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The Study of Electric Quadrupole Transition (E2) in 56Ba and 62Sm Nuclei
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Transition strengths ↓
. u . w
2) M(E for gamma transition from first excited 21
states to the
ground states that produced by pure electric quadrupole emission in even –even isotopes of
56Ba and 62Sm have been studied through half- lives time for 21
excited states with the
intensities of γ0- transitions measurements and calculated as a function of neutron number
(N). The results thus obtained have shown that; the nuclides with magic neutron number such
as 56Ba
and 62Sm
have minimum value for ↓
. u . w
2) M(E .

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of the Nuclear Structure for 38Ar, 59Co, 124Sn, 146Nd, 153Eu and 203Tl Target Nuclei Used in Fabrication the Nuclear Batteries
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The nuclear structure of 38Ar, 59Co, 124Sn, 146Nd, 153Eu and 203Tl target nuclei used in technology for nuclear batteries have been investigation, in order that, these nuclei are very interesting for radioisotope thermo-electric generator (RTG) space studies and for betavoltaic battery microelectronic systems. The single particle radial density distribution, the corresponding root mean square radii (rms), neutron skin thicknesses and binding energies have been investigated within the framework of Hartree-Fock Approximation with Skyrme interaction. The bremsstrahlung spectrums produced by absorption of beta particles in betavoltaic process and backscattered p

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Physics Of Atomic Nuclei
Study of the Halo Structure for Some Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei Using the Cosh Potential
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The radial wave functions of the cosh potential within the three-body model of (Core+ 2n) have been employed to investigate the ground state properties such as the proton, neutron and matter densities and the associated rms radii of neutron-rich 6He, 11Li, 14Be, and 17B exotic nuclei. The density distributions of the core and two valence (halo) neutrons are described by the radial wave functions of the cosh potential. The obtained results provide the halo structure of the above exotic nuclei. Elastic electron scattering form factors of these halo nuclei are studied by the plane-wave Born approximation.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
National Journal Of Chemistry
Synthesis and study of the mixed ligand (phenylalanine and alanine acid)with some transition Ions
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Thispaperpresentsthesynthesisandstudyofsomenewmixed-liagnd complexescontainingtowaminoacids[Alanine(Ala)andphenylalanine(phe)]withsome metals .Theresultsproductswerefoundtobesolidcrystallinecomplexeswhichhave been characterized by using (FT-IR,UV-Vis) spectra , melting point, elemental analysis (C.H.N) , molar conductivity and solubiltyThe proposed structure of the complexes using program , chem office 3D(2000) .The general formula have been given for the prepared complexes :[M(A-H)(phe-H)]M(II): Hg , Mn ,Co , Ni , Cu ) , Zn , Cd(II) .Ala = Alanine acid = C3H7NO2Phe = phenylalanine = C9H11NO2

Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2007
Journal Name
Al Mustansiriya Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Synthesis and study of the mixed ligand (phenylalanine and anthranilic acid) with some transition Ions
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This paper presents the synthesis and study of some new mixed-ligand complexes containing anthranilic acid and amino acid phenylalanine (phe) with some metals . The resulting products were found to be solid crystalline complexes which have been characterized by using (FT-IR,UV-Vis) spectra , melting point, elemental analysis (C.H.N) , molar conductivity . The proposed structure of the complexes using program , chem office 3D(2000) . The general formula have been given for the prepared complexes : [M(A-H)(phe-H)] M(II): Hg(II) , Mn(II) ,Co(II) , Ni(II) , Cu(II) , Zn(II) , Cd(II) . A = Anthranilic acid = C7H7NO2 Phe = phenylalanine = C9H11NO2

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 16 2009
Journal Name
National Journal Of Chemistry
Synthesis and study of the mixed ligand (phenylalanine and alanine acid) with some transition Ions
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This paper presents the synthesis and study of some new mixed-liagnd complexes containing tow amino acids[Alanine(Ala) and phenylalanine (phe)] with some metals . The results products were found to be solid crystalline complexes which have been characterized by using (FT-IR,UV-Vis) spectra , melting point, elemental analysis (C.H.N) , molar conductivity and solubilty The proposed structure of the complexes using program , chem office 3D(2000) . The general formula have been given for the prepared complexes : [M(A-H)(phe-H)] M(II): Hg , Mn ,Co , Ni , Cu ) , Zn , Cd(II) . Ala = Alanine acid = C3H7NO2 Phe = phenylalanine = C9H11NO2

Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
National Journal Of Chemistry
Synthesis and study of the mixed ligand (phenylalanine and alanine acid) with some transition Ions .
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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study to the Main Effects on the Auger de-excitation Transition
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  An Eigen-state expansion method is applied to the transition of the Auger de-excitation charge transfer (AD) process in the interaction between clean Cu,Al and Na surfaces and excited incident gases H and He .We use this method to describe the effective surfaces electronic structure. It's shown that the AD efficiency is deeply influenced by the presence of the energy band for the surfaces and the potential energy stored within the excited incident atom, thus for long interaction time we use a slowly atom's about 1KeV to scatter from metals surfaces where the electron couldn't probe the metal band structure and Za the surface - projectile distance. Also we drive a new formula for AD interaction Matrix element

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 16 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Estimate and Analysis the Availability of Generator in Electric Power Plant Using ANN
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The large number of failure in electrical power plant leads to the sudden stopping of work. In some cases, the necessary reserve materials are not available for maintenance which leads to interrupt of power generation in the electrical power plant unit. The present study, deals with the determination of availability aspects of generator in unit 5 of Al-Dourra electric power plant. In order to evaluate this generator's availability performance, a wide range of studies have been conducted to gather accurate information at the level of detail considered suitable to achieve the availability analysis aim. The Weibull Distribution is used to perform the reliability analysis via Minitab 17, and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) by approaching o

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Impact of Different Doses of Nicorandil-Induced Ulceration (Oral , Gastrointestinal Tract, and Anal) in Rats: Roles of Leptin and Prostaglandin E2
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Many reports confirm ulcers as an adverse effect of drugs such as nicorandil and aspirin. The exact responsible mechanisms of ulceration have until now not proved. Mucosal ulcers associated with the onset of ulcer are manifested by an increase in proinflammatory cytokine, excessive prostaglandin, and up-regulation of Endothilin-1 level, which directly impacts the release of leptin. These, released locally within mucosal tissues, have played a role in controlling the extent of local inflammatory responses and processes of mucosal repair.
This study was designed to find out the correlation of plasma leptin and prostaglandin levels as a possible mechanism of oral ulcer formation as an adverse effect of nicorandil. The effect of nicorandi

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 16 2020
Journal Name
Solid State Technology
Study and Investigation of Transition Rate at Metal–Organic Semiconductor Interfaces
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In this paper,we focus on the investigated and studied of transition rate in metal/organic semiconductor interface due to quantum postulate and continuum transition theory. A theoretical  model has been used to estimate  the transition rate cross the interface through estimation many parameters such that ;transition energy  ,driving electronic energy U(eV) ,Potential barrier ,electronic coupling  ,semiconductor volume ,density ,metal work function ,electronic affinity and temperature T. The transition energy  is critical facter of charge transfer through the interfaces of metal organic films device and itscontrol of charge injection and transport cross interface. However,the potential at interfa

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