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Optical Properties of SnS2 Thin films Prepared By Chemical Spray Pyrolysis
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 Thin films of tin disulphide SnS2 with different thicknesses (2500,4000,5000)A0 have been prepared by chemical spray pyrolises technique on substrate of glass with temperature (603)K .  The effect of thickness on the optical properties of SnS2 has been studied.the optical  study that includes the absorptance and transmittance spectra in the wavelength range (300900)nm demonstrated that the value of absorption coefficient (α) ) was greater than (104 cm-1) the  electronic transitions at the fundamental absorption edge were of the indirect kind whether allowed and forbidden . Absorption edge shift slightly towards higher wave  length.The value of energy gaps (Eg) for all the films prepared are decreased with increasing the thickness.  Absorption and transmission spectra  were used to   find the optical constant including refractive index(n), extinction coefficient (k), imagenary and real part of dielectric constant (£i , £r), and it was found that all the optical constant was affected .

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Contribution of Iraqi women in development: from the perspective faculty members to the complex Jadiriyah/University of Baghdad
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The researchers in this study, which aimed to find out Degree contribution of Iraqi
women in development from the perspective faculty members of the complex Jadriya
University in Baghdad, and the the impact of demographic variables (gender, college, place of
living, school level,) for its contribution.
The study population consisted of some faculty members Jadiriyah compound in
Baghdad's University for the academic year 20012/2013. This study followed a descriptive
approach the field, and the analytical method, the study sample consisted of (250) teaching all
of College of Science for girls and education for girls, and to achieve objective of the study
was the development of a questionnaire, was sure of its sincer

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 12 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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15 local isolates of Pseudomonas were obtained from 35 samples from several sources such as soil, water and some high-fat foods. The ability of isolates to produce lipase was measured by the size of the clarification zone formed around the colonies on the lipase production medium and by measuring the enzymatic activity and specific enzymatic activity, the isolate M3 was found to be the most efficient for production of the enzyme, This isolate was identified by microscopic, morphological, some biochemical tests and genetic diagnosis of 16S gene sequences by using the (PCR) technique, and then comparing the results obtained with the National Center for Biotechnology Inform

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Perceived organizational support and impact on high performance Analytical research in the colleges of the University of Baghdad
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     The research tagged (Perceived Organizational Support in High Performance) deals with identifying the extent of the impact of perceived organizational support as an explanatory variable on high performance as a response variable for the purpose of reaching appropriate mechanisms that enable colleges of the University of Baghdad to exploit the perceived organizational support in achieving the required high performance and pursuit of its goals. The researcher relied on the descriptive and analytical approach in carrying out the research. An intentional sample was selected and reached (70) persons from the higher leadership of the colleges represented by (deans, assistants deans, heads of departments) that r

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The relationship between the uses of land and the network of movement and roads (study area, Najaf city)
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The interaction in the city is reflected in the movement of people motivated by their activities and their economic and social goals, which include many variables subject to the planning process in the interpretation of this movement and the mapping of trends of transport intensity through the concept of transport function and its functional relationships with the uses of the earth in the sustainability and effectiveness of the movement of transport and Economic activity and population movement. Transport planners are concerned with the requirements of land use, which are linked to and included in the transport planning process as a factor for the future transport needs. There is a strong relationship between the transport system

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The morphometric parameters of Acinopus (Acinopus) laevigatus Ménétriés, 1832 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) were studied and their altitudinal variability was assessed. The length of head is the most variable, and the smallest value of the coefficient of variation is observed for the width of elytra. The length of body parts (head, pronotum, elytra) were more variable compared to their width. The correlation relationship between the morphometric parameters of different parts of the body was analyzed. A high correlation was found between the elytra length (EL) and the total body length (BL) (r=0.93), and the lowest correlation was found between the elytra width (EW) and the pronotum length (PL) (r=0.57). According to all measurement indicato

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Methods of US propaganda in Iraq- A Study of Coalition Provisional Authority and US Army Data after 2003
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with an organized propaganda campaign. This military campaign was helped to formulate its speech by many institutions, research centers, and knowledge and intelligence circles in order to mobilize public opinion gain supporters and face the opponents by different means depending on a variety of styles to achieve its required effects. 
          After the US occupation of Iraq, US media fighters sought to influence the Iraqi public opinion and making them convinced them of the important presence of US military forces in Iraq which necessitated finding its justification through the use of persuasive techniques in its intensive propaganda campaigns. 
  This research discusses the most important

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Instructional Program Concerning premarital screening of sexual transmitted disease on Student's Knowledge at Baghdad University
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Objectives: To identify the effectiveness of instructional program concerning premarital screening of sexual transmitted disease on student's knowledge at Baghdad University and examine the relationship between students' knowledge and certain studied variables. And hypothesis for this study; There is a difference in university student’s knowledge toward premarital screening between pre and posttests of instructional program. Methodology: A quasi-experimental design (pretest-posttest approach) was conducted at six colleges and its college of education ibn rushd, college of political science, college of law, college of literatur

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The dependence of resonant tunneling transmission coefficient on well width and barriers number of GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N nanostructured system
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A numerical computation for determination transmission coefficient and resonant tunneling energies of multibarriers heterostructure has been investigated. Also, we have considered GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N superlattice system to estimate the probability of resonance at specific energy values, which are less than the potential barrier height. The transmission coefficient is determined by using the transfer matrix method and accordingly the resonant energies are obtained from the T(E) relation. The effects of both well width and number of barriers (N) are observed and discussed. The numbers of resonant tunneling peaks are generally increasing and they become sharper with the increasing of N. The resonant tunneling levels are sh

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of Principal Components Analysis in the Formation of a Sustainable Human Development Index for Arab Countries
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This study aims to derive a sustainable human development index for the Arab countries by using the principal components analysis, which can help in reducing the number of data in the case of multiple variables.  This can be relied upon in the interpretation and tracking sustainable human development in the Arab countries in the view of the multiplicity of sustainable human development indicators and its huge data, beside the heterogeneity of countries in a range of characteristics associated with indicators of sustainable human development such as area, population, and economic activity. The study attempted to use the available data to the selected Arab countries for the recent years. This study concluded that a single inde

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of the Educational Program to Develop Recall Habits of Late School Students in the Intermediate Stage
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The research aimed to explore the recall habits and developing the right recall habits at middle school students. A sample of (40) students were chosen intentionally from middle school students in two schools (almntzr- zany aleabdyn) with an average of (20) students from each school. They were evenly distributed in two experimental and control groups. To achieve the aims of the research, a scale was designed to measure the recall habits, and a preparation of an educational program to develop recall habits.

To process data statistically, the researcher used several statistical methods such as Pearson correlation coefficient, chi-square, T-test for one sample, T-test for two independent samples, Wilcoxon test, Mann-Whitney test, ET

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