thirty 30 normal breast autopsies. EBNA-1 was significantly expressed in 40/90(44.4%) of malignant tissues wh

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
None anticipated bacterial urinary tract infections in type 2 diabetic patients relative to duration and angiopathies
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Background: Diabetes mellitus is a well
known metabolic and vascular illness associated
with high incidence of bacterial urinary tract
infections especially in diabetic complications
including both micro and macro-vascular types.
Objective: To study the incidence of bacterial
urinary tract infections in type 2 diabetic
patients, the type of micro-organism responsible
in relation to age, sex of patients, duration of the
disease & related micro & macrovascular
diabetic complications.
Methods: A prospective study of the diabetic
patients including 40 males with mean age of
54(±9) years and 50 females, mean age of 51(±7)
years and duration of the and sex matched
controls (27 males and 33

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 18 2022
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
Plasma Jet Prepared Gold and Silver Nanoparticles to Induce Caspase-Independent Apoptosis in Digestive System Cancers
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Alot of medical and industrial applications used the metal nanoparticles (NPs) with increase interest to be used as cancer therapy. The current work aimed to prepare AuNPs and AgNPs through the use of plasma jet and test their antitumor mechanism of apoptosis induction. The results indicating the face-centered cubic structures and crystalline nature of AuNPs and AgNPs. Also, the image of FESEM showed that the well dispersions regarding AuNPs and AgNPs, while the NP’s spherical shape with the particle size distributions which are considered to be close that estimated from the XRD. cytotoxicity have been assessed against the Normal embryonic cell line REF and the digestive system (HC , SK-GT-4) cell lines under a variety of the seri

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Comparative between Intermediat Stage Art Education Curriculum in Iraq and Egypt Base on the Contemporary Theory
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The current research aims to analyze the content and and make a comparison based on the theory of art education as an organized cognitive area D.B.A.E. The researcher started by making a comparison followed by analysing the content to design a philosophical framework for content. He used these steps as starting point to study the comparison and some elements of art education due to the modern theories at the third intermediate stage in both Iraq and Egypt in light of the art education trend as an organizing cognitive area.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Internal Debt Options during the Two Double Shocks and Its Impact on Foreign Reserve in Iraq
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The research aims at a statement Internal Debt options during shocks and the impact of this borrowing in the volume of the foreign reserve, using induction and deduction with available data analysis. During the period (2004-2013) did not require the use of borrowing across (financial institutions, discounted transfers, bonds); it was only sufficient by transfer with commercial banks that can finance of temporary budget deficits: rose and decline of volume of foreign reserve according to the changes of oil prices and the volume of purchases and sales of the Central Bank of Iraq. Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has significantly contributed to Internal Debt through bond and discounted transfers in the secondary market; thus, funding the

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 07 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Association Between Carbamazepine Toxicity, Liver Bile Duct Injury, Granuloma and Inflammatory Cells Infiltration in Female Mice
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The liver is an important organ in the body that can be affected by many drugs and toxins. The hepatotoxins can cause oxidant stress that lead to activation of inflammatory cells and cause liver damage. Drug induced bile duct injuries are related to drug toxicity, multiple drugs have been known to cause the development of liver granulomas. Carbamazepine (CBZ) among other antiepileptic drugs is believed to cause hepatic injury. In this study we investigated the effect of (CBZ) 20mg/kg/day on female mice liver after 14 and 30 days of treatment. The histological findings showed that (CBZ) can cause histological alterations in the liver components such as bile duct proliferation, biliary hypertrophy, ductopenia, inflammatory cells infiltration

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Male protagonists in Alice Walker's The Color Purple; a Voyage from Oppression to Maturity and Reconciliation
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Alice Walker's novel The Color Purple1983, whose events take place in the rural Georgia and addresses the most important issues in the early 20thcentury; like male dominant society and women submission to men, weaves a mosaic picture of male-female relationships. Black men like Alphonso, Albert and Harpo are portrayed as oppressors, cruel and they exercise power and violence over their wives and daughters. Through the negative portrayal of black male characters, Walker is accused to be a men hating writer because she ''Views oppression as an essentially masculine activity which springs from the male's aggressive need to dominate. In the novel, man is the premium mobile, the one by whom and t

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluating the Humoral Immunity and Interleukin 18 Receptor 1 in some Patients with Molluscum Contagiosum Infection
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The molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) is a dermatotropic poxvirus. The causative agent of molluscum contagiosum (MC) is nonlethal, common and worldwide. Additionally, little inflammation is associated with MC papules. The present study aims to evaluate the immune status of MC patients by measuring the level of immunoglobulins IgG and IgM by using the radial immune diffusion assay (RIA) and the level of interleukin 18 receptor 1 (IL-18R1) by the Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).The study is conducted during November 2013 to April, 2014 in outpatient clinic of Baquba Teaching Hospital. There are 75 patients, diagnosed with clinical lesions of MCV on different areas of the body, whose age is ranged between 2-50 years including 40(53.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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A total of 45 voucher specimens of falcons which are deposited in the bird's collection of the Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum (INHM) were reviewed. Mummified falcons were preserved as voucher study specimens and tagged with museum collection labels. In the current study, morphometrics of six species of the genus Falco Linnaeus, 1758: Lanner falcon F. biarmicus Temminck, 1825; Sacker Falcon F. cherrug Gray, 1834; Lesser Kestrel F. naumanni Fleischer, 1818; Peregrine Falcon F. peregrines Tunstall, 1771; Eurasian Hobby F. subbuteo Linnaeus, 1758 and Common Kestrel F. tinnunculus Linnaeus, 1758 were documented.
These species were recorded previously in the ornithological literatures by several authors and deposited in the

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