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A Population-Based Study on Agreement between Actual and Perceived Body Image
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Background: Obesity tends to appear in modern societies and constitutes a significant public health problem with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Objective: This study aims to determine the agreement between actual and perceived body image in the general population.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was conducted with a sample size of 300. The data were collected from eight major populated areas of Northern district of Karachi Sindh with a period of six months (10th January 2020 to 21st June 2020). The Figure rating questionnaire scale (FRS) was applied to collect the demographic data and perception about body weight. Body mass index (BMI) used for assessing the actual body weight status. Cohen's Kappa statistics were performed.

Results: Out of 300 participants, n=143 were males, and n=157 were females. In reality, according to BMI, 6 % were underweight, 47 % were average, 28 % were overweight, and 19 % were obese. According to perception, 8% of participants were underweight, 39 % were average, about 45% were overweight, and 8 % were obese. The mean score of real BMI was 25. 51±5.62 and figure rating score was 4.81±1.75. r value showed a strong positive relationship between both variables with a a P-value of <0.001. Cohen's Kappa score was 0.362. The rate of agreement between actual and perceived body weight status in the general population was 53.88%, and the disagreement rate was 46.12%

Conclusion: There was a weak agreement in the perception and realities of the self-image of people have the wrong impression about their body image.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Genetic Algorithm as a Feature Selection for Image Classification
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     Analysis of image content is important in the classification of images, identification, retrieval, and recognition processes. The medical image datasets for content-based medical image retrieval (  are large datasets that are limited by high computational costs and poor performance. The aim of the proposed method is to enhance this image retrieval and classification by using a genetic algorithm (GA) to choose the reduced features and dimensionality. This process was created in three stages. In the first stage, two algorithms are applied to extract the important features; the first algorithm is the Contrast Enhancement method and the second is a Discrete Cosine Transform algorithm. In the next stage, we used datasets of the medi

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Health Science Reports
Diagnostic potential of salivary interleukin‐17, RANKL, and OPG to differentiate between periodontal health and disease and discriminate stable and unstable periodontitis: A case‐control study
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Abstract<sec><title>Background and Aims

Limitations of the conventional diagnostic techniques urged researchers to seek novel methods to predict, diagnose, and monitor periodontal disease. Use of the biomarkers available in oral fluids could be a revolutionary surrogate for the manual probing/diagnostic radiograph. Several salivary biomarkers have the potential to accurately discriminate periodontal health and disease. This study aimed to determine the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of salivary interleukin (IL)‐17, receptor activator of nuclear factor‐κB ligand (RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG), RANKL/OPG for differentiating (1) periodontal health from disease and (2) stable a

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
African Journal Of Hospitality, Tourism And Leisure
An analytical study of the strategic flexibility variation as a function of the dynamic capabilities based on supply chain management (Case study: The General Petroleum Products Distribution Company in Baghdad)
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A New Fractal Printed Dipole Antenna Based on Tent Transformations for Wireless Communication Applications
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In this paper, a compact multiband printed dipole antenna is presented as a candidate for use in wireless communication applications. The proposed fractal antenna design is based on the second level tent transformation. The space-filling property of this fractal geometry permits producing longer lengths in a more compact size. Theoretical performance of this antenna has been calculated using the commercially available software IE3D from Zeland Software Inc. This electromagnetic simulator is based on the method of moments (MoM). The proposed dipole antenna has been found to possess a considerable size reduction compared with the conventional printed or wire dipole antenna designed at the same design frequency and using the same substrate

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Proposed Adaptive Bitrate Scheme Based on Bandwidth Prediction Algorithm for Smoothly Video Streaming
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A robust video-bitrate adaptive scheme at client-aspect plays a significant role in keeping a good quality of video streaming technology experience. Video quality affects the amount of time the video has turned off playing due to the unfilled buffer state. Therefore to maintain a video streaming continuously with smooth bandwidth fluctuation, a video buffer structure based on adapting the video bitrate is considered in this work. Initially, the video buffer structure is formulated as an optimal control-theoretic problem that combines both video bitrate and video buffer feedback signals. While protecting the video buffer occupancy from exceeding the limited operating level can provide continuous video str

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The classification of fetus gender based on fuzzy C-mean using a hybrid filter
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This paper proposes a new approach, of Clustering Ultrasound images using the Hybrid Filter (CUHF) to determine the gender of the fetus in the early stages. The possible advantage of CUHF, a better result can be achieved when fuzzy c-mean FCM returns incorrect clusters. The proposed approach is conducted in two steps. Firstly, a preprocessing step to decrease the noise presented in ultrasound images by applying the filters: Local Binary Pattern (LBP), median, median and discrete wavelet (DWT),(median, DWT & LBP) and (median & Laplacian) ML. Secondly, implementing Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM) for clustering the resulted images from the first step. Amongst those filters, Median & Laplace has recorded a better accuracy. Our experimental evaluation on re

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 24 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A proposal of Multimedia Steganography Algorithm based on Improved Least Significant Bit (LSB) Method
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Because of the rapid development and use of the Internet as a communication media emerged to need a high level of security during data transmission and one of these ways is "Steganography". This paper reviews the Least Signification Bit steganography used for embedding text file with related image in gray-scale image. As well as we discuss the bit plane which is divided into eight different images when combination them we get the actual image. The findings of the research was the stego-image is indistinguishable to the naked eye from the original cover image when the value of bit less than four Thus we get to the goal is to cover up the existence of a connection or hidden data. The Peak to Signal Noise Ratio(PSNR) and Mean Square Error (

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2024
Journal Name
Separation And Purification Technology
A comprehensive review on the use of Ti3C2Tx MXene in membrane-based water treatment
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Information &amp; Communications Technology
Evaluation of DDoS attacks Detection in a New Intrusion Dataset Based on Classification Algorithms
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Intrusion detection system is an imperative role in increasing security and decreasing the harm of the computer security system and information system when using of network. It observes different events in a network or system to decide occurring an intrusion or not and it is used to make strategic decision, security purposes and analyzing directions. This paper describes host based intrusion detection system architecture for DDoS attack, which intelligently detects the intrusion periodically and dynamically by evaluating the intruder group respective to the present node with its neighbors. We analyze a dependable dataset named CICIDS 2017 that contains benign and DDoS attack network flows, which meets certifiable criteria and is ope

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Attention Mechanism Based on a Pre-trained Model for Improving Arabic Fake News Predictions
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     Social media and news agencies are major sources for tracking news and events. With these sources' massive amounts of data, it is easy to spread false or misleading information. Given the great dangers of fake news to societies, previous studies have given great attention to detecting it and limiting its impact. As such, this work aims to use modern deep learning techniques to detect Arabic fake news. In the proposed system, the attention model is adapted with bidirectional long-short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) to identify the most informative words in the sentence. Then, a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) is applied to classify news articles as fake or real. The experiments are conducted on a newly launched Arabic dataset called the Ara

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