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Serum Ferritin and Body Mass Index in Chronic Telogen Effluvium among women attending the main dermatological outpatient clinics in BaghdadSerum Ferritin and Body Mass Index in Chronic Telogen Effluvium among women attending the main dermatological
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Background: Hair loss is a common distressing disease and challenging problem for many dermatologist. Telogen effluvium is the most common hair loss disease in which nutritional deficiencies may precipitate the disease through their effect on hair structure and growth.

Study Aim : Validating role of serum ferritin level and body mass index in Chronic Telogen Effluvium and analyzing association between these factors with socioeconomic, demographic, gynecological factors and weight loss effect. Establishing a nutritional preventive advice to improve treatment successfulness and decrease the disease occurrence.

               Methods :  A case series study on 327 chronic telogen effluvium patients (15-65 years old) main teaching dermatological outpatients' clinics in Baghdad. Data were collected by direct interview and questionnaire filling to analyze the associations between variables set in the data collection tool with serum ferritin level and body mass, which in turn may precipitate chronic telogen effluvium.

Results :Mean patients' age was 39±9 years, 93.6% of patients had serum ferritin below normal for hair cycle requirement (≤70μg/l). Serum ferritin significantly associated with age (p value= 0.002) and 41.1% of poor socioeconomic patients had serum ferritin ≤20μg/l.

 Nearly half of the patients with ≥3 pregnancies, 43.9% of patients on weight-losing diet and 52.7% of those who actually lost weight had low ferritin levels with statistically significant associations. Being obese is a risk factor for having low serum ferritin (OR= 0.297).

Conclusion : Serum ferritin found to be ≤ 70μg/l in the majority of chronic telogen effluvium patients, which is significantly associated with patients' socioeconomic status, age, and weight status.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Nitrification and urea hydrolysis in arid soil amended with different levels of bio-solid
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 11 2014
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Biological Sciences
Effects of Local Curcumin on Oxidative Stress and Total Antioxidant Capacity in vivo Study
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectrophotometric Determination of Diclofenac sodium Using 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine in Pure Form and Pharmaceutical Preparations
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A simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method is described for the determination of diclofenac sodium (DCL), in pure form and pharmaceutical formulations. The method is based on the oxidation of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNPH) and coupling of the oxidized product with DCL in alkaline medium to give intensively colored chromogen which exhibits maximum absorption (λmax) at 600 nm, and the concentration of DCL was determined spectrophotometrically. The optimum reaction conditions and other analytical parameters were evaluated. In addition to classical univariate optimization, modified simplex method (MSM) has been applied in optimization of the variables affecting the color producing reaction. Beer’s law is obeyed in the

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 09 2015
Journal Name
Nternational Conference On Modern Trends In English Language And Literature/ Applied Linguistics Theme
Investigating EFL College Student's Errors in Recognizing and Producing Modal Auxiliary Verbs
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DBN Dr. Liqaa Habeb, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Reseach, 2015

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Immunohistochemical expression of E-cadherin and CD44 adhesion molecules in oral squamous cell carcinoma
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Background: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is the sixth most common cancer world wide. Despite greater emphasis on multi-modality therapy including surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, advanced stage head and neck squamous cell carcinoma continues to have poor 5-year survival rates (0-40%) that have not significantly improved in the last (30) years. To improve outcomes for this deadly disease , It is required a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying head and neck squamous cell carcinoma tumor growth, metastasis, and treatment resistance. This study evaluates the Immunohistochemical expression of E-cadherin and CD44 adhesion molecules in OSCC and to correlate the expression of either marker with each other, with lymph node

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Most preference colours for Iraqi Femal clothes in university level and theire psychology efect
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Colour is part of human environ ment and is present almost every
where in cluding clothes.
Clours have positive and negative effects on the person's psychology.
Thus we can ask the following question: what are the clours preffered
by the Iraqi females in the university level and what is the lightness and purity
of these colours and their effect on their psychology?
In this research we included 563 Baghdad university female student for
the year 2005-2006.
The question are included anumber of qnestions that gave answers to
the research main objectives.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 23 2022
Journal Name
American Scientific Research Journal For Engineering, Technology, And Sciences
A Review of TCP Congestion Control Using Artificial Intelligence in 4G and 5G Networks
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In recent years, the field of research around the congestion problem of 4G and 5G networks has grown, especially those based on artificial intelligence (AI). Although 4G with LTE is seen as a mature technology, there is a continuous improvement in the infrastructure that led to the emergence of 5G networks. As a result of the large services provided in industries, Internet of Things (IoT) applications and smart cities, which have a large amount of exchanged data, a large number of connected devices per area, and high data rates, have brought their own problems and challenges, especially the problem of congestion. In this context, artificial intelligence (AI) models can be considered as one of the main techniques that can be used to solve ne

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Geochemical Criteria for Discriminating Shallow and Deep Environments in Oligocene-Miocene Succession, Western Iraq
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The geochemical study of the Oligocene-Miocene succession Anah, Euphrates, and Fatha formations, western Iraq, was carried out to discriminate their depositional environments. Different major and trace patterns were observed between these formations. The major elements (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, K, and Na) and trace elements (Li, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Zr, Cs, Ba, Hf, W, Pb, Th, and U) are a function of the setting of the depositional environments. The reefal facies have lower concentrations of MgO, Li, Cr, Co, Ni, Ga, Rb, Zr, and Ba than marine and lagoonal facies but have higher concentrations of CaO, V, and Sr than it. Whereas dolomitic limestone facies are enriched V, and U while depletion in Li, Cr, Ni, Ga, Rb, Sr, Zr, Ba, an

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Salt Crystallization and Mineralogy of Sabkhas in Abu Ghraib, Western Baghdad, Abu Graib, Iraq
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The research aims to study Sabkha mineralogy to determine the mineral types, the nature of the precipitation, and the patterns of salt crystallization. Two Sabkhas in Abu Ghraib, west of Baghdad, were studied. It was found that the Sabkhas were formed in flat ponds from saturated solutions in a semi-arid to arid climate. Halite predominates, followed by anhydrite and gypsum as evaporite minerals. As for the minerals of the Sabkha soil, it consisted of feldspar, calcite, quartz, and dolomite, in addition to the clay minerals represented by kaolinite, illite, and chlorite. Needle forms, hopper shapes, dendritic crystals, and polygon shapes are the main crystallization patterns dominantly found in the Sabkhas. All these types of crysta

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 28 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Membrane Science And Technology
Morphological and Anatomical Study of Some Species of Ziziphus L. (Rhamnaceae) Growing in Iraq
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The genus Ziziphus is one of the Family Rhamnaceae and consists of more than 170 species distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. All the species in the genus are of economical and medical importance. This study was conducted to identify the morphologically and anatomically features of the genus in Iraq.  The field survey was conducted across the study area where 4 species (Ziziphus jujube, Z. mauritiana, Z. nummularia and Z. spina-christi) were collected and used in the study.  The result showed that there is variation in morphological and anatomical features among the species in the stem cross-section and longitudinal section of leaves also the differences appeared in the epidermis of leaves.

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