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Effectiveness of conventional phototherapy, intensive phototherapy and exchange transfusion in treating neonatal jaundice at Fatima Al-Zahra Hospital for maternity and children in Baghdad
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Background: Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a common disease in neonates especially in early days of birth that requires a good and successful treatment for reducing the severity and its complications that can produce important and irreversible effects.

Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of conventional phototherapy, intensive phototherapy and exchange transfusion on outcomes of neonatal jaundice at Fatima Al-Zahra Hospital for maternity and child care in Baghdad.

Patients & Methods: A retrospective study was carried out using medical records of neonates with diagnosis of unconjugated jaundice, admitted in the septic neonatal care unit of Fatima Al-Zahra hospital over 6 months period between 1st May till 31st October 2018. The total serum bilirubin, fractionations and blood group were done in all cases. They treated with conventional phototherapy, intensive phototherapy and exchange transfusion according to the severity of jaundice.

Results: Total neonates admitted from 1st may to 31st October 2018 in septic neonatal care unit were 1254, among them 432 (35%) were diagnosed as unconjugated neonatal jaundice “indirect hyperbilirubinemia”. Male: Female ratio (1.4:1), males 256(59.3%), females 176(40.7%). Physiological jaundice was the most common cause 129(29.9%) cases. Prematurity in 104(24.1%) and ABO incompatibility 59(13.7%) while Rh incompatibility 14(3.2%), sepsis 8(1.9%) and unknown causes of jaundice were 118(27.3%) because lack of lab facilities. Conventional phototherapy was the most common kind of treatment in 237(55%) while intensive phototherapy used in 175(40.3%) cases with successful reduction in T.S.B level and the rate of improvement without need for exchange transfusion (92%) (161/175).Only 20(4.5%) cases were treated with exchange transfusion especially for ABO incompatibility 8 (42.1%) cases and Rh incompatibility 4 (21.1%) cases. Most of neonates 429 (99.3%) discharged with complete improvement and only 2 (0.5%) neonates suffered from kernicterus and one death (0.2%).

Conclusion: Conventional phototherapy is still the standard treatment of mild to moderate indirect hyperbilirubinemia. Use of intensive phototherapy in the treatment of unconjugated neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is effective in reducing T.S.B level, need for exchange transfusion and hospital staying.

Recommendations: provide aseptic neonatal care unit in the hospital with further number of intensive phototherapy devices as it is so effective in treating unconjugated neonatal jaundice and reduces need for exchange transfusion as it is proven in the study.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2023
Journal Name
2023 Ieee International Conference On Energy Technologies For Future Grids (etfg)
Optimal Hybrid Type-2 Fuzzy-PID Controller for Blade Pitch Angle in Horizontal-axis Wind Turbines
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In the modern world, wind turbine (WT) has become the largest source of renewable energy. The horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT) has higher efficiency than the vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT). The blade pitch angle (BPA) of WT is controlled to increase output power generation over the rated wind speed. This paper proposes an accurate controller for BPA in a 500-kw HAWT. Three types of controllers have been applied and compared to find the best controller: PID controller (PIDC), fuzzy logic type-2 controller (T2FLC), and hybrid type-2 fuzzy-PID controller (T2FPIDC). This paper has been used Mamdani and Sugeno fuzzy inference systems (FIS) to find the best inference system for WT controllers. Furthermore, genetic algorithm (GA) and particl

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
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Asian Journal Of Ournal Of Chemistry
Assessment of an Electrocoagulation Reactor for the Removal of Oil Content and Turbidity from Real Oily Wastewater Using Response Surface Method
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Background: Large amounts of oily wastewater and its derivatives are discharged annually from several industries to the environment. Objective: The present study aims to investigate the ability to remove oil content and turbidity from real oily wastewater discharged from the wet oil's unit (West Qurna 1-Crude Oil Location/ Basra-Iraq) by using an innovated electrocoagulation reactor containing concentric aluminum tubes in a monopolar mode. Methods: The influences of the operational variables (current density (1.77-7.07 mA/cm2) and electrolysis time (10-40 min)) were studied using response surface methodology (RSM) and Minitab-17 statistical program. The agitation speed was taken as 200 rpm. Energy and electrodes consumption had been studi

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 06 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Polymers And The Environment
Novel Sorbent of Sand Coated with Humic Acid-Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Elimination of Copper and Cadmium Ions from Contaminated Water
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Nanoparticles of humic acid and iron oxide were impregnated on the inert sand to produce sorbent for treating groundwater contained of cadmium and copper ions by technology of permeable reactive barrier (PRB). Sewage sludge was the source of the humic acid to prepare the coated sand by humic acid—iron oxide (CSHAIO) sorbent; so, this work is consistent with sustainable development. For 10 mg/L metal concentration, batch tests at speed of 200 rpm signified that the removal efficiencies are greater than 90% at sorbent dosage 0.25 g/ 50 mL, pH 6 and contact time 1 h. The kinetic data was well described by the Pseudo first-order model indicating that physicosorption is the predominant mechanism. The maximum adsorption capacities (qmax) were c

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of a Programmable System for Failure Modes and Effect Analysis of Steam-Power Plant Based on the Fault Tree Analysis
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In this paper, the system of the power plant has been investigated as a special type of industrial systems, which has a significant role in improving societies since the electrical energy has entered all kinds of industries, and it is considered as the artery of modern life.

   The aim of this research is to construct a programming system, which could be used to identify the most important failure modes that are occur in a steam type of power plants. Also the effects and reasons of each failure mode could be analyzed through the usage of this programming system reaching to the basic events (main reasons) that causing each failure mode. The construction of this system for FMEA is dependi

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Publication Date
Wed May 12 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
The Effect of the Programmed Education Strategy to Learning the Under Hand Service and Receiving Service Skills of Volleyball for Juniors
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In order to advance the education process and raise the educational level of the players, it became necessary to introduce new educational aids, programmed education in the education process, through which the basic skills to be learned are explained and clarified, and immediate feedback is provided that would enhance the information of the learner, and Reaching the goal to be achieved, taking into account the individual differences between the players, and thus it is possible to move away from the educational methods used in learning skills, which requires great effort and time, in addition to that the open playground may not perform the skill accurately and the player looks from one side, while when using the computer you look from severa

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The reasons for the failure of simple assault and its relationship to the level of levelp performance skill players weapon sword
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The method of analysis is one of the tools the coach to identify strengths andweaknesses of each player, and how to avoid mistakes that in the course ofperformance on the other hand, Voslob analysis is important for the player, as throughthe analysis will determine the capacity enjoyed by both the coach and player, as wellas being the possibility of progress in a scientific manner thoughtful, and also helps inthe evaluation of physical and skill level and tactical, psychological and trainingcapacity of the coach in order to avoid obstacles and make the coach is movingtowards the right track to improve the good level, and then an investigation tocomplete higher education.Hence the importance of research in the analysis of simple attack and n

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Production of fibrinolytic protease from various fungal isolates and species 2.Determination of optimum conditions for enzyme production from Pleurotus ostreatus
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The optimum conditions for production of fibrinolytic protease from an edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus grown on the solid medium , Sus medium, composed of Sus wastes (produced from extracted medicinal plant Glycyrrhiza glabra) were determined. Addition of 5% of Soya bean seeds meal in Sus medium recorded a maximum fibrinolytic protease activity resulting in 7.7 units / ml. The optimum moisture content of Sus medium supplemented with 5% Soya bean seeds meal was 60% resulting in 7.2 units / ml.Pleurotus ostreatus produced a maximum fibrinolytic protease activity when the spawn rate,pH of medium and incubation temperature were 2,6 and 30°C, respectively. The maximum fibrinolytic protease activity was 7.6 units / ml when incubat

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Alexandria Engineering Journal
Batch and continuous study of one-step sustainable green graphene sand hybrid synthesized from Date-syrup for remediation of contaminated groundwater
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Solid State Chemistry
Stabilization of Pt nanoparticles within MOFs for selective hydrogenation of hazardous 4-nitrophenol to valuable 4-aminophenol: Confinement and synergistic effect
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology A: Chemistry
Synthesis of heterostructure composite (g-C3N4/phosphomolybdic acid) for synergistic piezo/photo-catalytic degradation of CR dye and S. aureus bacteria
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