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A Population-Based Study on Agreement between Actual and Perceived Body Image
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Background: Obesity tends to appear in modern societies and constitutes a significant public health problem with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Objective: This study aims to determine the agreement between actual and perceived body image in the general population.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was conducted with a sample size of 300. The data were collected from eight major populated areas of Northern district of Karachi Sindh with a period of six months (10th January 2020 to 21st June 2020). The Figure rating questionnaire scale (FRS) was applied to collect the demographic data and perception about body weight. Body mass index (BMI) used for assessing the actual body weight status. Cohen's Kappa statistics were performed.

Results: Out of 300 participants, n=143 were males, and n=157 were females. In reality, according to BMI, 6 % were underweight, 47 % were average, 28 % were overweight, and 19 % were obese. According to perception, 8% of participants were underweight, 39 % were average, about 45% were overweight, and 8 % were obese. The mean score of real BMI was 25. 51±5.62 and figure rating score was 4.81±1.75. r value showed a strong positive relationship between both variables with a a P-value of <0.001. Cohen's Kappa score was 0.362. The rate of agreement between actual and perceived body weight status in the general population was 53.88%, and the disagreement rate was 46.12%

Conclusion: There was a weak agreement in the perception and realities of the self-image of people have the wrong impression about their body image.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Image data compression by using multiwavelete for color image
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There are many images you need to large Khoznah space With the continued evolution of storage technology for computers, there is a need nailed required to reduce Alkhoznip space for pictures and image compression in a good way, the conversion method Alamueja

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
PDF Performance Study of Polarization Beam Splitters Based on Horizontal Slot Waveguide Operating at 700nm Wavelength
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Abstract: Polarization beam splitter (PBS) integrated waveguides are the key components in the receiver of quantum key distribution (QKD) systems. Their function is to analyze the polarization of polarized light and separate the transverse-electric (TE) and transverse-magnetic (TM) polarizations into different waveguides. In this paper, a performance study of polarization beam splitters based on horizontal slot waveguide has been investigated for a wavelength of . PBS based on horizontal slot waveguide structure shows a polarization extinction ratio for quasi-TE and quasi-TM modes larger than  with insertion loss below  and a bandwidth of . Also, the fabrication tolerance of the structure is analyzed.<

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Skull Stripping Based on the Segmentation Models
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Skull image separation is one of the initial procedures used to detect brain abnormalities. In an MRI image of the brain, this process involves distinguishing the tissue that makes up the brain from the tissue that does not make up the brain. Even for experienced radiologists, separating the brain from the skull is a difficult task, and the accuracy of the results can vary quite a little from one individual to the next. Therefore, skull stripping in brain magnetic resonance volume has become increasingly popular due to the requirement for a dependable, accurate, and thorough method for processing brain datasets. Furthermore, skull stripping must be performed accurately for neuroimaging diagnostic systems since neither no

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
An Improved Image Compression Technique Using EZW and SPHIT Algorithms
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 Uncompressed form of the digital images are needed a very large storage capacity amount, as a consequence requires large communication bandwidth for data transmission over the network. Image compression techniques not only minimize the image storage space but also preserve the quality of image. This paper reveal image compression technique which uses distinct image coding scheme based on wavelet transform that combined effective types of compression algorithms for further compression. EZW and SPIHT algorithms are types of significant compression techniques that obtainable for lossy image compression algorithms. The EZW coding is a worthwhile and simple efficient algorithm. SPIHT is an most powerful technique that utilize for image

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 25 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine &amp; Toxicology
Color Stability of Different Aesthetic Resin Composite Materials: A Digital Image Analysis
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Study on the Scattering and Absorption Efficiencies of Si-Ag Coaxial Nanowire
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     Scattering and Absorption Efficiencies of Si-Ag Coaxial nanowire (NWs) were simulated using Mie-Lorentz scattering approach. The thickness of Ag shell was fixed at around 10 nm with Si core diameter of (10, 20, 30 and 40) nm.  Scattering Efficiencies  and Absorption Efficiencies  of core-shell nanowire as a function of wavelength (300-2000 nm) within various core diameters were calculated. The study shows a remarkable behavior of scattering for un-polarized light in Silicon nanowire (core only) with wavelength of (320- 500nm). In other words, adding Ag shell has decreased the scattering efficiency of core-shell nanowire for all diameters.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Cloud-based Voice Home automation System Based on Internet of Things
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    The rapid development of automation industries and technologies has shown incredible prospects for transforming our homes into a smart home automation system, which are more secure than a simple home. This paper proposes a home application based on voice and text called the Automated Control and Monitoring System (ASCM). This application can be utilized by both normal and vision-impaired people by using with a mobile phone.

The application allows users to send voice commands through Google Assistant installed on Android to control the appliances. They can also have complete monitoring by logging onto the ThingSpeak dashboard, which displays a device status indicator and sends alert messages in the event of dang

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solution of Population Growth Rate Linear Differential Model via Two Parametric SEE Transformation
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The integral transformations is a complicated function from a function space into a simple function in transformed space. Where the function being characterized easily and manipulated through integration in transformed function space. The two parametric form of SEE transformation and its basic characteristics have been demonstrated in this study. The transformed function of a few fundamental functions along with its time derivative rule is shown. It has been demonstrated how two parametric SEE transformations can be used to solve linear differential equations. This research provides a solution to population growth rate equation. One can contrast these outcomes with different Laplace type transformations

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Spiritual Communication in Sufi Discourse- A communicative –Semiotic Approach to the Sufi Symbolic Image
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This paper deals with a central issue in the field of human communication and reveals the roaming monitoring of the incitement and hatred speech and violence in media, its language and its methods. In this paper, the researcher seeks to provide a scientific framework for the nature of the discourse of incitement, hatred speech, violence, and the role that media can play in solving conflicts with their different dimensions and in building community peace and preventing the emergence of conflicts among different parties and in different environments. In this paper, the following themes are discussed:
The root of the discourse of hatred and incitement
The nature and dimensions of the discourse of incitement and hatred speech
The n

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
The First Patient Report of Tongue Abscess Among Iraqi Population
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