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A Population-Based Study on Agreement between Actual and Perceived Body Image
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Background: Obesity tends to appear in modern societies and constitutes a significant public health problem with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Objective: This study aims to determine the agreement between actual and perceived body image in the general population.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was conducted with a sample size of 300. The data were collected from eight major populated areas of Northern district of Karachi Sindh with a period of six months (10th January 2020 to 21st June 2020). The Figure rating questionnaire scale (FRS) was applied to collect the demographic data and perception about body weight. Body mass index (BMI) used for assessing the actual body weight status. Cohen's Kappa statistics were performed.

Results: Out of 300 participants, n=143 were males, and n=157 were females. In reality, according to BMI, 6 % were underweight, 47 % were average, 28 % were overweight, and 19 % were obese. According to perception, 8% of participants were underweight, 39 % were average, about 45% were overweight, and 8 % were obese. The mean score of real BMI was 25. 51±5.62 and figure rating score was 4.81±1.75. r value showed a strong positive relationship between both variables with a a P-value of <0.001. Cohen's Kappa score was 0.362. The rate of agreement between actual and perceived body weight status in the general population was 53.88%, and the disagreement rate was 46.12%

Conclusion: There was a weak agreement in the perception and realities of the self-image of people have the wrong impression about their body image.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Spatial analysis of population growth in the district of Tuz Khurmatu for (1977-2012)
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The study population growth of the most important demographic phenomena upon which planners to meet changes in the size of the population increase is through knowledge of the requirements of population growth can be planned for the future. On this basis, Tuz District was chosen for the study of population growth, which set her period (1977-2012), and compared with the growth of the population of the province and the extent of the variation in population growth, according to the administrative units, has touched search numerical and proportional distribution of the population according to the administrative aspects of the judiciary, as well as environmental distribution.

The elimination of the study population growth dramatically

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Risk Assessment Due to Population Exposure to Lead Particles Emitted from Domestic Electrical Generators
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Portable and stationary electrical generators became quite popular in Iraq soon after the shortage in national electrical
energy after 2003. Multi step risk assessment process is used in this study in the assessment of risks caused by
contamination of indoor air by lead particles emitted from domestic electrical generators. Two portable electrical
generators are tested under controlled indoor conditions (Radial LG (0.9 keV) fueled with benzene and oil and TigMax
(3 keV), fueled with benzene only). Lead particles in air were sampled by using portable dust sampler (Sniffer, L-30).
The atmospheric particulate sampling process is carried out in a flat located in the first floor of a three stories building
located in Baghdad

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Reliability Estimation for the Exponential Distribution Based on Monte Carlo Simulation
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        This Research deals with estimation the reliability function for two-parameters Exponential distribution, using different estimation methods ; Maximum likelihood, Median-First Order Statistics, Ridge Regression, Modified Thompson-Type Shrinkage and Single Stage Shrinkage methods. Comparisons among the estimators were made using Monte Carlo Simulation based on statistical indicter mean squared error (MSE) conclude that the shrinkage method perform better than the other methods

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 04 2022
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Detecting Damaged Buildings on Post-Hurricane Satellite Imagery based on Transfer Learning
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In this article, Convolution Neural Network (CNN) is used to detect damage and no damage images form satellite imagery using different classifiers. These classifiers are well-known models that are used with CNN to detect and classify images using a specific dataset. The dataset used belongs to the Huston hurricane that caused several damages in the nearby areas. In addition, a transfer learning property is used to store the knowledge (weights) and reuse it in the next task. Moreover, each applied classifier is used to detect the images from the dataset after it is split into training, testing and validation. Keras library is used to apply the CNN algorithm with each selected classifier to detect the images. Furthermore, the performa

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 10 2016
Journal Name
Scientific Reports
Experimental demonstration on the deterministic quantum key distribution based on entangled photons
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As an important resource, entanglement light source has been used in developing quantum information technologies, such as quantum key distribution(QKD). There are few experiments implementing entanglement-based deterministic QKD protocols since the security of existing protocols may be compromised in lossy channels. In this work, we report on a loss-tolerant deterministic QKD experiment which follows a modified “Ping-Pong”(PP) protocol. The experiment results demonstrate for the first time that a secure deterministic QKD session can be fulfilled in a channel with an optical loss of 9 dB, based on a telecom-band entangled photon source. This exhibits a conceivable prospect of ultilizing entanglement light source in real-life fiber-based

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The current research aimed to analyze the importance, correlation and the effect of independent variables represented by marketing variables on the dependent variable represented by local brand, through taking ENIEM as a model for this study, which represents a sensitive sector for the Algerian consumer. The results of the study evinced that the Algerian consumer has a positive image toward the brand ENIEM given marketing variables which has acquired considerable importance to this consumer. Also, the results of this study showed a statistically significant correlation between marketing variables and good perception toward the brand ENIEM, at the same time, the existence of a statistically significant effect for each of these variables o

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Publication Date
Thu May 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Window Size Changing on Satellite Image Segmentation Using 2D Fast Otsu Method
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     Multispectral remote sensing image segmentation can be achieved using a multithresholding technique. This paper studies the effect of changing the window size of the two dimensional (2D) fast Otsu algorithm that presented by Zhang. From the results, it shown that this method behaves as a search machine for the valleys (an automatic threshold), between the gray levels of the histogram with changing the size of slide window.  

Keywords Image Segmentation, (2D) Fast Otsu method, Multithresholding, Automatic thresholding, (2D) histogram image.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 03 2012
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Window Size Changing on Satellite Image Segmentation Using 2D Fast Otsu Method
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Molecular Liquids
Theoretical modeling study on preparation of nanosized drugs using supercritical-based processing: Determination of solubility of Chlorothiazide in supercritical carbon dioxide
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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Accounting measurement of intangible assets (websites) within the framework of international financial reporting standards An applied study between a sample of Iraqi commercial banks)
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The websites over time have become one of the important tools for communication between individuals among themselves and between individuals and economic units, and they have emerged as one of the important intangible assets to achieve income, as they have become a competitive tool and a marketing outlet for these units and a main means of communication that it uses to exercise its various major activities and achieve potential economic benefits. Therefore, there was a need to measure and display the value of these sites in the financial statements as intangible assets.  Accordingly, the purpose of the research was to determine the costs of the websites owned by the economic unit by way purchase and sites that were created i

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