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Peers Pressure And Families Smoking Habit Influence On Smoking Behavior among male Students attending Secondary Schools At second Al- Kurkh education Directorate /Baghdad.

Background:  There is a strong desire of adolescent to have a peer group and to be appreciated and also to become a member of this group which can affect one each other. There for; encourage, adapting,and imitating of friends and group consider as the main reasons behind starting of smoking among youngsters. Smoking habits in the family were found tobe acause of smoking pressure among adolescentas peer pressure. Smoking habit may be started before 18 years of age in most adult smokers.

Objectives: To study the effect of peer pressure and family smoking habiton the prevalence of smoking among secondary school students.

Type of the study:  A cross sectional study .

Methods: the study done with cluster sampling method; was conducted between 1st of March to 30th of May 2016. By clustering schools and randomly 7 schools were selected;3secondary schools, 3 intermediate schools and 1 professional secondary school these schools were from second Al- Kurkh education directorate /Baghdad.A total of (1993)boy students were included. An anonymous self-completion questionnaire was used..The questionnaire was  essure and family smoking habiton the smoking status of students.

Results: The results of the study showed an increasing prevalence of smoking habits among students both forcigarette23.6% -41.4%, and shisha4.1% - 38.8%by increasing the class grade, and also by existing smoking parents(cigarette30.1%,and shisha 32.7%). The prevalence of nonsmoking habit among students decreases by increase smoking family members (63.4% -3.9 %).

Conclusion: The effects of peer pressure and family smoking habit were obvious among students with statistically highly significant association. Education and awareness for anti-tobacco programs should be adopted in the curriculum of all secondary schools.

Keywords: peer pressure, family smoking habit, cigarette, shisha, secondary schools, students.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Employ Shrinkage Estimation Technique for the Reliability System in Stress-Strength Models: special case of Exponentiated Family Distribution

       A reliability system of the multi-component stress-strength model R(s,k) will be considered in the present paper ,when the stress and strength are independent and non-identically distribution have the Exponentiated Family Distribution(FED) with the unknown  shape parameter α and known scale parameter λ  equal to two and parameter θ equal to three. Different estimation methods of R(s,k) were introduced corresponding to Maximum likelihood and Shrinkage estimators. Comparisons among the suggested estimators were prepared depending on simulation established on mean squared error (MSE) criteria.

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Field Study of Novel Storage Tank of Solar Water Heating System

In this paper thermo-hydrodynamic characteristics were investigated experimentally for a new type shell-helical coiled tube heat exchanger used as a storage tank of closed loop solar water heater system. Triple concentric helical coils were made of copper tubes of (12.5mm OD and 10mm ID) with coils diameter of (207, 152.2, 97mm) for outer, middle and inner coils respectively. The experiments were carried out during a clear sky days of (March and April 2012). The parameters studied in this work are: history of average temperature of shell side of the storage tank, collector heat gain, heat rejected from coils to shell side of the storage tank, collector efficiency, thermal effectiveness of the heat exchanger (storage tank), and pressure d

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Drilling Optimization by Using Advanced Drilling Techniques in Buzurgan Oil Field

Efficient and cost-effective drilling of directional wells necessitates the implementation of best drilling practices and advanced techniques to optimize drilling operations. Failure to adequately consider drilling risks can result in inefficient drilling operations and non-productive time (NPT). Although advanced drilling techniques may be expensive, they offer promising technical solutions for mitigating drilling risks. This paper aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of advanced drilling techniques in mitigating risks and improving drilling operations when compared to conventional drilling techniques. Specifically, the advanced drilling techniques employed in Buzurgan Oil Field, including vertical drilling with mud motor, managed pres

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Photonics & Lasers In Medicine
The assessment of pathological changes in cerebral blood flow in hypertensive rats with stress-induced intracranial hemorrhage using Doppler OCT: Particularities of arterial and venous alterations/Die Beurteilung von pathologischen Veränderungen der Hirndurchblutung bei hypertensiven Ratten mit Stress-induzierten intrakraniellen Blutungen mittels Doppler-OCT: Besonderheiten von arteriellen und venösen Veränderungen
Abstract<p>Hemorrhagic insult is a major source of morbidity and mortality in both adults and newborn babies in the developed countries. The mechanisms underlying the non-traumatic rupture of cerebral vessels are not fully clear, but there is strong evidence that stress, which is associated with an increase in arterial blood pressure, plays a crucial role in the development of acute intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), and alterations in cerebral blood flow (CBF) may contribute to the pathogenesis of ICH. The problem is that there are no effective diagnostic methods that allow for a prognosis of risk to be made for the development of ICH. Therefore, quantitative assessment of CBF may significantly advance the underst</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (13)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Health Awareness Throush Communication Media

Means of communication has a great impact on all fields of awareness including health awareness by increasing the knowledge of community about health and developing their abilities to improve human health and cultural awareness. According to the importance of health awareness for a community to develop their intellectual and physical integrity, the researcher has found that it is essential to know the role of means of communication as a source of information for many students being active and main segments to build their society intellectually, socially and economically.

The research has focused on the study of health awareness among students and their health knowledge derived from the means of communicat

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference
Numerical Simulation of Gas Lift Optimization Using Artificial Intelligence for a Middle Eastern Oil Field
Abstract<p>Artificial lift techniques are a highly effective solution to aid the deterioration of the production especially for mature oil fields, gas lift is one of the oldest and most applied artificial lift methods especially for large oil fields, the gas that is required for injection is quite scarce and expensive resource, optimally allocating the injection rate in each well is a high importance task and not easily applicable. Conventional methods faced some major problems in solving this problem in a network with large number of wells, multi-constrains, multi-objectives, and limited amount of gas. This paper focuses on utilizing the Genetic Algorithm (GA) as a gas lift optimization algorit</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
King Khalid University towards Strategies Compatible with Brain-Based Learning (BBL)

The study aimed to reveal the level of knowledge and tendencies of high- study students specializing in curriculum and teaching methods at King Khalid University towards harmonious strategies with brain-based learning (BBL). And Then, putting a proposed concept to develop knowledge and tendencies of high-study students specializing in curriculum and teaching methods at King Khalid University towards harmonious strategies with Brain-based learning (BBL). For achieving this goal, a cognitive test and a scale of tendency were prepared to apply harmonious strategies with brain-based learning. The descriptive approach was used because it suits the goals of the study. The study sample consisted of (70) male and female students of postgraduate

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 23 2019
Journal Name
American Rock Mechanics Association
Using an Analytical Model to Predict Collapse Volume During Drilling: A Case Study from Southern Iraq

Zubair Formation is one of the richest petroleum systems in Southern Iraq. This formation is composed mainly of sandstones interbedded with shale sequences, with minor streaks of limestone and siltstone. Borehole collapse is one of the most critical challenges that continuously appear in drilling and production operations. Problems associated with borehole collapse, such as tight hole while tripping, stuck pipe and logging tools, hole enlargement, poor log quality, and poor primary cement jobs, are the cause of the majority of the nonproductive time (NPT) in the Zubair reservoir developments. Several studies released models predicting the onset of borehole collapse and the amount of enlargement of the wellbore cross-section. However, assump

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Reality of Using Electronic Applications in Teaching Language Skills to People with Mild Intellectual Disability from the Mothers’ Perspective


This study aims to identify the reality of using electronic applications in teaching language skills to people with mild intellectual disabilities from the mothers’ perspective. A descriptive approach was used. The electronic questionnaires were administered to the study sample, 122 responses were received from mothers of the students with mild intellectual disability in Hafer Al-Baten schools. The response average rate was 94%. The results showed that there are statistically significant differences that are related to the variant of monthly income as for the barriers to using electronic applications in such schools, whereas there were no differences regarding the variant of monthly income regarding t

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 26 2025
Journal Name
Мир русского слова
Лингвоориентированная методика преподавания русского языка как иностранного в арабской аудитории

Статья посвящена возможности использования в обучении русскому языку как иностранному лингвоориентированной методики для арабских студентов. Обосновывается термин «лингвоориентированная методика», предложенный В. Н. Вагнер, и на основе положений заявленной методики проводится сопоставление изучаемого (русского) языка с родным (арабским) языком обучающихся.

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