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Increase the Intelligibility of Multispectral Image Using Pan-Sharpening Techniques for Many Remotely Sensed Images
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 Pan sharpening (fusion image) is the procedure of merging suitable information from two or more images into a single image. The image fusion techniques allow the combination of different information sources to improve the quality of image and increase its utility for a particular application. In this research, six pan-sharpening method have been implemented between the panchromatic and multispectral images, these methods include Ehlers, color normalize, Gram-Schmidt, local mean and variance matching, Daubechies of rank two and Symlets of rank four  wavelet transform. Two images captured by two different sensors such as landsat-8 and world view-2 have been adopted to achieve the fusion purpose. Different fidelity metric like MSE, RMSE, PSNR, Cc, ERGAS and RASE have been used to achieve the comparison among the fusion methods. The results show that Daubechies wavelet (db2) transform was good method for pan sharpening images. Where good statistical values have been obtained, when it is applied on the first and second image that are captured by different sensors with different spatial resolution

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of the efficacy of ultrasound in the diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy
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Background: Cervical lymph nodes are prone to involved by a number of pathologic processes. They are common sites for lymphoma, metastasis, and reactive enlargement in a number of conditions. Aims of the study:-Clinical evaluation of patients with cervical lymphadenopathy. Differentiation between benign and malignant lymph nodes by means of ultra sounds (US) and Correlate the US findings with cytological and/or histopathological findings of cervical lymph nodes. Subjects, Materials and Methods:-The present study was carried out over a period of 6 months and included 81 patients of different age groups presenting with cervical lymphadenopathy. Each patient was examined clinically, then comprehensive sonographic examination of the neck for

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Levels of Credibility of the Press within the Structural Model of Credibility
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There is confusion between the concept of honesty and credibility arguing that their meaning is the same. ‘Credibility; is derived from the truth which means evidence of honesty, while ‘honesty’ means not lying and matching reality. The study of credibility begins globally at the end of the fifties of the second millennium to see the decline and refrain from reading newspapers, while it was studied in the Arab world in 1987. Global studies find several meanings of the concept of ‘credibility’ such as accuracy, completeness, transfer facts, impartiality, balance, justice, objectivity, trust, honesty, respect the freedom of individuals and community, and taking into account the traditions and norms.
Credibility has two dimens

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Intersection Graph of Subgroups of the Dihedral Group of Order 2pq
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   For a finite group G, the intersection graph   of G is the graph whose vertex set is the set of all proper non-trivial subgroups of G, where two distinct vertices are adjacent if their intersection is a non-trivial subgroup of G. In this article, we investigate the detour index, eccentric connectivity, and total eccentricity polynomials of the intersection graph  of subgroups of the dihedral group  for distinct primes . We also find the mean distance of the graph  .

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Extent of the permissibility of partial rescission of the contract: - comparative study
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In bilateral contracts, if one of the contracting parties does not fully perform his obligation the other contracting party may ask the court to rescission the contract in full, but the failure to perform may be limited to part of his obligation, then the following question arises: Can the contract be partially rescission  ? It is noted that there is a great jurisprudential and judicial disagreement on this subject, And we ended up saying ​that it is not permissible for a court to order on partial rescission  without the approval of the creditor, because the judgment of partial rescission  requires to compel the creditor to accept partial payment, which is rejected under Article (392) of the Iraqi Civil law.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Analytical Study of the Content of Social and National Studies Textbooks of the Middle Stage in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Light of the Values of Social Peace
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This study aimed to reveal the extent to which the values of social peace are included in the content of social and national studies textbooks of the middle stage in kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To achieve this goal, the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach. The study sample consisted of all developed social and national studies textbooks of the middle stage in kingdom of Saudi Arabia in first and second semester of student books in edition of 1439-1440. The study tool was the analysis card. The study reached the following results: 1-The content of social and national studies textbooks of the middle stage in kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a whole included (38) social peace values of total (40) values, corresponding to the inclusio

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the tax gap resulting from the application of the direct deduction method and its reflection on the financial objective of the tax: Applied research in the General Directorate of education in Diyala
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The research aims to shed light on the nature of the tax gap in the income tax by the method of direct deduction and its reflection on the financial objective of the tax, and to determine the reasons for this gap in the deduction between the tax due in accordance with the laws and instructions in force and the tax actually paid. The tax gap is a real problem that cannot be ignored for what it represents loss of financial revenues due to the state.

The research problem is represented in the existence of a gap between the tax due according to direct deduction instructions and the tax actually paid according to the financial statements, and to achieve the objectives of the research and test the hypotheses, t

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Photonics & Lasers In Medicine
The assessment of pathological changes in cerebral blood flow in hypertensive rats with stress-induced intracranial hemorrhage using Doppler OCT: Particularities of arterial and venous alterations/Die Beurteilung von pathologischen Veränderungen der Hirndurchblutung bei hypertensiven Ratten mit Stress-induzierten intrakraniellen Blutungen mittels Doppler-OCT: Besonderheiten von arteriellen und venösen Veränderungen
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Abstract<p>Hemorrhagic insult is a major source of morbidity and mortality in both adults and newborn babies in the developed countries. The mechanisms underlying the non-traumatic rupture of cerebral vessels are not fully clear, but there is strong evidence that stress, which is associated with an increase in arterial blood pressure, plays a crucial role in the development of acute intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), and alterations in cerebral blood flow (CBF) may contribute to the pathogenesis of ICH. The problem is that there are no effective diagnostic methods that allow for a prognosis of risk to be made for the development of ICH. Therefore, quantitative assessment of CBF may significantly advance the underst</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Spiritual intelligence in a sample of students from the University of Baghdad in the Light of some of the variables
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The research aims to identify intelligence spiritual among a sample of students Baghdad University as well as to identify the differences between students in intelligence spiritual according to variable type (male - female), and variable area of ​​study (Science - a human) and variable (First grade - fourth grade), The research sample consisted of (300) students, were applied scale search - a spiritual Intelligence Scale (prepared by the researcher), has resulted in the search results for: -

The students of the University of Baghdad (sample) enjoyed a high level of spiritual intelligence.
- There are no differences between males and females in the spiritual intelligence.
- There

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
In vivo immunohistochemical investigation of the effect of the topical application of growth hormone on the osseointegration of cpTi implant
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Background: Dental implants are a suitable option for the replacement of some or all missing teeth. The successful insertion of a biocompatible material into living tissue with little to no evidence of rejection has revolutionized medicine and dentistry. An increase in bone response was observed with local administration of growth hormone around dental implants. Growth hormone may act as a bone stimulant in the placement of endosseous dental implants and enhances osseointegration. The aim of the study was to evaluate immunohistochemically the effect of the topical application of growth hormone on the osseointegration of cpTi implant. Materials and Methods: Eighty titanium screw implants were inserted in the tibia of the forty adult rabbits.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of the Financial Reporting of Liabilities and Assets of Deferred Income Tax in the quality of Accounting Information
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The research problem Focused about extent adoption of the financial reporting obligations and assets of the deferred income tax attributable to the concepts of accounting theory and whether the tax laws or accounting principles as well as local accounting rules to recognize the obligations and assets of deferred income tax in the financial statements, and what is the impact of the financial reporting of liabilities and assets Deferred tax in the quality of accounting information, and research aims to the statement of the accounting concepts of the theory of financial reporting obligations and assets of deferred income tax, view and analyze the differences in reporting, resulting from a discrepanc

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