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A Population-Based Study on Agreement between Actual and Perceived Body Image
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Background: Obesity tends to appear in modern societies and constitutes a significant public health problem with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Objective: This study aims to determine the agreement between actual and perceived body image in the general population.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was conducted with a sample size of 300. The data were collected from eight major populated areas of Northern district of Karachi Sindh with a period of six months (10th January 2020 to 21st June 2020). The Figure rating questionnaire scale (FRS) was applied to collect the demographic data and perception about body weight. Body mass index (BMI) used for assessing the actual body weight status. Cohen's Kappa statistics were performed.

Results: Out of 300 participants, n=143 were males, and n=157 were females. In reality, according to BMI, 6 % were underweight, 47 % were average, 28 % were overweight, and 19 % were obese. According to perception, 8% of participants were underweight, 39 % were average, about 45% were overweight, and 8 % were obese. The mean score of real BMI was 25. 51±5.62 and figure rating score was 4.81±1.75. r value showed a strong positive relationship between both variables with a a P-value of <0.001. Cohen's Kappa score was 0.362. The rate of agreement between actual and perceived body weight status in the general population was 53.88%, and the disagreement rate was 46.12%

Conclusion: There was a weak agreement in the perception and realities of the self-image of people have the wrong impression about their body image.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Current and Modified Flood Discharge Capacity of a Reach of Tigris River between Kut and Amarah Barrages
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This study was conducted to examine the discharge capacity of the reach of the Tigris River between Kut and Amarah Barrages of 250km in length. The examination includes simulation the current capacity of the reach by using HEC-RAS model. 247cross sections surveyed in 2012 were used in the simulation. The model was calibrated using observed discharges of 533, 800, 1025 and 3000m3/s discharged at Kut Barrage during 2013, 1995, 1995 and 1988, respectively, and its related water level at three gauge stations located along the reach. The result of calibration process indicated that the lowest Root Mean Square Error of 0.095 can be obtained when using Manning’s n coefficient of 0.026, 0.03 for th

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Wasit Journal Of Computer And Mathematics Science
An Improved Method for Hiding Text in Image Using Header Image
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The necessities of steganography methods for hiding secret message into images have been ascend. Thereby, this study is to generate a practical steganography procedure to hide text into image. This operation allows the user to provide the system with both text and cover image, and to find a resulting image that comprises the hidden text inside. The suggested technique is to hide a text inside the header formats of a digital image. Least Significant Bit (LSB) method to hide the message or text, in order to keep the features and characteristics of the original image are used. A new method is applied via using the whole image (header formats) to hide the image. From the experimental results, suggested technique that gives a higher embe

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
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Structural elements of composition design for fabrics image Image footage model
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End of the twentieth century witnessed by the technological evolution Convergences between the visual arts aesthetic value and objective representation of the image in the composition of the design of the fabric of new insights and unconventional potential in atypical employment. It is through access to the designs of modern fabrics that address the employment picture footage included several scenes footage from the film, which focuses on research and analytical as a study to demonstrate the elements of the picture and the organization of its rules and how to functioning in the design of fabrics, Thus, it has identified the problem by asking the following: What are the elements of the picture footage and how the functioning of the struct

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 07 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A Comparison between the Horizontal Condylar and Bennett Angles of Iraqi Full Mouth Rehabilitation Patients by Using Two Different Articulator Systems (An In-Vivo Study)
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Background: Errors of horizontal condylar inclinations and Bennett angles had largely affected the articulation of teeth and the pathways of cusps. The aim of this study was to estimate and compare between the horizontal condylar (protrusive) angles and Bennett angles of full mouth rehabilitation patients using two different articulator systems. Materials and Methods: Protrusive angles and Bennett angles of 50 adult males and females Iraqi TMD-free full mouth rehabilitation patients were estimated by using two different articulator systems. Arbitrary hinge axis location followed by protrusive angles and Bennett angles, estimation was done by a semiadjustable articulator system. A fully adjustable articulator system was utilized to locate th

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 03 2025
Journal Name
Sar Journal Of Pathology And Microbiology
The Relation between Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte and Classical Tumor Staging in Colorectal Carcinoma (Semi-Quantitative Study by Immun histochemistry in a Group of Iraqi Patients)
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Inflammatory response had a role in cancer progression, presence of noticeable inflammation within the tumor and its margin may play an important prognostic role in colorectal carcinoma.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Administrative coordination between the Federal Ministry and the local government and its impact on municipal performance An applied study in the municipalities of Dhi Qar Governorate
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       The aim of the research is to show the extent of the impact of administrative coordination on municipal performance after the state’s tendency to implement administrative decentralization and transfer of powers (administrative, legal, financial, and technical) from the Federal Ministry (construction, housing, municipalities, and public works) to local governments (governorates), to meet local needs, And since the municipality is considered one of the local administrative institutions and most of its goal is to provide increased municipal services to citizens due to population growth and urban expansion of cities by coordinating their actions using their powers, and in order to address gaps i

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Optimum Median Filter Based on Crow Optimization Algorithm
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          A novel median filter based on crow optimization algorithms (OMF) is suggested to reduce the random salt and pepper noise and improve the quality of the RGB-colored and gray images. The fundamental idea of the approach is that first, the crow optimization algorithm detects noise pixels, and that replacing them with an optimum median value depending on a criterion of maximization fitness function. Finally, the standard measure peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity, absolute square error and mean square error have been used to test the performance of suggested filters (original and improved median filter) used to removed noise from images. It achieves the simulation based on MATLAB R2019b and the resul

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
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In modern era, which requires the use of networks in the transmission of data across distances, the transport or storage of such data is required to be safe. The protection methods are developed to ensure data security. New schemes are proposed that merge crypto graphical principles with other systems to enhance information security. Chaos maps are one of interesting systems which are merged with cryptography for better encryption performance. Biometrics is considered an effective element in many access security systems. In this paper, two systems which are fingerprint biometrics and chaos logistic map are combined in the encryption of a text message to produce strong cipher that can withstand many types of attacks. The histogram analysis o

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Information Hiding And Multimedia Signal Processing
Enhancement of lsb audio steganography based on carrier and message characteristics
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Data steganography is a technique used to hide data, secret message, within another data, cover carrier. It is considered as a part of information security. Audio steganography is a type of data steganography, where the secret message is hidden in audio carrier. This paper proposes an efficient audio steganography method that uses LSB technique. The proposed method enhances steganography performance by exploiting all carrier samples and balancing between hiding capacity and distortion ratio. It suggests an adaptive number of hiding bits for each audio sample depending on the secret message size, the cover carrier size, and the signal to noise ratio (SNR). Comparison results show that the proposed method outperforms state of the art methods

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 03 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fast encoding algorithm based on Weber's law and Triangular Inequality Theorem
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In the present work, an image compression method have been modified by combining The Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding algorithm (AMBTC) with a VQ-based image coding. At the beginning, the AMBTC algorithm based on Weber's law condition have been used to distinguish low and high detail blocks in the original image. The coder will transmit only mean of low detailed block (i.e. uniform blocks like background) on the channel instate of transmit the two reconstruction mean values and bit map for this block. While the high detail block is coded by the proposed fast encoding algorithm for vector quantized method based on the Triangular Inequality Theorem (TIE), then the coder will transmit the two reconstruction mean values (i.e. H&L)

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